2020 5th International Poster Contest by Graphic Stories Cyprus

2020 5th International Poster Contest by Graphic Stories Cyprus

 總獎金: 2000(EUR)

最高獎金: 2000(EUR)

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2020-11-15

主辦單位: Graphic Stories Cyprus


主題:拆牆 / Break down the walls

牆 Walls

2020 5th International Poster Contest by Graphic Stories Cyprus














1. 專業的國際視覺傳達設計師

2. 來自國際高等教育視覺傳達設計專業的學生( 大學或學院 )

3. 塞浦路斯高等教育視覺傳達設計專業的學生( 大學或學院 )

4. 塞浦路斯理工學院和技校學生


50位設計師的優秀海報作品將被選中參加展覽,他們將有權免費入場參加2021年3月19日星期五的會議講座( 1個免費的名額 )。




1. 所有參賽作品的尺寸為:50 x 70 CM( 豎版 ),並以電子文件的形式發送。

2. 格式/分辨率:分辨率300 dpi,彩色模式CMYK,文件格式為 .jpg。

3. 必須在海報的某個地方用英語標明比賽的主題“Break down the walls”和“GraphicStories”標誌。

4. Graphic Stories的標誌可以從這裡下載:Logo

5. 每位參與者最多可提交兩2件海報。

6. 為了保證參賽作品的有效,您需要下載並填寫參賽表格並隨海報一起提交,您可以在此處下載:Form



參賽作品必須通過電子郵件發送至:gsccontest.pr@gmail.com 郵箱,並在電子郵件標題中說明參與類別如下:

1. 專業的國際視覺傳達設計師

International participation: professional visualcommunication designers

2. 來自國際高等教育視覺傳達設計專業的學生( 大學或學院 )

International participation: higher education studentsof visual communication

3. 塞浦路斯高等教育視覺傳達設計專業的學生( 大學或學院 )

Cypriot participation: higher education students ofvisual communication

4. 塞浦路斯理工學院和技校學生

Cypriot participation: high school and technicalschool students.




1. 作品必須涵蓋標題“5th Contest GSC – Break down the walls”和上述的參賽類別。

2. 海報尺寸:50×70 CM,如上所述。

3. 完整的參賽表格。

4. 以下聲明:“我提交的參賽作品中的素材是原創的,不包括第三方知識產權。在我參加比賽的情況下,我接受比賽的條款和條件,並授予塞浦路斯平面故事大賽組織者自由使用我的作品的權利”。


1. 未填寫所有必需信息或不遵守競賽條件的參賽作品將被視為無效。

2. 獲獎作品在公佈前不得公開展示。

3. 獲獎設計師信息將在展覽開幕當天公佈。

4. 作品中若出現冒犯、侮辱或與比賽主題無關的參賽者將被視為無效。

5. 獲獎設計師授予塞浦路斯平面故事的組織者自由使用他們作品的權利,並由作者簽名。

6. 獎品將直接由我們的贊助商頒發給獲獎者。

7. 組織者和評審團保留取消比賽的權利。

8. 提交的作品上不能包含設計師的個人信息。

9. 本次大賽面向高校學生和專業視覺傳達設計師進行的國際設計大賽、高等教育學生和理工學院學生開放參加塞浦路斯設計競賽。

10. 塞浦路斯平面故事的撰稿人、創意撰稿人和評審團成員不能參加比賽,志願者除外。

11. 海報必須是原創的,沒有參加過其他比賽。



2020 5th International Poster Contest by Graphic Stories Cyprus Participation & Terms

Break Down the Walls!

5th International Poster Contest by Graphic Stories Cyprus
€2000 Total worth of Prizes


Without consideration, without pity, without shame
they have built great and high walls around me.
And now I sit here and despair.
I think of nothing else: this fate gnaws at my mind;
for I had many things to do outside.
Ah why did I not pay attention when they were building the walls.
But I never heard any noise or sound of builders.
Imperceptibly they shut me from the outside world.

Constantine P. Cavafy [1863 – 1933]


Graphic Stories Cyprus invites all the creative people to take part in the international poster contest titled “Break down the walls” and to see their work printed, by creating their own postal card. The international contest is part of the 7th Conference on Graphic Design and Visual Communication in Cyprus that will take place between 19-21 of March 2021.

The Creative Idea

“Break Down the Walls”
Today, more than ever, people feel trapped in a series of limitations that have been imposed on them without realizing when, how and why. Social exclusion, marginalization and all kinds of restrictions and discrimination for racial, political, socio-economic, religious, national, sexual orientation, cultural, disability, age, professional and other reasons put obstacles in the way of human freedom and self-disposition. These are the walls that, according to the poet Constantine Cavafy, imprison and trap every human being. The freedom we thought we had in our lives is no longer a given. The participants in the competition are invited to visualize their thoughts, ideas and concerns regarding the theme of the competition which is: “Break down the walls”. The posters they create should highlight the fact that human freedom is not a given and highlight that in order to achieve freedom we must fight and break down the walls that rise around us. Break the barriers, raise your voice, break down the walls!


1. International distinction for professional visual communication designers
2. International distinction for higher education students [university or college] of visual communication
3. Cypriot distinction for higher education students [university or college] of visual communication
4. Cypriot distinction for Lyceum and Technical School students
[the prizes per category will be announced soon]

The 50 designers whose posters will be selected for the respective exhibition will have the right of a free admission to attend the lectures of the conference, on Friday, March 19, 2021 [1 free personal invitation].

Each contestant has the right to submit up to two [2] posters.
The submission of projects can only be done electronically by email from the 1st of July until the 15th of November 2020.


1. Dimensions: The theme should be vertically designed [portrait] and delivered as a digital file. The dimensions must be 50x70cm.
2. Format / Resolution: The design should have 300dpi resolution, color mode CMYK, format .jpg
3. A prerequisite is to indicate the title of the contest in English “Break down the walls” and the “Graphic Stories” logo in some place in the poster.
4. The logo of Graphic Stories can be downloaded.
5. Each participant can submit up to two [2] posters.
6. For your participation to be valid, you will need to download, full-fill and attach, along with your poster, the participation form.

Submission Procedure

The submission of the projects starts on the 1st of July and will end on the 15th of November 2020.

Entries must be sent by email to: gsccontest.pr@gmail.com stating in the title of the email the category of participation as follows:
1. International participation: professional visual communication designers
2. International participation: higher education students of visual communication
3. Cypriot participation: higher education students of visual communication
4. Cypriot participation: high school and technical school students.

Higher education Students in Cyprus participate in the same time, with the same poster in both categories [2, 3].

Each file should be named following the scheme “contest_name_surname” as well as the file extension.

The e-mail, must necessarily include the following information:

1. The subject must include the title “5th Contest GSC – Break down the walls” and the category to which the project is submitted as stated above.
2. The poster 50x70cm as mentioned above.
3. The full-filed participation form.
4. The following statement: “The elements used for the creation of my project are original and do not include third parties intellectual property. With my participation in the contest I accept the terms and conditions of the contest and I grant the rights of free use of my work to the organizers of Graphic Stories Cyprus “.


1. Entries that do NOT have all the required information filled in or do not respect the conditions of the contest will NOT be considered valid.
2. The public display of the submitted works is not allowed prior to the announcement of the winners.
3. The distinguished artists will be announced publicly on the day of the opening of the exhibition.
4. Participations whose content can be considered offensive or insulting or unrelated to the theme of the contest will not be considered valid.
5. The winners and distinguished designers grant the right of free use of their project to the organizers of Graphic Stories Cyprus, with the signature of the author.
6. The prizes will be given to the winners directly from our sponsors.
7. The organizers and the jury reserve the right to cancel the contest.
8. The submitted projects should not contain personal information of the designers.
9. The contest is open to higher education students and professional visual communication designers for the International Contest. Higher education students and students of lyceums and technical schools for the Cypriot Contest.
10. The contributors, creative contributors and the members of the jury of Graphic Stories Cyprus can not participate in the contest, volunteers are excluded.
11. The posters must be original and have not participated in another competition.

All valid projects received will be printed as card postal, 10x14cm, and will be given to the public of Graphic Stories Cyprus during the three-day event.

The best 50 posters will be exhibited at the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation and the inauguration will take place on the 19th of March 2021, after the end of the Conferences’ lectures.

Good luck!


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