2020 iFLYTEK A.I. 開發者大賽.A.I. for Predictive Healthcare System
Project Background
Project Background
Nowadays, Smart healthcare has become a more important and promising project, especially to prevent major disease outbreaks. The concept of smart healthcare has gradually emerged. Smart healthcare applies a new generation of information technologies, such as the internet of things ( loT ), big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, to transform the traditional medical system in an all-round platform, making healthcare more efficient, more convenient, and more personalized.
Project Mission
How to use AI as a part to build and/or empower predictive ( national or clustered ) healthcare system? If you have Infosys consisting of health records of patients ( any given hospital or national heath record archive ), how can you use AI to analyze health data and predict potential future symptoms that patients may encounter then recommend treatment or medicines?
Match Rules
1. The Preliminary
iFLYTEK’s Technical experts will conduct comprehensive scoring, and choose eight teams enter into the next semi-finals Match.
Scoring criteria:
- Feasibility ( 20 points )
Theoretical realizability, resource cost and dependence on external resources ( such as server ) of the solution to the problem; - Functional completeness ( 30 points )
Comprehensive thinking, no lack of function, solutions should be provided at least for the major function; - Innovation ( 20 points )
Different from the existing products on the market, new ideas, innovative perspectives, unique solutions are welcomed; - Business Value ( 10 points )
Have good business prospects and be able to create market benefits; - Marketing Strategy ( 10 points )
Clear strategy of operation model, profit model and development plan; - Application Prospect ( 10 )
Application should be able to tackle real problems with great focus in the society.
2. Semi-Finals Match
All 8 teams will have demo day, and top 3 will be selected into the final step. During this part, judges will give scores depending on the following criteria:
- ·Project Concept ( 30 )
- · Technical Level( 30 )
- · Creative Thinking ( 20 )
- · Startup Members Background ( 20 )
3. Final
Match Rules:
a. The top three teams in the city semi-finals gathered in Hefei, Anhui, and competed in the finals during the Global 1024 Developers Festival.
b. The participating team must present to the audience and the judges on the spot, and make a demonstration with slides.
c. The judges are product and technical experts invited by the organizer;
d. The judges will score teams according to the above scoring criteria. The final score of the participant will be the average number of other points except one highest mark and one lowest mark.
e. The top three teams will be decided based on the final score.
Scoring criteria:
- Feasibility ( 40 points )
Perfect functions, smooth interaction, good on-site demonstration effects, clear business model / market strategy, promising application scenarios with highlight functions; - Technical skills ( 30 points )
Deep application of AI technology with exceptional developing skills. Innovation, application and reasonable system design of product will also be considered. - On-site demonstration ( 30 points )
After on-site demonstration was completed, there will be a question and answer session between participating teams and the judges.
Requirements for submission
The Preliminary
◆ Project Plan ( Project Title [team name + product name] )
Specific Requirements:
- a. Content
- Title of the Project: Title of the submitted work
- Project Function List: Explain the basic functions, product features, core advantages, etc. of the planned project
- Applicable Scenarios: In what scenarios, describe the core problem to be solved ( user pain points )
- Feasibility Statement: which technologies, product technical architecture, creative innovation, etc. are planned to be adopted
- Product Demo: if there is, it can be submitted along with the project
- Business Model: Briefly introduce which operation model, profit model, and development plan to be adopted
- Team Introduction: Basic introduction of the project leader and core members of the project; company / team structure; working partners, etc
- Declaration of originality of the project: promise to submit the originality and authenticity of the plan and the results, if the resulting intellectual property disputes are borne by the participants themselves
- b. Format
- [Required] The project plan should be submitted in PDF or PPT format, and the file size should be within 100MB;
- [Optional] In order to better explain the plan, the participating teams can provide products, DEMO, video, pictures, etc. as supplements;
- If there are multiple files, please compress and submit as a zip file;
- c. Deadline for submission of works
The deadline for submission of entries for the preliminary round is 17:00 on August 12 ( August 13-August 20 is the period for judging the works ), and the list of finalists will be announced at 10:00 on August 21.
◆ Product Demo ( modules, functional prototypes, small batch products, formal products are acceptable )
◆ Instruction Document ( Document Title team name + product name )
- Overview: an overall introduction of the product;
- Scheme Description: tools used, technical scheme, method, necessary configuration operation instructions, dependence on equipment, etc .;
- Detailed Introduction: introduction of each function and its realization method;
- Test Result: explain the performance of the demo in the reality;
- Project Originality Statement: Participants should promise the originality and authenticity for their products and plans, the resulting intellectual property disputes shall be borne by the participants themselves
- Final
◆ On-site demonstration of the physical objects, functional prototypes, small batch products and formal products are acceptable. ( Optional )
◆Slides ( required to cover the following content, in any order )
- Project Background;
- Function Overview;
- Technical Solutions;
- Business Model / Market Strategy;
- Application Scenerios
- Team Introduction;
- Others ( product highlights, etc. )
Award Setting
- Challengers who enter the Semi-Final will get –
- Challenge Certificate for Semi-Final
- Custom T-shirt
- Exclusive souvenirs
- Challengers who enter the Final will get –
- Bonuses ( the finalists will receive cash rewards of 30,000 RMB, 20,000 RMB, and 10,000 RMB according to the ranking.
- Challenge Certificate for Final
- Green Channel to iFLYTEK Incubator
- Free Entry to iFLYTEK AI Service Market
- Winners in the Final will get –
- Three teams that won the final will receive cash rewards of 80,000 RMB, 50,000 RMB, and 30,000 RMB according to their ranking.
- Invitation Letter to 1024 Global Developers Festival Awards Ceremony; Award Certificates and Trophies
- A.I. Startups Support
- 1024 Developer Day Pass
- Job Offer from iFLYTEK
Individual award setting
The competition will offer five separate awards, namely “Intelligent Creativity Award”, “Business Value Award”, “Market Potential Award”, “Technology Application Award” and “Social Welfare Award”, with a bonus of 10,000 RMB each.
報名成功後,請添加大賽小助手微信 : iFLYTEKAI2020
關於iFLYTEK A.I.開發者大賽
“iFLYTEK A.I. 開發者大賽”是由科大訊飛發起的頂尖人工智能競賽平台,匯聚產學研各界力量,面向全球開發者發起數據算法及創新應用類挑戰,推動人工智能前沿科學研究和創新成果轉化,培育人工智能產業人才,助力人工智能生態建設。
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- 2020 iFLYTEK A.I. 開發者大賽.硬件類公益輔具賽道2020 iFLYTEK A.I. 開發者大賽.硬件類公益輔具賽道 初賽作品提交截止日期為 8 月 13 日 17:00。 決賽獎金,決賽勝出的三隻隊伍將按排名分獲 8 萬元、 5 萬元、 3 萬元的現金獎勵。 讓所有人包括障礙群體可在不同場景下,通過科大訊飛的科技賦能,實現生活幫助、學習社交、娛樂休閒等合理便利。
- 2020 iFLYTEK A.I. 開發者大賽.軟件類公益輔具賽道2020 iFLYTEK A.I. 開發者大賽.軟件類公益輔具賽道 初賽作品提交截止日期為 8月13 日。 決賽勝出分獲8萬元、5萬元、3萬元的現金獎勵。 本道賽題為軟件類公益輔具賽道。以科大訊飛A.I.能力為支撐,讓所有人包括障礙群體可在不同場景下,通過科大訊飛的科技賦能,實現生活幫助、學習社交、娛樂休閒等合理便利。