2020「一。心」JMA 國際珠寶設計比賽

2020「一。心」JMA 國際珠寶設計比賽

 總獎金: 145000(HKD)

最高獎金: 30000(HKD)

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2020-07-31

主辦單位: 香港珠寶製造業廠商會香港珠寶工坊

主辦單位電話: +852-2122-5021、+852-2122-5053



「JMA國際珠寶設計比賽」( 下稱:「比賽」 )由香港珠寶製造業廠商會主辦已舉辦超過二十年,一向得到香港珠寶業界大力支持。

JMA International Jewelry Design Competition is organized by Hong Kong Jewelry Manufacturers’ Association. It has been receiving continuous support from the jewelry industry in Hong Kong for 20 years


  • 鼓勵世界各地珠寶設計師之間的創意交流
  • 推廣優質的珠寶設計,提升香港珠寶設計水準
  • To act as a global platform for designers to communicate and share creative ideas.
  • To promote design excellence in the jewelry industry and enhance Hong Kong’s jewelry design standard.


Under the current economic environment of Hong Kong, HKJMA walks hand in hand with the Hong Kong jewelry industry, and together in UNION, we will create a brighter future. Meanwhile, “Union” can also be translated into “One Heart” and “One Mind” in Chinese, meaning that Hong Kong jewelry designers and craftsmen are all with persistence and determinations, concentrating in their work wholeheartedly, and make Hong Kong jewelry shines brightly and stands without peers in the world!


公開組 Open Group

• 物料價格:不限
• 參賽作品之價值須正確申報。
• 參賽作品的款式、設計及類別均不設限制。
• 參賽者必須自行承擔在第一階段評選入選後將設計圖樣製成實物首飾的責任。
• 參賽作品必須使用貴金屬及/或不同天然物料,並符合比賽要求;主辦單位保留取消任何失實材料說明的參賽作品。

• Material Price: Unlimited
• The value of the jewelry item should be declared clearly on the application form.
• The entries have no restrictions on style, design or choice of jewelry item.
• Participants are responsible for producing the design drafts into physical jewelry products after the Preliminary.
• All entries are required to use precious metals and/or different natural materials; the organizer reserves the right to disqualify entries that do not meet the criteria outlined or falsify information.

繪圖組 Sketch Group

手繪圖組 Hand Sketch Group

• 所有參賽作品必須為手繪原圖,不可使用任何電腦軟件協助繪圖。
• 參賽者毋須製造作品實物。
• 參賽作品的款式、設計及類別均不設限制。

• All entries must be hand sketched, without any use of computer software.
• The contestants from this category do not need to produce the jewelry pieces.
• The entries have no restrictions on style, design or choice of jewelry item.

電腦繪圖組 Computer Aided Design Group

• 參賽者可使用任何電腦軟件設計繪圖。
• 參賽者毋須製造作品實物。
• 參賽作品的款式、設計及類別均不設限制。

• The entries can be designed with any kind of computer software.
• The contestants from this category do not need to produce the jewelry pieces.
• The entries have no restrictions on style, design or choice of jewelry item.

本地學生組 Local Student Group

• 參賽者必須為香港註冊學校/大專院校之學生,須提供有效學生證明之副本。
• 參賽作品可接受手繪圖或任何電腦軟件之設計繪圖。
• 選擇參加此組別的作品不可重覆參加其餘公開組及繪圖組的任何組別。如發現重複報名,主辦單位保留取消其資格之權利。
• 參賽者毋須製造作品實物。
• 參賽作品的款式、設計及類別均不設限制。

• Applicants must be a Hong Kong registered school / college student and a copy of the valid student certificate must be provided at the time of submission of the artwork with the application
• The entries can be hand sketched or designed with any kind of computer software.
• Entries in this group cannot be repeated in any of the remaining groups including Open Group, Hand Sketch Group or Computer Aided Design Group. If repeated applications are found in
other groups, the organizer reserves the right to disqualify the entry.
• The contestants from this category do not need to produce the jewelry pieces.
• The entries have no restrictions on style, design or choice of jewelry item.


有意參賽者,請於截止日期( 2020年7月31日 )或之前, 按以下任何一種方法提交報名表及圖稿:

Applications with artwork must be submitted on or before the deadline ( 31 July 2020 ) by one of the following methods:

網上報名 Online Submission

• 請於網站( jmadesigncompetition.org )內依指示填妥表格,並同時將設計圖稿一式兩份( 一個pdf檔案及一個jpg檔案 )上載於網站內。
• 每一份參賽作品之檔案只限於單頁A4大小( 297mm x 210mm;不論同一頁面內包含之首飾件數 ),而每個檔案不大於70 MB。
• 網上成功提交申請後將收到確認電郵,參加者毋須重複提交列印版之圖稿。
• Please follow the instruction on the website ( jmadesigncompetition.org ) to complete the online application form, BOTH pdf and jpg format of the same artwork is required to upload for the submission.
• The artwork draft must contain only ONE single page and in A4 size ( 297mm x 210mm; regardless of the number of jewelry pieces included ). The file size must not exceed 70MB for each document.
• An auto generated confirmation email will be sent out once submitted. Please do not duplicate your application in any means ( by post / in person ).

親身遞交/郵寄申請 Submit by Post/in Person

• 設計圖稿須連同一份由設計師填寫及簽署的參賽表格一併遞交到本會( 香港珠寶製造業廠商會—會員部,香港九龍紅磡民裕街51號凱旋工商中心第2期2字樓G室 );公開組的參加者需另外填寫贊助公司資料及獲贊助公司蓋章確認。
• 每一份參賽作品須繪畫於一張單面A4紙上( 不論作品包含之首飾件數 ),並必須裱於A4尺寸的黑色厚身硬卡紙上。
• A completed and signed application form should be submitted with each artwork to the HKJMA, Membership Department ( Unit G, 2/F, Kaiser Estate Phase 2, 51 Man Yue Street, Hunghom Kowloon, Hong Kong ); contestants participating in Open Group are required to fill in the sponsoring company information and confirmed by the seal of the sponsoring company.
• The artwork should be sketched on ONE single sided A4 size paper ( regardless of the number of jewelry pieces included ) and mounted on A4 size black cardboard.

其他事項 Others Terms

• 若同一份參賽作品提交多於一幅或不符合以上條件的圖稿,主辦單位保留其於比賽中展示之權利。
• 每份作品只須提交一次( 不論網上、親身或郵寄 ),切勿重複提交申請。
• 主辦單位不排除使用電子或實體方式作預覽/展示/評分。因此,如經網上報名,主辦單位將以彩色列印參賽圖稿;如親身郵寄申請, 主辦單位將以掃瞄器掃瞄參賽作品。主辦單位均不保證其列印/掃瞄版本之品質。
• If we receive entries with more than one artwork attached, or do not meet the above conditions, the organizer reserves the right to display it in the competition.
• Each entry should be submitted only once ( whether online, by post or in person ).
• The organizer may use both electronic and physical methods for preview / display / scoring. Therefore, for entries submitted online, artwork will be color printed ; for entries submitted by post or in person, artwork will be scanned. The quality of the print / scan version of the artwork is not guaranteed under any circumstances.


1. 主辦單位不會收取任何參賽報名費用。
2. 每位參賽者於同一組別只限提交參賽作品兩份 。
3. 所有設計圖稿須清楚列明其首飾之真實比例( 如:1:1 )。
4. 設計圖稿可選擇包含四邊圖( 立體、正視、側視及鳥瞰圖 ),但每份參賽作品只限提交一頁單面A4尺寸的設計圖297mm x 210mm;不論作品包含之首飾件數或表達角度。
5. 所有設計圖稿及首飾製成品上,不得出現參賽者姓名、贊助商名稱、公司標記及註冊商標。
6. 所有參賽作品在未經許可下,不能自行作任何宣傳用途。
7. 參賽表格及/或作品須申報使用物料及相關價值。主辦單位保留對任何失實說明的參賽作品取消其參賽資格、展示或得獎安排之權利。
8. 每組的參賽申請不可少於20份,否則主辦單位會因參賽作品不足而取消該組別 。
9. 參加者需特別注意以下事項:
•【公開組】獲入圍之作品實物自費送達主辦單位後,將由主辦單位負擔珠寶綜合保險投保費用,直至比賽完成或作品退還參賽者/贊助公司( 以較早日期為準 )。
• 參加【公開組】之人士亦可以同時參與【手繪圖組】或【電腦繪圖組】,只需於報名表格上清楚標示有關選項即可。
10. 版權及重要免責聲明:
• 所有參賽作品之概念及設計不得抄襲或侵犯他人版權。
• 參賽設計及產品如涉及版權或專利註冊等法律問題,主辦單位概不負責。所有參賽作品必須為原創設計;並沒有參加其他香港或海外的設計比賽;而且未曾作任何公開展示。
• 參賽設計及產品在主辦單位保管期間將獲小心處理。惟遇人力不可抗拒之事,或因作品製作不良、托運過程而遭損壞者,主辦單位概不負責。參加者須自行考慮及安排為作品購買適用保險。
11. 如有爭議, 主辦單位保留追究權利。

1. There is no admission fee.
2. Contestants must not submit more than TWO entries in each participating group.
3. The true proportion of the designed jewelry product must be clearly stated in the artwork draft. ( e.g. 1:1 )
4. Four sided graphics ( stereo, front, side and aerial view ) are optional to all design drafts, but each entry must only include ONE-page single-sided A4 sized draft ( 297mm x 210mm; regardless of the number of jewelry pieces or views shown ).
5. The design sketches and the jewelry pieces should not show the contestant names, the sponsoring companies, the registered trademark or the company logo.
6. Entries should not be used for any promotional purposes without the organizer’s approval.
7. The material and value of the jewelry pieces should be declared on the application form. The organizer reserves the right to analyze the jewelry pieces and disqualify pieces that do not meet the competition’s criteria or that have been falsified.
8. Each group must receive at least 20 entries. Otherwise, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the participating group.
9. Contestant should be reminded of the followings:
• [Sketch Group] The application form should be completed and signed by the applicant. It is not necessary to fill in the sponsoring company information.
• [Open Group] Finalist entries must be sponsored by a local / overseas registered jewelry company to sponsor their production, making the design artwork into real jewelry pieces.
• [Open Group] On receipt of the jewelry, the organizer is responsible for the jewelry insurance fee until the end of the competition or the date that the entries are returned, whichever is earlier.
• [Open Group] The physical jewelry pieces have to conform to the design artwork. If the jewelry design is found to be altered without authorization, the organizer reserves the right to disqualify the finalist entry.
• [Open Group] The material value of the jewelry product must be honestly declared. Any discrepancy, the organizer reserves right to request for the relevant proof, and to shift its participating group and / or disqualify the finalist entry.
• Those who participate in the [Open Group] can also participate in the [Hand Sketch Group] or [Computer Aided Design Group] with the same artwork draft. Applicants only need to indicate the relevant options clearly on the application form.
10. Copyright & Important Disclaimer:
• The concepts and designs of the entries must not be involved in any plagiarism or infringement of copyrights or other laws.
• The organizer will not be held responsible for infringement of copyright or patent law regarding the entries. All entries must be original designs. Entries will be disqualified if they have been previously submitted to other competitions and publicly displayed.
• The organizer shall exercise due care to prevent damage during handling and returning the entries. The organizer will take no responsibility or liability for damages resulting from any unforeseen circumstance. Therefore contestants should consider and arrange insurance appropriately.
11. In case of any disputes, the decision of the organizer will be final.


私隱政策聲明旨在通知閣下你的個人資料被收集的原因、個人資料將如何被使用、個人資料將被轉交何人以及應向何人提出查閱資料要求。請參閱私隱政策聲明: http://www.jewelry.org.hk/tc/privacy.php。私隱政策聲明由香港珠寶製造業廠商會根據香港特別行政區《個人資料( 私隱 )條例》( 香港法例第486章 )作出。

The Privacy Statement intends to notify you why your personal data is collected, how it will be used, to whom the personal data will be transferred and to whom data access requests are to be addressed. For information about the statement, please refer to: http://www.jewelry.org.hk/tc/privacy.php .The Statement is made by Hong Kong Jewelry Manufacturers Association, in accordance with the Personal Data ( Privacy ) Ordinance ( Cap. 486 ) of the Laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ( the “PDPO” ).


初選評審準則 Preliminary Judging Criteria 40% 意念表達 Design Concept / Interpretation 25% 銷售潛力及實用性 Sales Potential and Wearability 25% 創意 Creativity 10% 切合主題 Relevance to the theme 決賽評審準則 Finals Judging Criteria 40% 意念表達及切合主題 Design Concept / Interpretation 25% 造型、美感及工藝 Aesthetics and Craftsmanship 25% 銷售潛力及實用性 Sales Potential and Wearability 10% 創意 Creativity

• 評審團將選出18件入圍作品,並於8月以電郵通知參賽者初選結果。
• 所有【公開組】之入圍參賽者須於2020年10月30日( 星期五 )或之前將實物製品交回本會。
• 所有【公開組】之入圍作品會由專業評判團( 100% )根據以上評審準則進行評分,從而選出冠軍一名及優異獎共三名。
• 【公開組】所有入圍作品將於「JMA香港國際珠寶節」2020年11月26日至11月29日中作公開展示。

• The judges will select 18 finalists in each participating group and the finalists will be notified by August via e-mail.
• All [Open Group] finalists jewelry pieces must be submitted to HKJMA office on or before 30 Oct, 2020 ( Friday ).
• The judging panel ( 100% ) will consider the above criteria in the selection of the Champion and 3 Merits in [Open Group].
• The finalist jewelry pieces for [Open Group] will be displayed at “JMA Hong Kong International Jewelry Show” ( 26 Nov 2020 – 29 Nov 2020 ).

比賽日程 Schedule

  • 2020年7月31日 31 July 2020
    參賽截止日期 Application deadline
  • 2020年8月中 Mid August 2020
    初選 Preliminary
  • 2020年8月 August 2020
    以電郵通知參賽者初選結果 The finalists will be notified via e-mail
  • 2020年10月30日之前 Before 30 October 2020
    實物製品交回本會 Submitted jewelry pieces to HKJMA Office
  • 2020年11月26日 26 November 2020
    決賽 Finals
  • 2020年11月26日至11月29日 26 – 29 November 2020
    比賽結果公佈及頒獎典禮 Winner announcement and award presentation


初選評審準則 Preliminary Judging Criteria 40% 設計圖之表達技巧 Techniques 25% 美感 Aesthetics 25% 創意 Creativity 10% 切合主題 Relevance to the theme 決賽評審準則 Finals Judging Criteria 40% 設計圖之表達技巧 Techniques 25% 美感 Aesthetics 25% 創意 Creativity 10% 切合主題 Relevance to the theme

• 評審團會在每個組別選出18件入圍作品,並於8月以電郵通知參賽者初選結果。
• 所有【繪圖組】之入圍作品會由專業評判團( 100% )根據以上評審準則進行評分,從而選出冠軍一名及優異獎共三名。

• The judges will select 18 finalists in each participating group and the finalists will be notified by August via e-mail.
• The judging panel ( 100% ) will consider the above criteria in the selection of the Champion and 3 Merits in [Sketch Group].

比賽日程 Schedule

  • 2020年7月31日 31 July 2020
    參賽截止日期 Application deadline
  • 2020年8月中 Mid August 2020
    初選 Preliminary
  • 2020年8月 August 2020
    以電郵通知參賽者初選結果 The finalists will be notified via e-mail
  • 2020年8月底 Late August 2020
    決賽 Finals
  • 2020年11月26日至11月29日 26 – 29 November 2020
    比賽結果公佈及頒獎典禮 Winner announcement and award presentation


比賽結果及頒獎典禮將於「JMA 香港國際珠寶節」( 2020年11月26日至11月29日 )中公佈 。

Official result announcement and the award presentation will be held at “JMA Hong Kong International Jewelry Show” ( 26 Nov 2020 – 29 Nov 2020 ).


公開組 Open Group 獎項 AWARD 得獎設計師 DESIGNER 設計師所屬之公司 SPONSORING COMPANY 冠軍 Champion 獎座、現金獎港幣三萬元正、另可得到大溪地交流 及考察之旅(總值港幣伍萬元正) 1 Trophy, HK$30,000 Cash Prize, Tahiti Study Tour (Value Over HK$50,000)1 獎座 Trophy 優異(三名) 3 Merits 獎座、現金獎港幣一萬伍仟元正 Trophy, HK$15,000 Cash Prize 獎座 Trophy 最佳工藝獎2 Best Craftsmanship Award2 獎座、現金獎港幣一萬元正 Trophy, HK$10,000 Cash Prize 最具市場價值2 Best Market Value Award2 獎座、現金獎港幣一萬元正 Trophy, HK$10,000 Cash Prize 最佳演繹獎2 Best Interpretation Award2 現金獎港幣伍仟元正 HK$5,000 Cash Prize J-Hub香港設計師獎2 J-Hub Hong Kong Designer Award2 獎座、現金獎港幣伍仟元正、另可得到香港珠寶 工坊免費會籍1年 Trophy, HK$5,000 Cash Prize, One Year Free J-Hub Membership 最具人氣珠寶獎3 Best Popularity Jewelry Award3 獎座、現金獎港幣伍仟元正 Trophy, HK$5,000 Cash Prize 2020特別設計獎2 2020 Special Design Award2 現金獎港幣伍仟元正、得獎作品將被製成紀念品 作宣傳之用4 HK$5,000 Cash Prize, Souvenirs Based on the Awarded Piece will be Produced for Promotional Use4 繪圖組 Sketch Group 手繪圖組、電腦繪圖組、本地學生組 Hand Sketch, Computer Aided Design, Local Student 獎項 AWARD 得獎設計師 DESIGNER 冠軍 Champion 獎座、現金獎港幣一萬元正、另可得到香港珠寶工坊免費會籍1年 Trophy, HK$10,000 Cash Prize, One Year Free J-Hub Membership 優異(三名) 3 Merits 獎座、現金獎港幣伍仟元正 Trophy, HK$5,000 Cash Prize 最佳演繹獎 Best Interpretation Award 現金獎港幣伍仟元正 HK$5,000 Cash Prize

公開組得獎者條款 Open Group Winners Terms

1. 大溪地以天然美景聞名於世。本年度公開組冠軍得獎者可獲贈由香港大溪地黑珍珠協會( TPAHK )贊助,為期5-7天的大溪地交流及考察之旅,包括參觀活動、單人來回香港大溪地經濟客位機票、4-6晚酒店住宿及旅程期間翻譯之費用。得獎者於旅程後,須出席主辦機構/贊助機構安排之分享活動,並設計一件大溪地珍珠作品。有關作品由TPAHK所擁有,並有權以任何方式使用,包括製作、宣傳之權利。如有任何爭議,TPAHK保留最終決定權。
2. 決賽當日由評審團以「一人一票」方式投票選出。
3. 於頒獎典禮中由嘉賓即席以「一人一票」方式投票選出。
4. 由香港珠寶工坊贊助,將採用得獎珠寶實物之概念改製成紀念品,並以批量製作以供主辦單位宣傳之用。主辦單位或會因應情況而修改部分細節,而製作數量亦會按需要調整。如有任何爭議,主辦單位保留最終決定權。

1. Tahiti is famous for her natural beauty. The Open Group champion will be awarded a five to seven day study tour sponsored by Tahitian Pearl Association Hong Kong ( TPAHK ), including visits, round-trip economy airfare, hotel accommodation and an interpreter. After the tour, the winners will join a group activity arranged by the organizer/sponsor to share their experience, and design a piece of jewelry with Tahitian Pearl. The design will be owned by TPAHK. It may be used by TPAHK in any manner. Should any dispute arise, the decision of TPAHK will be final.
2. One man one vote by the judging panel during the Finals.
3. One man one vote by the invited guests during the Award Presentation Ceremony.
4. Sponsored by J-Hub, the awarded jewelry will be converted into a simple version souvenir and produced in batches for the promotional use of the organizer . Details might be modified as necessary, and the production quantity will be adjusted accordingly . In case of any disputes, the decision of the organizer will be final.


最佳演繹獎 Best Interpretation Award

【公開組】及【繪圖組】–手繪圖組、電腦繪圖組、本地學生組之入圍決賽者( 每組1名,合共4名 )
• 入圍各組別決賽之參加者屆時將另行收到通知,可以自由參與。
• 入圍者需自行提交一條不超過60秒的影片,內容為介紹自己之參賽作品。
• 所收集之影片將由主辦單位所擁有,並可用作任何主辦單位之公開宣傳及播放。

Open Group & Sketch Group – Hand Sketch, Computer Aided Design, Local Student ( One award from each group, total of four awards )
• Only applicable to the Finalists of all groups. Finalists will be notified separately and are free to participate in this award.
• Interested finalists are required to submit a video introducing their artwork ( not more than 60 seconds ).
• The collected videos will be owned by the organizer and may be used for promotion and broadcast.

J-Hub香港設計師獎 J-Hub Hong Kong Designer Award

【公開組】 所有參加者( 共1名 )。
• 只適用於參加公開組之設計師,並須為香港居民,可自由參與。
• 設計師須於提交申請時一併提供有效之香港居民身分證副本。
• 本會會於合資格設計師中選出一名得獎者。

Open Group ( One Award Only )
• Only applicable to Open Group. Designer must be a Hong Kong resident, and are free to participate in this award.
• Shortlisted candidates must provide a copy of the valid Hong Kong resident ID card. The most suitable Hong Kong designer will be selected among all qualified candidates.

2020特別設計獎 2020 Special Design Award

【公開組】之入圍決賽者( 共1名 )
• 只適用於公開組之入圍作品實物,入圍者屆時將另行收到通知,可以自由參與。
• 參賽者之作品需符合指定限制:作品實物的任何一條邊均不得超過20mm;主辦單位將以作品可完整放入一個邊長20mm之正立方體為準 。
• 設計師如欲考慮參加此獎項,請於設計圖稿時考慮其尺寸限制。圖稿一經提交,將不可作任何改動。
• 由香港珠寶工坊贊助,將採用得獎珠寶實物之概念改製成紀念品,並以批量製作,以供主辦單位宣傳之用。主辦單位或會因應情況而修改部分細節,而製作數量亦會按需要調整 。

Open Group Finalists ( One Award Only )
• Only applicable to Open Group Finalists. Finalists will be notified separately and are free to participate in this award.
• The finalist jewelry product must meet the specific size limit: any side of the jewelry must not exceed 20mm; with the standard that the jewelry product could completely fit into a square cube with length of 20mm.
• Applicants who want to participate in this award, please consider the jewelry size restrictions when designing the artwork. Once the artwork is submitted, no amendment should be made.
• Sponsored by J Hub, the awarded jewelry will be converted into a simple version souvenir and produced in batches for the promotional use of the organizer. Details might be modified as necessary, and the production quantity will be adjusted accordingly.

最具人氣珠寶獎 Best Popularity Jewelry Award

【公開組】之入圍決賽者( 共1名 )
• 只適用於公開組之入圍作品實物。
• 將於頒獎典禮中由嘉賓即席以「一人一票」方式投票選出。

Open Group Finalists ( One Award Only )
• Only applicable to Open Group Finalists.
• One man one vote by the invited guests during the Award Presentation Ceremony.

* 如有任何爭議,主辦單位 保留最終決定權 。
In case of any disputes, the organizer reserves the right of final decision.


1. 所有得獎作品將會在「JMA 香港國際珠寶節」( 11月26日至11月29日 )中作公開展示,商機盡現。
2. 得獎作品及其贊助公司的資料將被刊登於主辦單位之宣傳刊物內。
3. 得獎作品將刊登於比賽網頁內。( www.jmadesigncompetition.org
4. 主辦單位保留對以上條文作出修改及所有參賽作品之宣傳、展覽及印刷等權利。
5. The finalist jewelry pieces will be displayed at “JMA Hong Kong International Jewelry Show” ( 26 Nov 2020 — 29 Nov 2020 ).
6. The winning pieces and information about the sponsoring company will be published in the promotional materials of the organizer.
7. The winning pieces will be published on the competition website. ( www.jmadesigncompetition.org )
8. The organizer retains the rights for the Conditions of Entry & Rules, printing, publishing and exhibition.

主辦單位 Organizer

Hong Kong Jewelry Manufacturers’ Association


贊助機構 Sponsors

Tahitian Pearl Association Hong Kong

Anglo East Surety Ltd

支持機構 Supporting Organizations

GIA ( Gemological Institute of America )

Hong Kong Design Centre

Shenzhen Jewellery Designers Association

Hong Kong Designers Association

International Jewellery Designer Association

Hong Kong Jewellery Designers Association

Shenzhen Gold Jewelry Association

The Kowloon Pearls, Precious Stones, Jade, Gold & Silver Ornament Merchants Association

Tahitian Pearl Association Hong Kong

Hong Kong Jade Association

Hong Kong Pearl Association

Hong Kong Jewellery & Jade Manufacturers Association

Hong Kong Gemstone Manufacturers’ Association

Gemmological Association of Hong Kong

Diamond Federation of Hong Kong

HK Gold & Silver Ornament Workers & Merchants General Union

Hong Kong Jewellers’ & Goldsmiths’ Association

Hong Kong Jade Wholesalers and Retailers Association

For inquiries, please contact HKJMA Membership Department:

蘇小姐 Ms. Christie So
T: ( 852 ) 2122 5021

李小姐 Ms. Christy Lee
T: ( 852 ) 2122 5053





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