我們正處於一個快速變化的時代,學科邊界不斷融合,各種抗解問題( wicked problems )的出現給設計研究提出了新的挑戰,即如何在充滿可能性的新時代形成設計研究的範式,擺脫長久以來對其他學科研究方式方法的借鑑模式?這就需要更多的學者關注“設計研究”的研究,回歸本源,探索設計學科自身的發展規律。基於此,第十二屆( 清華大學 )高校設計研究博士論壇以“設計·研究·過程”作為主題,更加強調研究的“過程”,以期能夠獲得更多有關設計研究方法、路徑和元理論層面的經驗。
論壇面向設計學在讀博士研究生徵集博士研究的相關進展情況。有意參與者請填寫報名表格( 表格中包含擬匯報的報告摘要、其他擬展示的研究成果基本信息等 ),並發送至指定郵箱。經論壇學術委員會審核通過後,入選者將被正式邀請至論壇進行報告闡述和成果展示。
報名表投遞郵箱: DRPHD_C2021@163.com
報名表及摘要模板下載地址( 網盤附件1 ):
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bG03ORyDHM9smWOzEe2B0A ( 提取碼: kj57 )
論壇誠邀各高校、機構的專家、學者和師生參會,請有意參會者於2021年4月1日前將參會回執( 網盤附件2 )發送至郵箱:DRPHD_C2021@163.com,以便會務統計。
3. 論壇聯繫人
王渤森: wbs18@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
會務組郵箱: DRPHD_C2021@163.com
Call for Participation in the “Design / Research / Process” Forum: 12th PhD Colloquium on Design Research, Tsinghua University
Date: April 17, 2021
Venue: Beijing, Tsinghua University
We live in an era of rapid change in which the boundaries of disciplines are fluid, from multidisciplinary through interdisciplinary to trans-disciplinary approaches. The continual emergence of wicked problems posing new challenges to design research suggest that forming a new design research paradigm may be more urgent than ever. For the past decades, design research has drawn its methodology from other disciplines rather than occupying it is own research ground and establishing its unique paradigmatic approach. This, in turn, means that scholars must work particularly hard to build design research and a subject-specific ontology. Reflecting on this, the 12th University Design Research Doctoral Forum has been organized by Tsinghua University on the theme of “Design/Research/Process”: this particularly emphasises the “process” of design research. In order to explore more innovative design-specific research methodology, paths and meta-theories, we are inviting you to develop this frontier discipline together with us.
The content of “Design / Research / Process” Forum
1. PhD design research presentation
With the recommendation of their supervisor, PhD students can submit their research abstracts. The doctoral students who will finally be invited to participate in the forum will have the opportunity to present their research and receive feedback from the expert panel.
2. Expert comments and feedback
In response to the research report of doctoral students, experts from the panel will help doctoral students redefine research problems and relevant methodologies, formulating research plans. Finally, the panel will select awards based on the content of research abstracts and their presentation.
3. Exhibition and exchange of research knowledge
In addition to displaying elucidatory research posters for exhibition – posters that must use a given template – participating doctoral students will be asked to introduce the background, progress and content of their research to the audience in the forms of various models and videos. Finally, this event will aim to provide doctoral students with diversified exhibiting and networking opportunities.
Registration for the “Design / Research / Process” Forum
1.Scope of solicited participation
The forum is open to current and potential doctoral research students in the design field. Please fill in the registration form ( the form must contain your research abstract, the potential format of your research display for the exhibition, plus any additional relevant details ) and send it to the designated mailbox below. After being reviewed and approved by the Forum Academic Committee, selected candidates will be formally invited to the Forum( Online ).
Send the registration form to:
Deadline: 20th March, 2021
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bG03ORyDHM9smWOzEe2B0A ( Code:kj57 )
The Forum also invites experts, scholars, teachers and students from universities and similar higher education institutions to participate. Interested participants are requested to send the attendance application form to the above Forum address before April 1st, 2021.
Please note that those PhD students selected and invited to the Forum to make presentations will be registered by default: in this case, there is no need to fill out the attendance application form.
This Forum does not charge registration fees. Transportation, accommodation and other related expenses must be borne by participants. The Forum will follow Beijing’s COVID epidemic prevention and control guidelines and participation under such restrictions may be adjusted. The Forum will be held both on- and off-line and those who cannot travel to Beijing during the current pandemic are welcome to participate virtually. We will keep all potential participants updated regarding such details once you have registered.
2. Contact
Bosen Wang: wbs18@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Committee email: DRPHD_C2021@163.com
【Host unit】
Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University
Zhuangshi Magazine
【Support units】
Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Jiangnan University, Hunan University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Cheng Kung University.