2021「I See the World: Traditions of the Nations of the World」International Children’s Online Painting Contest
International Children’s Online Painting Contest “I See the World: Traditions of the Nations of the World”
e.g. National holidays, dances, traditional costumes, holiday cuisine in the world
Kazan City Council kazan.international@tatar.ru
* Painting works shall be sent by email as a scanned copy or a photo in JPEG ( JPG ) with the application form ( Appendix 1 ).
* Each member city can submit up to 10 paintings.
●Paper Size: 30cm×42cm ( A3 )
●Style: Free
e.g. colored pencils, pastels, watercolors, gouache, oil, ink, charcoal, etc.
●Age: 9-13 years old residing in member cities of the LHC
* Each participant can submit no more than 1 painting to the Contest.
The results of the Contest will be announced at the 17th World Conference.
REGULATIONS for the International Children’s Online Painting Contest
I. General Provisions
1.1. These Regulations regulate the conditions, procedure, organization and holding of the International Children’s Online Painting Contest “I See the World: Traditions of the Nations of the World” ( hereinafter – the Contest ).
1.2. The Contest is organizing by the Kazan City Council.
1.3. The Contest is holding jointly with the Secretariat of the League of Historical Cities within the framework of the 17th World Conference of the League of Historical Cities which will be held in Kazan in 2021.
II. The Contest goals and tasks
2.1. Increasing children’s interest in the culture of the nations of the world, their national holidays, traditional costumes, dances, etc.
2.2. Involvement of children in creative art.
2.3. Development of creativity, imagination.
2.4. Supporting of talented children.
III. The Contest participants
3.1. The Contest participants are children between the ages of 9 and 13.
3.2. Contestants must live in the member cities of the League of Historical Cities.
IV. Conditions and procedure of the Contest
4.1. The Contest is held from February 15 to May 15, 2021.
4.2. Submission of paintings takes place until May 1, 2021.
4.3. Each participant can send no more than 1 painting to the Contest. Each member city of the League of Historical Cities can submit up to 10 paintings.
4.4. Participation in the Contest is willing and free.
4.5. The thematic content of the Contest: holidays of the nations of the world, dances, traditional costumes, holiday cuisine. Contestants choose genre of the contest work on their own.
4.6. Painting shall be made on A3 paper in any painting technique using any tools for painting ( colored pencils, pastels, watercolors, gouache, oil, ink, charcoal, etc. ).
4.7. Contest Works accepted as a scanned copy or a photo in JPEG ( JPG ).
4.8. Contest Works shall be sent by e-mail ( kazan.international@tatar.ru ) with the scanned application of the author of the drawing and with the consent of their parents ( Appendix 1 ).
4.9. The summing-up the results and approving the winners of the Contest is carried out after the evaluation of the paintings by the Jury.
V. Jury
5.1. Jury is selected to evaluate the works of the Contest participants and determine the winners. Jury is formed and approved by the Organizers of the Contest.
5.2. Jury consists of experts in the field of culture, art and education, members of creative unions and members of the society ( Appendix 2 ).
VI. Evaluation of the Contest Works
6.1. Contest works are evaluated by the Jury using a 10-point scale based on the following criteria:
– compliance with the subject of the Contest, profundity and originality of its disclosure; – mastery;
– artistic and figurative solution of the contest work.
6.2. The Jury reserves the right to establish special prizes.
6.3. Jury decisions are not subject to appeal.
VII. Contest Results Announcement
7.1. The results of the Contest will be announced during the 17th World Conference of the League of Historical Cities, which will be held in Kazan in June, 2021.
7.3. Diplomas of the winners of the Contest will be sent by e-mail.
VIII. Final Regulations
8.1. Submission of works to the Contest means that the authors and their legal representatives agree to the terms of the Contest.
8.2. Paintings are not returned to the participants. All rights to use the paintings are remaining by the Kazan City Council and the League of Historical Cities.
- 2021「I See the World: Traditions of the Nations of the World」International Children’s Online Painting Contest EDM
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