2021「This world we share」25th Chaumont Students competition

2021「This world we share」25th Chaumont Students competition

 總獎金: 1500(EUR)

最高獎金: 500(EUR)

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2021-03-02

主辦單位: Biennale internationale de Design graphique de Chaumont

主辦單位電話: +33-03-25-35-79-01



14.12.20 TO 02.03.21


Deadline for registration : 2 March 2021, 23:59.

2021「This world we share」25th Chaumont Students competition

The student competition invites teachers and students to reflect upon the role of graphic design in our contemporary societies – and consequently, invite them to imagine their own stance facing the multiple social issues.

Whether transposed to posters, printed editorial objects or screens, this performative reflection cannot remain abstract and needs to be translated into a communicational object visualizing data, for which the participants implement their know-how and graphic design skills, combining them with information and data from transversal fields of research and interest with, last but not least, the strong will to share this world surrounding us.

For the 25th edition of the student competition of the Biennale de design graphique of Chaumont we invite you to address an issue that is at stake in our societies. This means exploring and making visible and legible facts based on observations by means of data production as opposed to manufacturing fakes.

How can graphic design practice contribute to restoring the focus on social and societal criticism ? How can graphic design tools be used to bring to the knowledge of the greatest number what is for shame called injustice in the light of our consumer schemes?

Associate scientific, economic, sociological or emotional data by using graphic design to shed light on facts, and thus unfold the state of the world to a broad audience to encourage an act that one day may make this world we live in a better place to share.

Any public action arises from a feeling of unbalance, a discrepancy, a lack or trouble perceived with the idea that it can be remediated. Making a statement consists in charting what results from observations, facts, realities. These latter, once collected, need to be encoded by a creative process implementing methods of analytical, sensorial and spatial reasoning.

The outcome, a data visualisation – to be considered as an interpretation due to the choices made in terms of media, graphic elements, composition, titles – serves to decode the data by just as many cognitive and perceptive processes. It is in itself the mirror of its author’s, zits commissioner’s stance and aims at calling for action, reaction.

These production processes requiring knowledge in many different fields such as information technology, specific cognitive sciences as well as graphic design are hence not based on one person’s knowledge but induce a cooperation between very different actors pursuing the common goal in “this world we share”.

The three award-winning proposals will each receive 500 Euros, transferred to the bank account of the person “main contact” stated in the registration form.

法國肖蒙國際平面設計雙年展 Biennale internationale de Design graphique de Chaumont


肖蒙當代海報收藏的質量,與19世紀後期的插圖海報合集,以及一年一度的28屆藝術節的活力,為肖蒙建立了一個永久性的場所完全致力於平面設計的機構:le Signe 國際平面設計中心,於2016年10月開業。

肖蒙國際海報大賽的展覽將於2021年5月27日至9月26日在由le Signe組織的第三屆國際設計設計雙年展期間舉行。


這些海報必須是委託製作的,或者生活在真實的環境中( 例如,演示 )。考慮到屏幕作為一種展示海報的新媒介,“動畫海報”可提交給評審團,條件是它們已被委託。



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