Target 參賽對象
The competition warmly welcomes innovative young practitioners of fashion design from China and Italy (under 45 yearsold) as well as global artists, designers, students and faculty members majoring in design from universities, design lovers, studios, and companies.
Schedule 賽事流程
時尚設計 Fashion Design
It is oriented at original fashion design proposals or product designs, including but not limited to dyed and woven fabric design, apparel design, jewelry design, household product design,cultural and innovative design, etc.
時尚科技 Fashion Technology
It is oriented at conceptual design, product design, or technological innovation in the fashion industry which combines arts and technology, including but not limited to the development and application of new materials, intellectual manufacturing, wearable technology, intellectual design tools or platforms, display tools or platforms for extended reality (XR), etc.
時尚生活 Fashion Lifestyle
It is oriented at designs in pursuit of abetter life, which suggest new scenarios where fashion trends and desirable lifestyles are closely combined, including but not limited to household and furniture design, smart home, experience gallery, interpretive gallery, etc.
Entry Requirements 參賽要求
The entry shall be designed in accordance with the theme.
The entry can be designed and submitted as a series, with up to four pieces of works.
The entry submitted must be original. In the event of any copyright disputes including plagiarism, imitation, etc., the participant will be disqualified from the competition and subject to legal liabilities.
The entry shall be submitted with one to three pages of design drawings (A3 size, 420mm*297mm, 300dpi of resolution, JPG format) and a video for description (60 to 120 seconds, MP4 format). The first page shall be the primary drawing (including the title of work, design concept, rendering and description), and the remaining pages shall provide a detailed description of work including design theme, design concept, structural drawing, rendering, photos, technical specification, etc. All text shall be in Chinese or English without any indications of the author’s name or marks or any participating enterprises’ name, otherwise the entry will be considered invalid.
Material objects or models (or other detailed information) will be requested from the finalists for the final review and display.
International teams shall take Chinese or English as their working language during the competition.
All submitted copies, photos, videos, etc. will not be returned. Participants shall keep their own manuscripts. Participants enjoy full ownership of their intellectual property rights. The organizing committee has the right to publish the entries (including design drafts and finished products), including publicity, exhibition, performance, publication and distribution, etc.
Method of Participation 參賽方式
通過大賽官網報名並提交作品大賽官網地址: http://ciyff.cidih.tsinghua.edu.cn
Participants shall sign up and submit the entry through the official website of the competition. Official website: http://ciyff.cidih.tsinghua.edu.cn/home/
Awards 獎項設置
Special Award of the Zhejiang China Light & Textile Industrial City Group (3 items)Fashion Design x 1 (RMB 120,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources)Fashion Technology x 1 (RMB 120,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources)Fashion Lifestyle x 1 (RMB 120,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources)
專項獎 (27項)
- 最具人氣獎5項(稅前獎金1萬元+創新創業資源包)
- 最具潛力獎5項(稅前獎金1萬元+創新創業資源包)
- 最具商業價值獎5項(稅前獎金1萬元+創新創業資源包)
- 創新設計師獎5項(稅前獎金1萬元+創新創業資源包)
- 優秀獎7項(稅前獎金1萬元+創新創業資源包)
Special Award (27 items)Award of the Most Popular Design x 5 (RMB10,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources), Award of the Most Potential Design x 5 (RMB 10,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources), Award of the Most Commercially Valuable Design x 5 (RMB 10,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources), Award of Innovative Designer x 5 (RMB 10,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources), Award of Excellence x 7 (RMB 10,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources).
Q&A 常見問題
Q: Is the competition only open to designers from China and Italy?
A: No, the competition is open to fashion innovators under 45 years old, mainly from China and Italy, but also to artists, designers, university students and teachers engaged in designstudies, design enthusiasts, studios and companies from all over the world.
Q: Specifically, what are the package dinnovation and entrepreneurship resources that come with the awards of the competition?
A: Basically, it means that we will provide resources for the awardees to deliver their projects. Agovernment-industry-designer matchmaking event will be held following the competition to align resources and facilitate the launch of the projects.
Q: What other activities will be held by the China-Italy Design Innovation Hub for the participants in thefuture?
A: The organizing committee is planning to diversify the activities during the competition to provide more opportunities for the participants to exchange ideas and showcase their innovative works, including supporting events such as get-togethers, workshops and exhibitions themed around future-oriented design.
Q: Will the competition beheld again in the future?
A: Yes, it will be held annuallyas scheduled.
Q: What will the China-Italy Design Innovation Hub offer the awardees in terms of access to other platforms?
A: The awarded works will be qualified for free presentation at the special exhibition held by the China-Italy Design Innovation Hub during Milan Design Week 2022, and the prize winners will be qualified for free enrollment to Tsinghua Global Summer School 2022.
Q: Are material objects ormodels a must for the entries?
A: No material object or model is required for the preliminary round, in which only one to three pages of design drawings and a video for description shall be submitted online. However, material objects or models will be requested from the finalists. See Entry Requirements for more details.
Q: How is the originality of the selected works ensured?
A: The competition conducts acritical review of all selected works. All prize winners and awarded works will be announced on our official website for one week following the competition. In the event of any plagiarism cases, the award will be withdrawn and the participant will be subject to legal liabilities.
郵箱: cidih@tsinghua.edu.cn
Q: What is the scrutiny mechanism of the competition?
A: The organization of the competition is open to public scrutiny throughout the entire process: The implementation plan has been published ahead of the competition; the wholeprocess of the competition will be videotaped; and relevant evaluationmaterials will be archived after each stage of the competition for future reference. To strengthen the supervision of the competition and ensure fairness, impartiality and openness, the organizing committee and the expert committee will supervise the evaluation process, while the secretariat will assistin handling complaints from participants and the public. Contacts:Tel: 010-62780563E-mail: cidih@tsinghua.edu.cn
主辦單位 Sponsors
承辦單位 Organizers
協辦單位 Co-organizers
- 2021中意青年未來時尚設計大賽.百度飛槳專區2021中意青年未來時尚設計大賽.百度飛槳專區 2021/09/06-截止報名。 中國輕紡城杯特獎:稅前獎金12萬元人民幣+創新創業資源包。 比賽福利 報名參賽即可免費申領算力 100小時GPU Tesla V100算力卡; 備註:報名成功後,即可在「數據集介紹」tab獲取申請地址。
- 2021中意青年未來時尚設計大賽2021中意青年未來時尚設計大賽 大賽主要面向中國和意大利為主的時尚和設計領域的青年創新者(年齡45周歲以下) 中國輕紡城杯特獎(3項) : 時尚設計1項(稅前獎金12萬元+創新創業資源包)時尚科技1項(稅前獎金12萬元+創新創業資源包)時尚生活1項(稅前獎金12萬元+創新創業資源包)
- 2022中意青年未來時尚設計大賽2022中意青年未来时尚设计大赛 2020年11月5日,在中國與意大利兩國建交50周年之際,清華大學與米蘭理工大學聯合發起“中意青年創新創業年”,旨在凝聚國內外高校和社會各界協同創新的力量,促進兩國青年創意、創新、創業交流與合作,推動技術和政策解決方案的創新,攜手為全球可持續發展注入新的動力。 2021年4月19日,在清華大學建校110周年校慶之際,習近平總書記來到清華大學考察,與師生代表座談並發表重要講話。 為積極引導廣大青年貫徹落實習近平總書記指示的“美術、藝術、科學、技術相輔相成、相互促進、相得益彰”,“要增強文化自信,以美為媒,加強國際文化交流”,中意青年未來時尚設計大賽其應若響,隆重起航。 作為「創新創業年」的重要活動之一,本屆大賽倡導藝術與科技相融合,以美為媒,搭建國際化時尚創新平臺,探索前沿時尚趨勢,引領未來時尚主張。 投稿主題: 本屆大賽以“時尚·可持續”(Sustainable Fashion)為主題。 “可持續設計強調設計應該認真考慮有限的地球資源的使用,為保護地球的環境而服務。”本屆大賽倡導在紡織、服裝與配飾等領域的可持續設計。通過從材料創新與循環利用到設計新方法的探索與創造,從可持續觀念的創立到體系的不斷迭代完善,實現時尚消費理念的重塑、人與自然的和諧發展,促進時尚文化精神的傳承與演進、時尚可持續新生態的升級與發展。 大賽在時尚·可持續主題下,開設三個賽道:面料設計、服裝設計、配飾設計。 面料設計 聚焦時尚領域的紡織品印花圖案設計創新,包括但不限於:服用紡織品印花設計與家用紡織品印花設計。 服裝設計 注重藝術性與功能性並重的創意日用時裝設計。 配飾設計 創造時尚趨勢與美好生活方式相結合的配飾產品,包括但不限於:鞋、帽、箱包、首飾等相關領域。 投稿期間: ~ 2022/07/31 投稿條件: 參賽作品應圍繞大賽主題進行設計。 參賽作品可以提交系列作品,以組稿形式參賽,組稿不多於5個作品。 提交的設計作品必須是設計者原創作品,擁有完整的智慧財產權,且未曾公開正式發表。 如出現抄襲、盜用等涉及著作版權糾紛問題,一經發現,將被取消參賽資格,由此引發的版權、著作權糾紛及法律問題,由參賽者自行承擔。 參賽語言為中文或英文。 所有參賽報名材料(稿件、照片、視頻等)一律不退,請自留底稿。 參賽選手擁有參賽作品的完整智慧財產權,組委會對參賽作品(含設計稿和成品)擁有公開發表權,包括宣傳、展覽、演出、出版發行等。 選手參賽所需費用,均由選手自籌。 參賽選手需提交的材料包括: 參賽承諾書:團隊成員按照作者順序簽字掃描上傳 作品設計圖紙:5頁之內,尺寸為A3豎版,分辨率300dpi,文件大小10mb以內,格式為png、jpg、jpeg格式,設計圖紙應包含作品名稱、效果圖和設計說明,從設計主題、構思、結構圖、效果圖、實物照片、工藝等角度對作品進行詳細闡述;作品設計圖紙文字為中文或英文,不得出現作者姓名及任何個人信息,不得出現參賽企業名稱,否則視為無效作品。 作品PDF文件:此文件為線下評審需印製的重要紙質材料,需將作品完整編號放在每頁左上角,此文件包含作品封面、作品圖片及設計理念說明等參賽作品全部相關內容,不得出現任何個人信息。 作品視頻(如有),不超過3分鐘,MP4(h264編碼)格式,畫面比例自定,文件大小不超過100mb,可以配字幕,但不得以任何形式出現個人信息 複賽階段需提交或開始準備的工作: 1)作品參展協議 2)準備作品實物或模型 3)作品VI文件(用於展覽) 決賽階段需提交的材料: 1)提供作品實物或模型 2)視疫情要求,確認作者是否到清華大學參加現場決賽。 獎勵: 中國輕紡城杯特獎3項 面料設計1項,稅前獎金12萬元 創新創業資源包 服裝設計1項,稅前獎金12萬元 創新創業資源包 配飾設計1項,稅前獎金12萬元 創新創業資源包 最佳創意獎(評委特別推薦獎)3項,稅前獎金2萬元 創新創業資源包 最具商業價值獎共12項,稅前獎金1萬元 創新創業資源包 創新設計師獎共12項,稅前獎金1萬元 創新創業資源包 創新人才培養單位獎與優秀指導教師獎 大賽特獎將由組委會頒發獎盃並與其他各獎項一起,由組委會分別頒發獎金、證書 獲獎作品將保留參加未來在米蘭設計周中意設計創新基地專題展覽的資格 評選時程與評選方式: 大賽啟動:2022年4月 以大賽組委會發佈公告時間為準。 作品徵集:4月-7月 參賽者可在2022年4月至2022年7月期間,在大賽官網註冊帳號(如遇網路不暢等特殊情況,亦可通過郵箱或電話索取或提交相關材料),並提交完整的報名資訊;參賽者可以個人、團隊(不超過5人)等形式報名參賽。 大賽初評:8月 組委會組織初評,評審專家將對參賽作品進行首輪評選,遴選100個作品入圍複賽,並在大賽官網公示。 入圍複賽作品均可參與大賽優秀作品展覽。 大賽複評:2022年9月 評審專家對入圍作品進行複評,遴選30個作品入圍決賽,並在大賽官網公示。 大賽決賽及頒獎典禮:視疫情情況,於2022年9月或10月舉辦。 大賽優秀作品展覽將於決賽后在紹興柯橋舉辦。 主辦單位資訊: 清华大学中意未来设计时尚大赛 ( http://ciyff.cidih.tsinghua.edu.cn/index.htm ) ※ 詳細規定,以主辦單位官方公佈為主
- 2021中意青年未來時尚設計大賽為凝聚國內外高校和社會各界協同創新的力量,促進青年創意、創新、創業交流與合作,清華大學聯合米蘭理工大學與紹興市柯橋區人民政府舉辦首屆中意青年未來時尚設計大賽。大賽作品徵集已經正式啟動! Target 參賽對象 本次大賽主要面向中國和意大利為主的時尚和設計領域的青年創新者(年齡45周歲以下),同時歡迎全球范圍內的藝術家、設計師、高校設計專業的師生、設計愛好者、工作室、公司積極參與。 The competition warmly welcomes innovative young practitioners of fashion design from China and Italy (under 45 yearsold) as well as global artists http://ciyff.cidih.tsinghua.edu.cn/
- 中意青年未来时尚设计大赛大赛背景与目的 2020年11月5日,在中意两国建交50周年之际,清华大学与米兰理工大学联合发起“中意青年创新创业年”,旨在凝聚国内外高校和社会各界协同创新的力量,促进两国青年创意、创新、创业交流与合作,推动技术和政策解决方案的创新,携手为全球可持续发展注入新的动力。 2021年4月19日,在清华大学建校110周年校庆之际,习近平总书记来到清华大学考察,与师生代表座谈并发表重要讲话。为积极引导广大青年贯彻落实习近平总书记指示的“美术、艺术、科学、技术相辅相成、相互促进、相得益彰”,“要增强文化自信,以美为媒,加强国际文化交流”,中意青年未来时尚设计大赛其应若响,隆重起航。作为“创新创业年”的重要活动之一,本届大赛倡导艺术与科技相融合,以美为媒,搭建国际化时尚创新平台,探索前沿时尚趋势,引领未来时尚主张。 http://ciyff.cidih.tsinghua.edu.cn/
- 【作品征集】中意青年未来时尚设计大赛邀你参赛参赛要求 1. 参赛作品应围绕大赛主题进行设计。 The entry shall be designed in accordance with the theme. 2. 参赛作品可系列化设计,以组稿形式参赛,组稿限在4款作品以内。 The entry can be designed and submitted as a series, with up to four pieces of works. 3. 提交的设计作品务必是设计者原创作品,如出现抄袭、模仿等涉及著作权纠纷作品,取消设计者参赛资格,由此引起的法律后果由参赛者自负。 http://ciyff.cidih.tsinghua.edu.cn/
- 2021中意青年未来时尚设计大赛为凝聚国内外高校和社会各界协同创新的力量,促进青年创意、创新、创业交流与合作,清华大学联合米兰理工大学与绍兴市柯桥区人民政府举办首届 中意青年未来时尚设计大赛 。大赛作品征集已经正式启动! Target 参赛对象 本次大赛主要面向中国和意大利为主的时尚和设计领域的 青年创新者 (年龄45周岁以下),同时欢迎全球范围内的艺术家、设计师、高校设计专业的师生、设计爱好者、工作室、公司积极参与。 The competition warmly welcomes innovative young practitioners of fashion design from China and Italy (under 45 yearsold) as well as global artists, designers, students and faculty members majoring in design from universities, design lovers, studios, and companies. http://ciyff.cidih.tsinghua.edu.cn