2021第六十六屆 ESSC 全國大專院校解決社會問題英語演講比賽
台北扶輪社邀請貴校在學同學參加今年度台北扶輪社第66屆全國大專院校解決社會問題英文演比審( ESSC -English Social Solutions Contest )比賽以個人或三人以內團體( 報名時應提供團體名稱 )為報名單位,每一位符合「在學大專生』及相關「報名資格」的同學,都歡迎參加。
報名表單連結 : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyB34vhldu0LYl-g3x8rApWD3YhVbS56EuwndgiO0KFi2Szg/viewform
3.複賽日期:2021年3月20日( 星期六 )下午13:00開始報到,比賽14點鐘開始。
4.決賽日期:2021年5月8日( 星期六 )下午13:00開始報到,比賽14點鐘開始。
5.演講主題:Youth Managing COVID
主題說明 :Present a solution and perspective on how to coexist with COVID-19 pandemic while growing and exploring your potential without limitation and, at the same time, securing a safe environment for those around us.
將演講的影片寄到 taipeirc@gmail.com 影片錄製的相關規定請詳閱官網說明。
2021 English Social Solutions Contest Information
Topic: Youth Managing COVID
Present a solution and perspective on how to coexist with COVID-19 pandemic while growing and exploring your potential without limitation and, at the same time, securing a safe environment for those around us.
Registration deadline: Friday, February 19, 2021
Application form:
Preliminary: video of presentation to be sent by 12:00pm, March 02, 2021
Semi Final Round: Saturday, March 20, 2021
Time: Registration begins at 13:00, contest begins at 14:00
Venue: National Taipei University of Technology
Add.: No. 1, Sec. 3, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Taipei
Final Round: Saturday, May 08, 2021
Time: Registration begins at 13:00, contest begins at 14:00
Venue: The Sherwood Taipei
Add.: No. 111, Sec. 3, Min-sheng East Road, Taipei
Winner’s Prize
First Place: NT$50,000.-
All the Finalist except First Place: NT$5,000.- per team
Entering the Contest as a team
We encourage our contestants to work with individuals with different backgrounds and skillsets to come up with creative and unique solutions to the current situation. The team may consist of a maximum, 3 people.
If you decide to enter as a team, then all members of each team must be present at the presentation. Any absentee from each team may constitute disqualification unless having prior written approval from Rotary Club of Taipei.
Timeline for ESSC 2021
Preliminary – Submission Deadline – March 02, 2021
Submit the Video of your presentation by 12:00pm Tuesday, March 02, 2021
The video should be more than 7 minutes and less than 10 minutes. If the time requirements are not met, points will be deducted.
Videos should meet following Criteria:
- No music
- Filmed in a quiet room
- Voice should be clear and audible.
- Presenter should be visible. All members should present once.
- PPT Should be Visible. One way to do it is the below:
- https://support.office.com/en-us/article/record-a-slide-show-with-narration-and-slide-timings-0b9502c6-5f6c-40ae-b1e7-e47d8741161c#OfficeVersion=Office_365
- If you record with your Cell Phone, please record it horizontally.
- Naming Files
- Name of the Video should be [yourteamname].mov
- Name of the Powerpoint should be [yourteamname].ppt
- Video File
- Video Files should be in .mov or .mp4
- Instructions for Sharing Video and Powerpoint
- Create a Google drive account if you do not have one at drive.google.com
- Create an Individual Folder with your “Team Name” and upload the video and powerpoint into the folder.
- Right click the folder and share the folder with taipeirc@gmail.com
- Send an Email to Rotary Club of Taipei to make sure that the video has been shared properly as soon as you upload it.
Please upload and verify the documents are received! Points will be deducted if any individuals miss the deadline or those who have said they submitted but have not checked with our club office! If you have questions in regards to any part of this, please contact our club office at 02-23810986.
The Semi Final round and the Final Round will be conducted in person. Please bring your own PPT document. We will have a PC there for you to use. You can also bring your own laptop to connect if you choose. There will be a 5 min Q and A session after the presentation.
We will keep updating further detail information of ESSC on this web page.
- 2023年ESSC全國大專院校解決社會問題英語演講比賽2023年ESSC全國大專院校解決社會問題英語演講比賽 First Round: February 28, 2023. TOP PRIZE: 50,000 TWD cash prize + other corporate sponsorships or internships
- 2021第六十六屆 ESSC 全國大專院校解決社會問題英語演講比賽2021第六十六屆 ESSC 全國大專院校解決社會問題英語演講比賽 報名表單收件截止時間:2021年2月19日。 篩選通過將以e-mail通知參賽者進入複賽。 初賽結果公告日期:請隨時上ESC官網査詢最新消息。 進入複賽者若無法於指定日期與地點參加決賽,則視為失去參賽權。
- 2020全國大專院校解決社會問題英語演講比賽2020全國大專院校解決社會問題英語演講比賽 比賽以個人或三人以內團體(報名時應提供團體名稱)為報名單位,貴校每一位符合『在學大專生』及相關『報名資格』的同學,都歡迎參加。 初賽書面報名收件截止時間:2020 年 2 月 13 日下午 6 點 。
- 台北扶輪社全國大專院校解決社會問題英語演講比賽希望同學發揮創意,每年就大眾關切的一項社經議題,提出解決方案,用社會企業(Social Enterprise)、社區服務、社團服務、教育計劃、社區發展、公衛計劃等方式,從基層一步一腳印以行動來解決問題。