2021 100th ADC Annual Awards
The ADC Annual Awards, celebrating 100 years of excellence in design and craft, will open for entries in November! This iconic award show honors the best creative talent and groundbreaking work across many different creative disciplines, from graphic design to illustration, from publishing to packaging, from advertising to photography and all points in between.
On August 13, 1920 the advertising and design worlds were changed forever with the incorporation of the Art Directors Club of New York, also known as the ADC. Founded by Louis Carl Pedlar with the lofty goal of raising the standards of commercial art to those traditionally associated with fine art, ADC has set the tone for creative excellence that the industry continues to follow a century later.
To celebrate this centennial, we at The One Club for Creativityin partnership with C&G created an online timeline to showcase the people, the historical artifacts, the thoughts and opinions, and of course the work of the past century. You’ll be able to browse through every single ADC annual, read essays from across the decades — stay tuned for the 1940s debate on whether women should be permitted to join the organization — and learn about the ADC’s deep history. It’s a history of the very industry we all love, and we can’t wait to share it with you over the coming year.
In partnership with Working Not Working, all ADC 100th Annual Awards Gold Cube-winning entries submitted through the freelance level of the show’s tiered pricing structure will be judged again by a separate jury that includes the WNW community. This jury will determine the top entrant, who will receive the honor at the ADC 100th Annual Awards.
ADC has established a tiered pricing structure, designed to make it easier for smaller agencies, studios and freelancers to participate. Smaller shops get a discount on entries ( amount varies by discipline ) and freelance creatives and one-person shops are eligible for an even greater reduction in their entry fee.
“At a time when other awards shows continually look for ways to increase their entry fees, it’s literally unheard of for a show to reduce their fees,” said Kevin Swanepoel, CEO, The One Club for Creativity. “This tiered pricing structure reflects our new mission to support and celebrate the success of the global creative community, no matter the agency location or size.”
This year ADC has added In-House to its lineup of disciplines. An array of creative talents from In-House agencies and brands from both large and small companies will compete with one another and have their work judged by a jury of industry peers.
The ADC 100th Annual Awards feature 16 different disciplines, judged by 13 separate juries. Special awards include Of the Year honors, Best of Discipline, Designism and the Black Cube for Best of Show.
All entries must have been printed, published, or aired for the first time between the dates listed below in any country.
JANUARY 1, 2020 – MARCH 26, 2021
This year, the ADC Annual Awards will accept entries in three submission periods. Please note that entry fees increase during each deadline period, based on when an entry is completed in the system, regardless of entry creation date. Please refer to the disciplinesor feespages for more information.
- Regular Deadline:March 12, 2021
- Extended Deadline:March 19, 2021
Please note that the entry fee will increase by $50 for each entry completed in the system between March 13-19. - Final Deadline:March 26, 2021
Please note that the entry fee will increase by $75 for each entry completed in the system between March 20-26. - Payment Deadline:All payments must reach The One Club within 15 days of the invoice date.
2021 JURY
- EMANUEL COHENFounder & Creative Director
Studio July
Montreal, Canada - FIONA CHENCreative Director
Ogilvy Shanghai
Shanghai, China - GEOFF EDWARDSExecutive Creative Director
GALE Partners
New York, USA - MARCO CISARIACreative & Artistic Director
Milan, Italy
NEW YORK, NY 10001
ADC Annual Awards相關競賽:
- 2021 100th ADC Annual Awards2021 100th ADC Annual Awards Final Deadline: March 26, 2021. will open for entries in November! ELIGIBILITY DATES:JANUARY 1, 2020 – MARCH 26, 2021.
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- 2021ADC 年度设计大奖 ( 2021 ADC Annual Awards )奖项介绍 AWARD INTRO : ADC 年度设计大奖是世界上历史最悠久的设计比赛,旨在表彰全球各种形式的设计和广告创新,并取得的卓越成就。 信息来源于网络,版权归奖项方所有。 参赛要求 QUALIFICATION : 1.在任何国家/地区中,参赛作品都必须在2020年1月1日-2021年3月26日之间完成,空间设计的要在2019年1月1日-2021年3月26日之间完成。 2.接受公司/专业人士( 包括自由职业者 )参赛。 3.代表The One Club 及其节目设计的作品,包括The One Show,ADC Awards,Type Directors Club,Young Ones等,均不符合参赛资格。
- ADC第100届年度奖募集作品啦ADC 年度设计大奖( ADC Annual Awards )作为世界上首屈一指和历史最悠久的美术设计奖项,迄今已近百历史。2016年10月 OneShow 全资收购了 ADC Annual Awards。ADC年度设计大奖 加入 The One Club 创意矩阵,ADC 继续扮演推崇世界上最佳的美术与设计执行作品的角色,并将这样的人类对美的追求继续发扬光大。两间非盈利机构都以发扬精彩的创意和设计为己任,而在奖项的评审标准方面,ADC年度设计大奖将更侧重于工艺,设计和创新,而 One Show 则偏向于 Idea 的创意以及执行的质量,2018年 ADC 98th Annual Awards 新增设了「Fashion and Spatial Design 时尚与空间设计」专业奖项。 在线报名及注册: https://www.adcawards.org/
- ADC 100th Annual AwardsThe One Club for Creativity has opened its call for entries for the historic ADC 100th Annual Awards. Under the 'Once in a Century' theme, this season's program is promoted by a rare look at a series of ADC Annual Awards call for entry posters from throughout the past century, created by some of the world's most legendary designers and creative agencies. The ADC Annual Awards is the world's longest continuously running awards program recognizing global excellence in craft and innovation in all forms of advertising and design. https://www.oneclub.org/adcawards/