2021 10th The Lumen Prize for Art and Technology

2021 10th The Lumen Prize for Art and Technology

 總獎金: 11500(USD)

最高獎金: 4000(USD)

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2021-06-04

主辦單位: Lumen Art Projects





除了高額獎金外,還能有獲得「工作邀約及作品贊助商」的機會藝術作品不分國籍,利用亞洲優勢在歐洲市場發光發熱其中一項獎項專為亞洲、非洲及其餘開發中國家設計只要成功入圍,就能夠成為 LumenArt Project 的其中一員


「Lumen獎」成立旨在網羅全球出色的藝術作品,自2012年以來,已頒發了超過80,000美元的獎金,並為入圍者和獲獎者創造許多國際機會。Lumen 獎由一非營利組織「Lumen 藝術機構」成立,為各式藝術作品在全球籌辦藝術展覽。


  • 動畫類別獎( 例:CGI、動畫相關藝術 ):$1,000美金
  • 靜態影像獎( 任何 2D 藝術 )作品:$1,000美金
  • 3D/互動影像獎( 例:機器人、APP、網站設計 ):$1,000美金
  • BCS 沈浸式體驗獎( 例:XR、VR、劇場 ):$1,0001美金
  • 未來趨勢獎( 例:生物科技、人工智慧 ):$1,000美金

【特別獎項】( 依作品類別、參賽者身份與國家做區別 )

  • 金獎:$4,000美金
  • 開發中國家獎:$1,000美金
  • 學生獎:$500美金
  • 北歐獎:$1,000美金



( 報名費將使用於獎品及藝術活動 )





Step 1.填寫報名表

藝術品概要( 限250字 )


Step 2. 公布決賽入圍名單 ( 預計在七月公布 )

Step 3. 九項獎項得獎者名單將在2021/10/21公布

The Lumen Prize for Art and Technology

The Lumen Prize for Art and Technology


The Lumen Prize celebrates the very best art created with technology through a global competition. Since it’s launch in 2012, it has given away more than US$80,000 in prize money and created opportunities worldwide for the artists who have been longlisted, shortlisted or won Lumen Awards. Lumen is run by Lumen Art Projects, a not-for-profit based in Wales, UK which curates exhibitions, commissions and events for art venues, cultural institutions and public spaces globally in partnership with its community of Lumen artists.

A Short History

The Lumen Prize and Lumen Arts Projects were founded in rural Wales by Carla Rapoport in 2012 and 2018 respectively. A former financial journalist, Carla’s goal is to widen the enjoyment, understanding and appreciation of art created with technology while widening the opportunities for artists working in this field globally.

Key Dates

  • 04 June 2021
    Call for Entries Closes
  • July 2021
    Longlist Announced
  • 21st October 2021
    Winners Announced at Barbican Centre London

Award Categories

Gold Award $4000
For the artist or collective whose work is judged to be exceptional across all categories.

Moving Image Award $1000
For time-based work using any digital process that is narrative or non-narrative. Including but not limited to, animation, CGI, real-time CG, generative visuals, A.I generated visuals, video art, video game cutscenes, machinima, music videos.

Still Image Award $1000
For 2D work using any digital process Including computer generated/graphic imagery, A.I generated imagery, photo-manipulation, plotter/drawing machine imagery, generative imagery, XR generated imagery, 3D scanner/lidar imagery.

Sponsor: Photomonitor.

3D/Interactive Award $1000
For work that engages with audiences through sound, touch or movement. Including but not limited to, installation, sculpture, robotics, games, apps, websites.

BCS Immersive Environment Award $1000
For an immersive experience using any digital processes. Including but not limited to, performance, XR, virtual worlds, projection, theater projects.

Sponsor: BCS, Chartered Institute of IT.

Futures Award $1000
For work that explores future relationships between humans and Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Biotech and Sustainable Tech.

Made possible by ARTificial Mind.

Global South Award $1000
For art created with technology by an artist or collective from Africa, Latin America or the developing economies of Asia and the Middle East. Artists may opt-in to this category.

Sponsor: Radiant Law.

Student Award $500
For Still or Moving Image work created by a student currently enrolled in a degree programme. This award is free to enter here.

Sponsor: Infinite Objects

Nordic Award $1000
For art created with technology by an artist or collective from Nordic Countries. Artists may opt-in to this category. More details below.

Sponsor: Sørlandets Kunstmuseum/KUNSTSILO


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