2021 World Architecture Festival

2021 World Architecture Festival

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2021-05-07

主辦單位: World Architecture Festival

主辦單位電話: +44-0203-953-2045、+44-020-3953-2923


世界建築節( World Architecture Festival )簡稱“WAF”,是國際建築界規模最大、聲望最高的頒獎盛典之一,被譽為建築界的奧斯卡。迄今為止已成功舉辦過12屆,其獎項設置不僅表彰已建成的傑出建築作品,也對未建成的優秀方案給予關注。

2021 World Architecture Festival


World Architecture Festival will now take place on the 1-3 December 2021 in Lisbon. We want to ensure WAF and Inside offer a safe and enjoyable experience for all our attendees. We believe our previous dates of 23-25 June may be too soon to guarantee this. However, we feel confident that mass vaccination programmes across the world will have proved effective by the autumn. Read the full announcement.

If you have entered the awards in 2020 you do not need to do anything and your entry is still valid. Shortlist judging will take place in June and you will be informed by 13 July 2021 if you are a finalist. All shortlisted entrants will go on to present their project in Lisbon in December.

Awards entries will remain open until Friday 7 May 2021. Submit your completed buildings, future projects, landscape and interior projects into the awards to be in with a chance of presenting and winning at WAF Lisbon!



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