

 總獎金: 200000(CNY)

最高獎金: 50000(CNY)

報名時間: 2021-05-27 ~ 2021-08-29

主辦單位: OPPO廣東移動通信有限公司




今年,OPPO聯合中央美術學院設計學院,發起全球青年創享計畫 Renovators第三季,鼓勵所有年輕人去暢想未來科技的可能性,用藝術的方式表達和傳遞,以此感召更多群體。全球青年創享計畫Renovators第三季活動以 “光” 為主題。光,是距離的界定,是通訊的工具,是現代科技的跬步至千里。心中有光,所以前方之路可被照亮;手中有光,所以未來之路不會渺茫。此次尋光之旅將激勵年輕人用創意傳遞各自心中的能量,用哲思與技術的結合暢想未來,借審美與科學的融合平復不安,以藝術與科技的作品為時代添光。


I. Our commitment


The OPPO Renovators – Emerging Artists Project organizing committee hereby promises that the program shall be carried out in the principle of openness and fairness. The results of the contest judging shall be publicized in a timely manner, with certificates and prizes awarded in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in this document.


II. Purpose of the program

  • OPPO全球青年創享計劃 Renovators,旨在構建面向未來創想的藝術與設計實踐平台,聯動全球高校,培育創新意識,倡導創新精神,鼓勵創新理念,支持創新行為,推廣創新成果。
    The OPPO Renovators – Emerging Artists Project is aimed at building a platform for art and design by cooperating with colleges and universities around the world to cultivate and encourage innovation.

  • 活動將以比賽形式呈現,搭建全球青年藝術設計社群,賦能青年創新實踐。
    The program exists in the form of a contest aimed at empowering the youth in various fields of innovation through the creation of art and design communities around the world.

  • 藝術,是推動科技發展的深層次力量。OPPO全球青年創享計劃Renovators鼓勵所有年輕人去暢想未來科技的可能性,用藝術的方式表達和傳遞,以此感召更多群體。
    Art is in many ways the invisible force behind the development of science and technology. The OPPO Renovators – Emerging Artists Project encourages all young creative minds to imagine the possibilities of science and technology and realize these imaginations through artistic works, and in doing so, give inspiration to the larger community.


III. Theme of the Contest

  • 1.主題:“光”
    1. Theme: “Light”
  • 主題闡釋:
    Theme Interpretation:

    Throughout all ages of mankind and those that came before us, light has captivated and mystified all who have attempted to understand its workings. From the early theories of Greek philosophers, to the modern interpretations of quantum mechanics, light brings together the best scientific and philosophical minds like no other phenomena. Light is the source of all aesthetic beauty in the world, for without it, there would be no sight. Helping to bring the world together, light is used to carry masses of information around the globe in just fractions of a second. Born in the stars, light lives on in our hearts through the memories it illuminates, and shines a way forward for each of us as we strive for a better future.

  • 21世紀已過去五分之一,全人類面臨多重挑戰;2021年,是面向希望與新生的一年。
    The first two decades of the 21st century have been and gone, bringing with them new challenges and new opportunities for humanity. In 2021, we invite you to shine a light on these new opportunities for the world to see.

  • “光”作為本次大賽的方向。年輕的人們啊,用作品來傳遞你心中的能量吧。我們期待哲思與技術的結合暢想未來,我們期待審美與科學的融合平復不安,我們期待著你的作品,期待著你藝術與科技的作品為焦躁的時代鋪陳反思,為懷疑的時代增添信任,為脆弱的時代修補生態,為我們的時代力挽狂瀾。
    With “light” as the theme of this contest, we call on all young artists, creators and innovators to share your visions with the world. How do you imagine the future empowered by new scientific thoughts and philosophical ideas? How can art and science come together to calm the restlessness that seems to have gripped the world? We look forward to seeing each and every idea that makes its way to us, giving us hope and inspiration on how we can build trust in an era of doubt, ease stress in an era of anxiety, and restore confidence in an era of vulnerability.

  • 2. 賽道劃分:
    2. Contest Categories:
  • 賽道1: ART TECH (藝術與科技創作板塊)
    Category 1: Art Tech (Art and Technology Creation)

    The Art Tech category welcomes contestants from the disciplines of art, design, interdisciplinary research and other emerging fields to submit their conceptual proposals, creative research, and ideas for business incubation that bring together the worlds of art, science and technology. In order to be eligible for submission, all artworks must be created in accordance with the theme of “light”.

  • 徵集內容:Submission Categories:

    1. Digital multimedia artwork
    2. Interactive experiences
    3. Smart wearables
    4. Robotic artwork
    5. Biological artwork
    6. Environmental artwork
    7. Innovative design
    8. Material design
    9. Stage/performance art
    10. 其他
    10. Others

  • 賽道2:ART TOY(OPPO專題設計板塊)
    Category 2: Art Toy (OPPO thematic design panel)

    The Art Toy category encourages contestants to submit artwork centering around OPPO’s mascot, Ollie. Ollie is a virtual friend of the youth community, a guardian of new creation, and a character full of personality. We welcome you to submit artwork based on the concept and image of Ollie, thinking about how Ollie’s role in the world can be expanded, what Ollie represents to society, Ollie’s highlight moments, and how Ollie can interact with others.

  • 徵集內容:
    Submission Categories:

    1. Ollie character design
    2. Ollie-themed memorabilia designs
    3. Interactive designs featuring Ollie
    4. Others


IV. Organizations

  • 主辦單位:
    Hosted by

    Guangdong OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp., Ltd.

  • 學術單位:
    Academic Institution:

    School of Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts

  • 承辦單位:
    Organized by

    THELAKE.ART Chengdu The Forest Science and Technology Co., Ltd.

  • 總顧問:
    General Advisor:

    XIEWEI SONG, Dean, School of Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Member of AGI (Alliance Graphique Internationale)

  • 品牌發起人:
    Brand Initiator:

    WILLIAM, President of global marketing of OPPO

  • 專家評委團:
    Jury Panel:

    KASHIWA SATO,SAMURAI Creative Director
    GARY HILL,美國藝術家,視頻藝術重要奠基藝術家之一
    GARY HILL, American artist, one of the key founding artists of video art
    RYOCHI KUROKAWA, Japanese artist
    李永銓, 品牌顧問/AGI會員
    YONGQUAN LEE, Brand Consultant, Member of AGI (Alliance Graphique Internationale)
    SHENGFENG DUAN, Vice President of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
    XIAOWEN CHEN, Professor, Alfred College of Art and Design, USA; Professor, School of Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts
    朱瑾桐,OPPO 倫敦設計中心負責人
    JINTONG ZHU, Head of OPPO London Design Center


V. Arrangements

  • 參賽者可於2021年8月29日24點前,在官網上注冊用戶賬號,並提交完整的報名信息;參賽者可以個人或組隊(不超過5人)的形式報名參賽。
    Contestants need to register an account on the OPPO Renvators official website and submit their complete information for registration, and submit artworks before GMT 24:00 August 29th, 2021; contestants may sign up for the contest as individual or teams (no more than 5 members in a team).

  • 作品提交
    Submission of artworks

    報名完成後即可提交作品, 同一作者可以參加不同賽道,不限定提交作品的數量,但同一作品不得在不同賽道中重復提交。作品提交截止時間為2021年8月29日24點。
    Contestants can submit their artworks upon completing the registration. Each contestant may take part in one or more categories, and there’s no limit to the number of artworks submitted. However, submitting the same artwork to more than one category is not allowed. The deadline for all submissions is GMT 24:00 August 29th, 2021.

  • 作品提交要求如下:
    The submission requirements for the artworks are as follow:

    The artwork can be either pictures or videos, or both;
    圖片參數要求為:JPG格式,尺寸為A3橫向,300dpi,文件大小10mb 以內。
    The picture should be in JPG format, with the size of A3 (horizontal), 300 dpi, and up to 10MB.
    視頻參數要求為:時長1分鐘至5分鐘之間,可選格式為avi 、mov、 mp4 、rmvb等,畫面比例自定,文件大小不超過30mb,可以配字幕,但不得以任何形式出現個人信息;
    The video should be from 1 minute to 5 minutes, in avi, mov, mp4, or rmvb format, no image ratio requirements, and up to 30MB. Subtitles are allowed. No personal information is allowed to show in artworks in any format.
    (*ART TOY賽道作品提交要求的設計標准與模版文件以下載附件為准)
    (*For the ART TOY category submissions, please refer to the attachment for design standards and templates.)
    Requirements regarding the text description of the artwork: contestants may fill in descriptions of their artworks in either Chinese or English; each description should not exceed 300 words.
    All submissions should not contain any personal information.
    Do not submit pictures or videos that violate laws and regulations. Do not submit pictures or videos that are irrelevant to this program. Do not submit pictures or videos that infringe copyright. Do not submit artworks that contain other commercial brands.
    Submissions that don’t meet the requirements mentioned above will be disqualified automatically.
    The submission deadline is GMT 24:00 August 29th, 2021.

  • 初評與反饋Preliminary results and feedback

    大賽組委會將於2021年8月30日至2021年9月7日期間進行初評,初評將評選出TOP 100作品,各賽道入選比例將依據各賽道報名作品數量和質量確定;
    A total of 100 entries will be selected in the preliminary round by the organizing committee from August 30th, 2021, to September 7th, 2021. The proportion of picks per category will be determined by the quantity and quality of the submissions.
    The aforementioned 100 picks will be announced on the Renovators official website on September 7th, 2021, and contestants will receive feedback from the judges at the same time.
    The 100 nominees have to develop an improvement plan based on the judges’ feedback and then submit the text-based proposal onto the website from GMT 00:00 September 8th, 2021, to GMT 24:00 September 10th, 2021. The improvement plan will also be one of the assessment criteria.

  • 終評Final results

    大賽組委會將於2021年9月11日0時至2021年9月15日24時期間進行終評,終評將評選出大賽TOP 10作品,並從TOP10作品中選出每個賽道的年度大獎1名。各賽道入選TOP10的比例將依據各賽道入選TOP100的作品數量和質量確定;
    The organizing committee’s final evaluation will take place from GMT 00:00 September 11th, 2021, to GMT 24:00 September 15th, 2021. A total of 10 finalists will be chosen from the 100 nominees from both categories. The proportion of picks per category will be determined by the quantity and quality of the 100 nominees. And finally, a champion for each category from the 10 finalists will be selected.
    The winners of the awards will be announced from GMT 00:00 September 1Eth, 2021, to GMT 24:00 September 18th, 2021.


VI. Rules

  • 1. 參賽者必須確保所提供的個人資料是真實有效的。如發現存在任何虛假,將取消參賽資格。
    1. Contestants are required to provide personal information and must ensure that the information provided is correct and up to date. Contestants who provide false personal information will result in disqualification.
    2. 每位參賽者可以個人或組隊(不超過5人)的形式報名1次,同一作者可以參加不同賽道,不限定提交作品的數量,但同一作品不得在不同賽道中重復提交。
    2. Each contestant can only register once, either as an individual or as a team (no more than 5 members in a team). All contestants may participate in both categories. There’s no limit to the number of submissions. However, submitting the same artwork to both categories is not allowed.
    3. 參賽者可對自己的作品自由命名,但必須確保參賽作品的原創性,並且符合比賽主題。
    3. Contestants should ensure the name of the artwork with originality and relevancy to the theme.
    4. 可准許2年內參加過其他比賽的作品提交,但需註明所參加比賽的名稱及獲獎信息。
    4. Artworks that have already been submitted to other competitions in the past two years can still be submitted to this contest, as long as the name of the competitions and award records are provided.
    5. 所有提交的作品文檔中不可以有作者、院校、教授或導師的相關信息。如在評審過程中發現未清除相關信息的作品,將視為自動棄權。
    5. Information about the author, affiliations, professors or supervisors is not allowed in the artwork. Submissions that contain such information shall result in disqualification.
    6. 參賽者必須確保通過所提交的圖片、視頻和文字描述清晰地傳達設計、創作理念。
    6. Contestants shall ensure that the pictures, videos and texts they submit can clearly convey their design concepts.
    7. 參賽者必須保證參賽作品的原創性,並對所涉及的知識產權負完全的責任。
    7. Contestants must guarantee the originality of their artwork and take full responsibility for the intellectual properties involved.
    8. 凡參加比賽的作品不得侵犯他人著作權、名譽權、肖像權、姓名權等人身權利內容。
    8. All artworks participating in this contest shall not contain content that infringes copyright, portrait right, right of attribution, or defamation.
    9. 參賽者絕不允許將第三方的設計作品作為自己的作品來參賽。如發現涉及抄襲或其他侵權行為,參賽者將立刻被取消參賽資格,並承擔第10條規則所描述的後果。
    9. It is prohibited for contestants to use a third-party design as their own artwork for this contest. In case of plagiarism or any other form of forgery, the contestant shall be deprived of his/her eligibility and be subject to the consequences as described in Article 10.
    10. 凡經發現存在欺騙、抄襲或侵權行為,主辦方將立刻取消參賽者的參賽與獲獎資格,並收回獎金、獎杯、證書等,同時在大賽官網上予以通報。
    10. The host will disqualify any contestants who commit forgery, plagiarism, copyright infringement and will recall any prize, trophy, or certificate if issued already. Also, the undignified conduct or illegal act will be publicized on the official website.
    11. 參賽作品的知識產權歸作者所有,但主辦方有權在全球的范圍內刊登及使用參賽作品用於宣傳和展示,且無須提供參賽者額外的補貼。
    11. The intellectual property of the artworks submitted to this contest shall belong to their respective owners. However, the host shall be entitled to publicize and use the artworks for promotion and exhibition around the globe without paying the owners extra fees.
    12. 凡參賽報名,將視為已充分瞭解和同意遵守大賽的各項規定。
    12. By signing up for this contest, all contestants fully understand and abide by all the rules.
    13. 大賽所有活動的最終解釋權歸主辦方所有。
    13. The host shall reserve the right of final interpretation for all activities in the program.


VII. Assessment

  • 評審標准:
    Assessment criteria:
  • 創新性

    The artwork should demonstrate the integration between sci-tech and art. Moreover, it should reimagine the future and life in the future. The idea should be both unique and novel while being able to provide new solutions to tackle problems and blaze the trail for future lifestyles.

  • 藝術性

    The creative artwork should reflect the integration of sci-tech and art. The artistry and beauty should speak volumes and touch people’s hearts.

  • 可行性

    The design should be practical enough to meet the demands of different scenarios and feature prospects of application and promotion.

  • 表現性

    By leveraging art and design, the themes must be presented appropriately and outstandingly.

  • 評委構成:
    Composition of the jury:

    Authoritative experts around the globe have been invited to serve as judges for the preliminary and final assessments.


VIII. Intellectual Property

  • 1、參賽者須是參賽作品的設計方或所屬方(相關知識產權的權利方),參賽作品與他人沒有任何知識產權糾紛。對存在知識產權糾紛的作品,組委會有權撤銷該作品的參賽資格。
    1. Contestants must be the original designers or owners (those who hold relevant intellectual property rights) of the artworks for the contest. The intellectual property rights of the submitted artworks should be indisputable. The organizing committee is entitled to disqualify any submissions that are involved in intellectual property disputes.
    2、如獲獎作品存在知識產權瑕疵或爭議的,或如因參賽作品存在知識產權瑕疵或爭議造成主辦方、承辦方等單位經濟、名譽方面損失, 組委會有權撤銷獲獎資格,召回獎狀、獎杯等榮譽,追回獎金。
    2. The organizing committee is entitled to recall certificates, trophies, prizes and disqualify any winning artworks involved in intellectual property infringements or disputes that cause monetary and reputational damage to the host or the organizer.
    3. The intellectual property of the submitted artwork belongs to the respective creators.


IX. Publicity and Confidentiality

  • 組委會有權使用參賽者提交的材料進行與大獎有關的宣傳推廣活動,包含但不僅限於拍攝、展覽、新聞報道、整理出版及OPPO校園應用其作品製作一切非商業性質的衍生品。組委會有優先收藏作品和對作品進行商業轉化、開發的權利,收藏費用與合作開發費用將依據作品的具體情況與作者本人另行商議。若有特殊保密要求,參賽方需在報名同時提出書面申請,否則視為可公開作品,組委會不承擔由於公開展示所導致的損失。
    The organizing committee is entitled to use the materials submitted by contestants for promotions regarding the program, including but not limited to photography, exhibitions, news reports, compilations, publications, and their applications by OPPO on campus for all non-commercial derivatives. The organizing committee holds the preferential rights of the artworks and the rights to convert and develop the artworks for commercial purposes. Other commercial usages and co-development fees can be negotiated with the creators in specific situations. In case of any special needs of confidentiality, the contestants may submit a written application, or else the artwork shall be non-confidential and public. The organizing committee shall not be responsible for any loss caused by the public exhibition of these artworks.


X. Awards, prizes, and other related resources (not including the portrait video category award).

  • 2021 藝術創新獎,1 項,由賽道 1 選出,獎金 RMB 5萬元,獲獎證書;
    2021 Artistic Creativity Award, 1 winner selected from Art Tech category, with a prize of RMB 50,000 yuan, an award certificate;
    2021 設計未來獎,1 項,由賽道 2 選出,獎金 RMB 5 萬元,獲獎證書;
    2021 Future Design Award: 1 winner selected from Art Toy category , with a prize of RMB 50,000 yuan, an award certificate;
    2021 創意優勝獎,共 6項,獎金 RMB 1萬元每項,OPPO Reno6,獲獎證書;
    2021 Creative Excellence Award: 6 altogether, with a prize of RMB 10,000 yuan each, a latest OPPO Reno smartphone and an award certificate;
    2021品牌應用獎,共2項,獎金RMB 2萬元每項,OPPO Reno6,獲獎證書;
    2021 Brand Application Award: 2 altogether, with a prize of RMB 20,000 yuan each, a latest OPPO Reno smartphone and an award certificate.

  • OPPO藝術未來獎:
    OPPO Artistic Future Award:

    2021 最佳表現獎,共 12 項,OPPO Enco Free 耳機一件,獲獎證書
    2021 Best Performance Award, 12 altogether, a pair of OPPO Enco Free earphones, an award certificate;
    2021佳作入圍獎,共 78項,獲獎證書;
    2021 Shortlist Award: 78 altogether, with an award certificate.
    The winners above are also entitled to the following resources:

  • 曝光機會:

    For the 10 finalists: exposure on global art media platforms.
    For the 2 winners, one for each category, will be invited to interviews with our partnered art and design magazines.

  • 專家指導機會:
    Experts Guidance:

    TOP100 可獲得導師、顧問點評指導,獲得活動組委會頒發的證書
    The top 100 nominees will receive feedback and guidance from mentors and advisors, plus a certificate from the organizing committee.
    The 10 finalists can interact with world famous instructors for further guidance and join online workshops.
    Opportunity to be invited as guest speakers in experts’ and scholars’ salon talks.

  • 孵化機會:
    Business Incubation opportunities:

    Exposure at OPPO product launches, technology conferences, and other international events.
    優秀作品可獲得OPPO 項目孵化及長期合作機會
    Outstanding artworks will be awarded with OPPO project cooperation and other long-term cooperation opportunities
    Selected artworks have the opportunity to be exhibited at the London Design Festival, Dubai Expo, etc.

  • 社群機會:
    Community Opportunities:

    The 100 nominees will have access to the design resources of OPPO and interact with young artists around the world.

  • 職場機會:
    Career Opportunities:

    TOP10 可獲得OPPO海內外實習名額優先錄取權、校招終面直通車(針對2022屆畢業生)。
    The 10 finalists have priority for OPPO internships and direct access to final interviews for campus recruitment (for graduates of the class of 2022).




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