Special proposition
Proposition unit: United Nations Population Fund
Design theme: Love·Infinity
The United Nations Population Fund is committed to ensuring rights and choices for all. The theme Love·Infinity contains hope for the better development of the world. The combination with design items such as silk scarves and neckties also contains the symbolic meaning of hope that love will last forever, which is consistent with the advocacy of the United Nations Population Fund.
There are 1.8 billion young people in the world aged between 10-24 today, the largest cohort the world has ever seen. Young designers, youare healthy and well-educated, and are able to respond more flexibly to personal and social challenges. We hope that by collecting the designs, the majority of young designers can grasp and understand accurate information about the goals of sexual and reproductive health, promotion of youth development, gender equality and women’s empowerment, population dynamics, etc., so as to attract more young people’s attentionto the mission of the United Nations Population Fund, thus achieving the goalofensuring rights and choices for all.
Proposition category: [fashion accessories]
Reference direction 1: tie
Reference direction 2: silk scarf
1.參賽作品設計稿手繪、電腦作圖均可。設計稿應圍繞設計主題進行面料花型( 樣 )圖案設計,要體現國際流行趨勢及設計主題,在展現藝術性的同時,充分體現實用性、創新性和時代感。
( 1 )提交彩色效果圖,效果圖請按照組委會提供的模板做好後導出jpg格式提交;
( 2 )作品入圍後,需提供面料實物小樣;
( 3 )效果圖不可體現出作者姓名、院校等相關信息。不符合以上要求者,將取消參評資格。
5、參賽稿件、照片等一律不退,請自留底稿,版權歸組委會所有。命題單位對參賽作品( 含設計稿和成品 )擁有公開發表權,包括宣傳、演出、出版發行等。 下
Entry requirements
1. The design draft of the entry can be hand-drawn or computer-made. The draft should focus on the theme to design the fabric pattern ( sample ), present the international fashion trend, and fully reflect the practicality, innovation and sense of the times while showing the artistry.
2. Entries can be designed in series and submitted in the form of grouped drafts. The grouped drafts are limited to 4 works.
3. The submitted works must be original and published for the first time. Any work that has participated in other competitions at home and abroad cannot be entered. Designers, whose works involve plagiarism, imitation and other copyright disputes, will be disqualified from participating. The legal consequences of the competition shall be borne by the participants.
4. The participants must follow the requirements below:
( 1 ) Submit colorful renderings, please follow the template provided by the organizing committee and export them in JPG. format;
( 2 ) If the work is shortlisted, a sample of the fabric must be provided;
( 3 ) The renderings should not reflect the author’s name, institution and other related information. Those who do not meet the above requirements will be disqualified.
5. The submitted designs and photos will not be returned. Please keep your own manuscripts. The copyright belongs to the organizing committee. The proposition unit has the right to publish the entries ( including design drafts and finished products ), including publicity, performance, publication and distribution, etc.
大賽官網: http://sssd2020.cfw.cn
Participants will register their entries in HD photos on the official website of the competition, fill in relevant information as required, and wait for the background review after submission. The submission time is November 10, 2020-April 10, 2021.
The preliminary and final evaluation is from April 10th to April 30th, 2021, and the winning works will be selected in the form of a combination of online voting + expert review.
Competition official website: http://sssd2020.cfw.cn
聯合國人口基聯合設計師領帶設計類金獎一名( 獎金20000元 )
聯合國人口基聯合設計師絲巾設計類金獎一名( 獎金20000元 )
聯合國人口基聯合設計師佳作獎30名( 頒發證書 )
( 以上所有獎項皆有獲獎證書,具體獎項設計和獲獎名額,會根據各類參賽類型人數適時調整。 )
United Nations Population Foundation Joint Designer, Tie Design, One Gold Award ( a bonus of 20,000 yuan )
United Nations Population Foundation Joint Designer, Silk Scarf Design, One Gold Award ( a bonus of 20,000 yuan )
The United Nations Population Foundation Joint Designer, 30 Outstanding Designs ( issuance of certificates )
( All the awards above have certificates, and the specific awards and award quota will be adjusted appropriately according to the number of participants of various types. )
大賽官網: http://sssd2020.cfw.cn
聯繫人:蘭老師( 0316-3380072 )、張老師( 0316-3092020 )
Registration and contact information
Participants will register their entries in HD photos on the official website of the competition, fill in relevant information as required, and wait for the background review after submission. The submission time is November 10, 2020-April 10, 2021.
The preliminary and final evaluation is from April 10th to April 30th, 2021, and the winning works will be selected in the form of a combination of online voting + expert review.
Competition official website: http://sssd2020.cfw.cn
Contacts: Ms. Lan ( 0316-3380072 ), Mr. Zhang ( 0316-3092020 )
Consultation Hotline: 0579-89173025
Scan or long press to identify the following QR code and follow the official WeChat and official Weibo public platforms.
國際人口與發展會議《行動綱領》及可持續發展目標國際人口與發展會議( 開羅,1994 年 )是重要的分水嶺事件,促成了國際社會在人口與發展方面的共識,強調了生殖健康和權利與發展其他領域的聯繫。
在此會議上,包括中國在內的179 個政府通過了一項為期20 年的《行動綱領》,該綱領的重點不在於實現人口目標,而在於滿足個體需求和權利。具體目標包括:普及教育、降低嬰兒、兒童和孕產婦死亡、確保2015 年之前普及生殖健康服務,包括自願計畫生育( 在台灣、香港等地稱家庭計畫 )、孕產婦保健以及性傳播疾病和艾滋病預防等。
2014 年國際人口與發展會議20 週年回顧認為,各國在落實《行動綱領》方面進步顯著,但仍有重要工作需要完成,並就《行動綱領》與2015 年聯合國通過的2030 可持續發展目標相結合提出了建議。
聯合國人口基金致力於幫助各國實現可持續發展目標——特別是目標3( 健康 ),目標4( 教育 )和目標5( 性別平等 )—— 及其他目標。
Introduction to the United Nations Population Fund
UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, expands the possibilities for women and young people to lead healthy and productive lives.
It is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where:
·Every pregnancy is wanted
·Every childbirth is safe
· Every young person’s potential is fulfilled
UNFPA is on the ground improving lives in about 150 countries that are home to 80 per cent of the world’s population. UNFPA helps countries use population data to assess and anticipate needs, and to monitor progress and gaps in delivering on our promises.
UNFPA helps to ensure that the reproductive health and rights of women and young people remain at the very centre of development.
UNFPA provides technical guidance, training and support to empower our partners and stakeholders in the field.
Guided by the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action ( ICPD PoA ) and the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ), UNFPA partners with governments, civil society, media, academia, other UN agencies and the private sector to advance its mission.
International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action ( ICPD PoA ) and the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs )
The ICPD ( Cairo, 1994 ) was a watershed event that forged an international consensus on population and development. It shed new light on the linkages between reproductive health and rights and other aspects of development.
At the conference, 179 governments, including China, endorsed a 20-year Programme of Action ( PoA ), which focused on individuals’ needs and rights, rather than on achieving demographic targets. Concrete goals include providing universal education; reducing infant, child and maternal mortalities; and ensuring universal access by 2015 to reproductive health services, including family planning, assisted childbirth and prevention of sexually transmitted infections and HIV.
The global review of ICPD in 2014 revealed the progress has been made and the significant work that remains to be done, with recommendations for the linkages with the new 2030 Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ) adopted by the UN in 2015. The ICPD’s focus on sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights is central to sustainable development. Many SDGs overlap with UNFPA’s strategic objectives and the ICPD PoA. Achieving the global goals will depend in part on the extent to which the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and young people are protected and on whether young people are healthy, educated and can access services and opportunities.
UNFPA is helping countries achieve the SDGs—-in particular Goal 3 on health, Goal 4 on education and Goal 5 on gender equality—and contribute to achieving the other goals.
The official website of the United Nations Population Fund:
United Nations Population Fund China official website:
- 领带/丝巾)联合国人口基金专项命题类赛事邀请丨大学生时尚设计盛典专项赛参赛要求 1.参赛作品设计稿手绘、电脑作图均可。设计稿应围绕设计主题进行面料花型( 样 )图案设计,要体现国际流行趋势及设计主题,在展现艺术性的同时,充分体现实用性、创新性和时代感。 2.参赛作品可系列化设计,以组稿形式参赛,组稿限在4款作品以内。 3.提交的设计作品务必是设计者原创作品并第一次发表,凡参加过国内外其他比赛的作品不能参赛,如出现抄袭、模仿等涉及著作权纠纷作品,取消设计者参赛资格,由此引起的法律后果由参赛者自负。 大赛官网 : http://sssd2020.cfw.cn
- 国际大学生时尚设计盛典-联合国人口基金专项命题赛投稿时间为2020年11月10日-2021年4月10日。 奖项设置 联合国人口基联合设计师领带设计类金奖一名( 奖金20000元 ) 联合国人口基联合设计师丝巾设计类金奖一名( 奖金20000元 ) 联合国人口基联合设计师佳作奖30名( 颁发证书 ) ( 以上所有奖项皆有获奖证书,具体奖项设计和获奖名额,会根据各类参赛类型人数适时调整。 ) 大赛官网: http://sssd2020.cfw.cn
- 2021第十一届国际大学生时尚设计盛典赛事邀请-联合国人口基金专项命题赛設計主題:愛·無限 聯合國人口基金致力於“確保人人享有權利,自主選擇”。主題《愛·無限》既蘊含著對於世界向好發展的希望,與絲巾、領帶一類的設計品結合,也蘊含著希望愛綿長悠遠的象徵意義,與聯合國人口基金的倡導相符合。 联合国人口基金官网: https://www.unfpa.org/ The official website of the United Nations Population Fund: https://www.unfpa.org/ 联合国人口基金中国官网: https://china.unfpa.org/en United Nations Population Fund China official website: https://china.unfpa.org/en