一) 宗旨
二) 主辦單位
四) 參賽項目
1. 弦樂 – 小提琴、中提琴、大提琴及低音大提琴
2. 敲擊樂 – 爵士鼓、小鼓、中國鼓、木琴、馬林巴琴及鋼片琴
五) 組別
1. 獨奏 – 自選曲目組
2. 獨奏 – 校際及考級組
* 一級至八級的參賽者需在英國皇家音樂學院聯合委員會2021-2022年分級考試曲目、英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院2021-2023年級別考試曲目或香港校際音樂節第七十三屆及第七十四屆比賽曲目中,自選任何一首所屬級數的曲目;
* 演奏級的參賽者,請自選任何一首演奏文憑考試綱目中不超過18分鐘的樂曲或樂章;
3. 合奏(二人或以上)
1. 選曲是否合適將影響成績,評判或本協會有權不接受不合適之選曲而不作任何事先通知;
2. 參賽者有責任確保沒有以同一首自選樂曲參加多於一個項目;
3. 如參賽者因任何原因未能完成演奏,將被取消資格;
4. 如參賽者之演奏超逾規定之時間上限,成績將受影響;
5. 如選曲附有伴奏,參賽者需自行安排伴奏一同演出,而評判不會為伴奏評分。
七) 重要日期
截止報名及遞交作品日期 2022年9月15日(四)
公布賽果日期 2022年10月17日(一)
八) 大會評判
九) 評分標準
1. 演奏技巧
2. 演繹風格
3. 情感表達
4. 完整性
5. 節奏
十) 獎項
1. 本協會將按成績頒發獎項如下:
1.1 獎項得獎者可獲申請獎項之資格;
1.2 證書及獎盃樣本及價錢將於公佈賽果之電郵內查閱;
1.3 可按個別需求申請證書、電子證書及獎盃;
1.4 比賽將不設評分紙;
2. 傑出培訓獎
2.1 任何機構或導師推薦五位或以上參賽者(不包括老師),可獲證書乙張;
2.2 任何機構或導師推薦十位或以上參賽者(不包括老師),可獲獎盃乙個及證書乙張;
2.3 每名參賽者只可選擇推薦一名導師或一間機構;
2.4 資料一經提交,不可更改;
2.5 每位獲獎機構或導師最多獲發一張證書,並連同得獎參賽者一同發放。
3. 亞洲傑出演奏家大獎
3.1 任何參賽者以不同曲目同時參加兩組(自選曲目組和校際及考級組),並且分別獲得金、銀或銅獎,可獲證書乙張。
十一) 報名流程
1. 繳費
1.1 繳費方法如下:
1.2 繳費後記得取得收據或截圖成功付款頁面;
1.3 請將[ STRINGS & PERCUSSION、參賽組別編號、參賽者英文姓名、聯絡電話 ]標註於收據背後或成功付款截圖上。
2. 填妥報名表
2.1 成功提交報名表後會收到本協會電郵確認;
2.2 如未見,請查看垃圾郵箱。
3. 拍攝影片
3.1 詳情請參照第十三項影片要求。
4. 填妥作品提交表
4.2 把影片制作成YouTube或Google Drive連結上傳至作品提交表內;
4.3 提交後會收到本協會電郵確認成功上載作品。
5. 共用連結注意
5.1 YouTube 上載
上載至 YouTube 並設為「不公開」,若影片於任何渠道發放及公開,本協會有權取消其參賽資格。
5.2 Google 雲端上載
上載至 Google 雲端,選擇「取得檔案共用連結」,確保「連結共用設定」已轉為 「已開啟」,複製連結,並將連結拼貼於表格內。
十三) 影片要求
1. 錄影日期,只接受2022年1月1日或之後的錄影;
2. 錄影地點室內外均可,須清楚展示學生的動作及表情;
3. 檔案上載前請將名稱儲存為「參賽組別編號_參賽者英文姓名_曲目名稱」;
例如:馬林巴琴獨奏_自選曲目組_兒童組_Chan Tai Man_巴赫No.4 創意曲
儲存為:「 PA101_Chan Tai Man_巴赫No.4 創意曲」
4. 可使用任何錄影器材錄影;
5. 請使用 MOV、MP4、AVI或WMV 格式,影片解像度為720p或以上;
6. 拍攝影片時,應保持拍攝鏡頭穩定,避免震動搖晃或移動;
7. 請勿使用特寫鏡頭;
8. 影片必須為一鏡到底的拍攝原片,不接受剪接及後期製作;
9. 不得加入特別效果,例如加入配樂、音響、圖片、文本、濾鏡、過度、調光、字幕等特別效果;
10. 確保影片聲畫同步和流暢,以及音質清晰;
11. 於錄影期間可自行決定是否佩戴口罩,惟請參賽者自行評估健康風險,並參考政府當時發出的健康衞生指引;
12. 提交的連結必須有效,如因連結失效而未能評分,本協會概不負責。
十四) 領取奬項
1. 公布結果將以電郵發放及網站內 www.hkcyaa.com;
2. 獎項將於公布結果後兩個月內派發;
3. 奬項及證書均採用順豐速運運費到付寄送;
4. 得獎者可自費製作刻有專屬姓名的獎盃,詳請在公布成績電郵中的表格申請;
5. 訂製表格將於公布結果電郵中發放,請留意截止申請日期,逾期遞交之申請概不受理;
6. 所有獎項一經簽收或領取,如有任何損壞或遺失,將不獲補發;
7. 如因填寫錯誤資料或未有人接收,引致未能送達,本協會概不負責。
十五) 注意事項
1. 本協會有權將參賽音樂之表演以文字紀錄、錄音、錄影或其他形式等公開刊載或播放;
2. 本協會信任並尊重評判根據其專業及經驗而作出的最後判斷,但評判會就音樂大賽事宜保留最終決定權,參賽者不得異議;
3. 本協會保留更改以上所有條款內容及詮釋比賽規則之權利而無須另行通知;
4. 一切已繳交的參賽費用,概不獲退還;
5. 資料一經提交,不可更改,如需酌情處理,行政費港幣$100;
6. 如有任何爭議,本協會將保留最終決定權。
十六) 有關連結
海外報名表格: https://form.jotform.com/hkcyaa/SnP2022overseasapplicationform
十七) 查詢
WhatsApp:4643 3254
Asia Children and Youths Strings and Percussion 2022 Rules and Regulations
1) Mission
The competition aims to promote cultures and arts of music as well as nurture participants’ interests in strings and percussion. Although the pandemic of COVID-19 deprives everyone of performing on the stage and under the spotlight, we still desire to create an opportunity for all participants to demonstrate their talents in music, and at the same time enrich their competition experience and enhance their confidence. Our Association hopes participants can have a great understanding on their own talents and characteristics in music. Lastly, we wish to build a platform full of communications and interactions by using everyone’s own music.
2) Organizer
Hong Kong Children and Youth Arts Association
3) Eligibility
Anyone from Hong Kong or Asian countries.
4) Categories
1. Strings – Violin, Viola, Cello and Violoncello
2. Percussion – Drum Set, Snare Drum, Chinese Drum, Xylophone, Marimba and Glockenspiel
5) Division
1. Solo – Own Choice Piece
* The age of all participants are counted base on the application deadline.
2. Piece from Exam
*Please pick one piece from 73rd and 74th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, ABRSM Graded Exam 2021-2022 or Trinity College London Graded Exam 2021-2023.
3. Ensemble (2 participants or above)
*Grouped by 2021-2022 school year
6) Rules
1. The suitability of the selected music will affect the grade, the referees or the Association reserves the right not to accept the unsuitable music without any prior notice;
2. It is the responsibility of participants to ensure that they do not participate in more than one event with the same piece of music of their own choice;
3. If any participants fails to finish their performance for any reason, they will be disqualified.
4. Participants will be affected if the performance exceeds the time limit;
5. If the selected music needs accompaniment, no marks will be given to the accompaniment.
7) Important Dates
Application deadline: 15th September, 2022 (Thursday)
Date of result announcement: 17th October, 2022 (Monday)
8) Referees
Experienced and professional tutors are invited to be referees of this competition.
9) Judging Criteria
1. Skills
2. Stage style
3. Emotional Expression
4. Integrity
5. Rhythm
1. Awards will be given depending on participants’ performance as following details:
1.1 Award winners are eligible to apply for awards;
1.2 Samples and prices of certificates and trophies will be available in the email of results announcement;
1.3 Apply for certificates, digital certificate and trophies according to individual requirements;
1.4 No grading papers will be released;
2. Outstanding Training Award
2.1 A certificate will be awarded to any tutors or institutes who nominate at least 5 participants or teams (not including the tutor himself/herself);
2.2 A trophy and a certificate will be awarded to any tutors or institutes who nominate at least 10 participants or teams (not including the tutor himself/herself);
2.3 Each participant or team can only choose to nominate either a tutor or an institute;
2.4 No amendment is allowed once the application form is submitted;
2.5 Each tutor or institute is eligible to no more than one award, which will be allocated together with their participant’s awards.
3. Asian Pacific Outstanding Musician Award
3.1 Any participants who join two divisions (Own Choice Piece and Piece From Exam) with different pieces of music and receive Gold, Silver or Bronze Awards respectively in both divisions will be awarded a certificate.
11)Application Methods
12)Application Details
1. Payment
1.1 Please remember to keep the payment receipt or screen-capture the successful payment page for proof;
1.2 Please put down “STRINGS & PERCUSSION, Division No., English names of participants and contact number” on the receipt or in the remark;
1.3 Details of each payment method can be found below:
2. Filling application form
2.1 Confirmation letter will be sent via email after successfully submitted the application form;
2.2 Please remember to check messages in Spam.
3. Video shooting
3.1 Please check the details below.
4. Video submission
4.1 The link for video submission will also be attached on the confirmation email after successfully submitted the application form;
4.2 Upload the video to YouTube or share Google Drive link of the video to the video submission form;
4.3 Confirmation letter will be sent via email after the video has been submitted successfully.
5. Remarks to hyperlink sharing:
5.1 YouTube sharing
Videos uploaded to YouTube should have an “Unlisted” privacy setting. If a video is released or made public, the Association reserves the right to disqualify it.
5.2 Google Drive sharing
Upload the recording to Google Drive and obtain its sharing link. Make sure the option “Anyone with the Link” is selected under “Share with People Setting”. Copy the hyperlink and paste it onto the application form.
13)Video Shooting and Submission Guidelines
Participants are obliged to the following guidelines. Failure to adhering thereby may affect marks/grades or even result in disqualification:
1. Only videos recorded on or after 1st January, 2022 will be accepted;
2. Video-shooting can take place either indoor or outdoor. All postures and facial expressions of participants have to be clearly seen;
3. Name the video using the following format: [Division No._ Participant(s)’ full English name_Title of musical piece]
e.g. PA103_Chan Tai Man_ Sonatine 1
4. There is no limit to video equipment;
5. Please save as the format of MOV, MP4, AVI or WMV with at least 720p (1280×720);
6. The recording device should be kept as steady as possible. Please try to avoid any unnecessary vibrations of the recording device;
7. Close-Up Shot is not allowed
8. Only one-shot video without any video editing is accepted;
9. Special effects or computer editing such as background music, sound effects, pictures, texts, filters or subtitles are not allowed;
10. Please ensure the synchronization and fluency of voice and video as well as clear sound quality;
11. Participants can choose to wear masks or not during the video shooting. Participants are encouraged to refer to the health guidelines issued by the Government;
12. The hyperlink provided should be valid. The Association will bear no responsibility for any failure to adjudication due to an invalid hyperlink.
14) Prizes Allocation
1. The results will be distributed via email and on the website www.hkcyaa.com;
2. Prizes will be distributed within 2 months after announcement of results;
3. Awards and certificates will be delivered by SF Express and paid by receiver;
4. Winners may have their own name engraved on the trophy at their own expense. For details, please apply in the form in the email about results announcement;
5. Customised form for engraved trophy will be sent out in the email about results announcement. Please note the deadline of customised form. Late applications will not be accepted;
6. All awards will not be reissued if they are damaged or lost after being signed or collected by receivers;
7. The Association will bear no responsibility for any failure of delivery due to incorrect information provided by participants or no receivers.
15) Notes
1. All submitted videos are possessions of the Association. The Association reserves the right to use such videos on their own accord, including but not limited to exhibitive and promotional purposes.
2. All final judgments of referees based on their expertise and experience are trusted and respected. The referees will reserve the final decision on all matters related to the dance competition, and participants shall not object to it;
3. The Association reserves the right to amend any item herein and interpret any rule of the competition without further notice;
4. Any payment made is non-refundable;
5. No amendment is allowed once the application form is submitted. If there is any special cases to adjust, an additional cost of HK$100 is required;
6. In case of any dispute, the Association reserves the right of final decision.
16) Links
1. Application Form for individuals: https://form.jotform.com/hkcyaa/SnP2022applicationform
2. Application Form for groups: https://form.jotform.com/hkcyaa/SnP2022overseasapplicationform
3. Video Submission Form for individuals: https://form.jotform.com/hkcyaa/SnP2022individualentrysubmission
4. Video Submission Form for groups : https://form.jotform.com/hkcyaa/SnP2022groupentrysubmission
17) Enquires
Email: hkcyaa@gmail.com
Website: www.hkcyaa.com
WhatsApp: 4643 3254