2022 A’ Design Award and Competition
A’ Design Award and Competition is the World’s largest, most prestigious and influential design accolade, the highest achievement in design. A’ Design Award Winner LOGO, symbolizes exceptional design excellence in your products, projects and services.
A’ Design Award, recognizing the excellent and original design work from across the globe, is the highest achievement in design, a source of inspiration for award-winning designers, artists, architects, brands and design agencies. Entry and nomination is open to all from all countries.
- 建築、建築物和結構設計類
- 室內空間與展陳設計類
- 景觀建築、規劃和園林設計類
- 可持續產品、項目和綠色設計類
登陸官網: http://competition.adesignaward.com(中國大陸地區注冊賬戶需使用VPN網絡),在線英文填寫申報信息,並按照要求上傳相關圖片資料。
-特別說明- :作品提交後,系統將根據資料完整度給出1-100分的分數,評審團也將就作品呈現質量、創新性等給出1-10分的初步評分,期間可能會收到改進展示圖片、描述性文本、視頻和PDF文檔等資料的建議,也可能被拒絕提名,應按照建議進行更改並重新參與評估,如提交項目被接受,方可繼續提名。
特別說明 :完成報名費用的支付之前,所提交作品將不具備進入專業評審環節的資格。
- 早鳥期限:2021年06月30日
- 一般期限:2021年09月30日
- 延遲期限:2022年02月28日
- 結果公佈:2022年04月15日
A’ Design Award Grand Jury Panel brings together the World’s leading design professionals, prominent academics, influential press members and leading experts in industry to recognize, cherish and value good design products, projects and services. A’ Design Award jurors are fully committed to acknowledge and distinguish good design in all its forms.
A’ Design Prize is the highest prize awarded in design industry with a specific aim of promoting, advertising and acknowledging good design worldwide. The A’ Design Prize includes public relations and publicity services in addition to the award trophy, certificate, yearbook and of course the winner LOGO which laureates could use to differentiate and add further value their award-winning products, projects and services.
A’ Design Award presents you with the World’s best design work at the A’ Design Award Winners’ Designs Showcase. Enjoy a fine selection, the crème de la crème, if you will, in arts, architecture, fashion, communication and product design. Discover great designers and brands whose superior design products, projects and services inspire and advance our society.
A’ Design Award and Competition was established to create a global appreciation and awareness for good design as well as to promote good design practices and principles worldwide. The ultimate aim of the design accolade is to make the World a better place by promoting, publishing and advertising good designs in all industries. A’ Design Award incentivizes designers, agencies and companies worldwide to come up with superior products, projects and services that benefit society by annually recognizing, awarding and celebrating the very best design work from across the globe, consequently channeling attention of press members, design media, design oriented audiences, distributors and buyers to award-winning works.
A' Design Award相關競賽:
- 2023 A’ Design Award and Competition2023 A' Design Award and Competition is for designers, innovators and companies that want to highlight themselves to attract the attention of media
- 2022 A’ Design Award and Competition2022 A' Design Award and Competition 延遲期限: 2022年02月28日。 主要類別: 建築、建築物和結構設計類; 室內空間與展陳設計類; 景觀建築、規劃和園林設計類; 可持續產品、項目和綠色設計類。 面向全球,過去十年內的項目均有資格參評。
- 2021 A’ Design Award and Competition2021 A' Design Award and Competition 延遲期限:2021年02月28日。 參評對象:面向全球範圍內所有從事藝術、建築、時尚、傳播和產品相關行業的設計師、建築師、品牌以及設計機構開放,過去十年內的項目均有資格參評。 主要類別:本屆A'設計獎根據專業領域不同,共劃分為一百多個參賽類別。
- 2020意大利 A’ Design Award 設計獎2020意大利 A' Design Award 設計獎 意大利A Design Award設計獎全球徵集:範圍涵蓋產品、視覺、媒體、空間環境等領域。A’設計大獎賽是全球領先的國際年度設計比賽。是一項被國際平面設計協會聯合會ico-D、歐洲設計協會BEDA所認可的國際賽事。
- 2018 A’ Design Award and Competition2018 A' Design Award and Competition 是全球領先的國際年度設計比賽。是一項被國際平面設計協會聯合會ICOGRADA、歐洲設計協會BEDA所認可的國際賽事。A'設計大獎是為了給予在全球各個創意領域中來自於所有國家在各個不同範疇的最優秀的設計師的榮譽而組織的。
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- The Craft Irish Whiskey Co. 在The A'Design Awards 贏得三項大奬,為設計記錄寫下光輝的一頁為設計記錄寫下光輝的一頁,在全球最著名和最具影響力的設計比賽 The A'Design Awards 中贏得三項最高級獎項。去年,The Craft Irish Whiskey Co.
- 2022 意大利 A' Design Award设计大奖意大利A'设计大奖赛创建于2010年,是目前世界上规模最大、种类最多的综合性设计比赛。旨在发掘和表彰全球范围内最卓越的设计、技术和创意,为获奖者提供国际性展示平台,从而激励设计师、机构以及品牌创造出更多优质的产品、项目和服务,推动社会发展,促进行业共荣。 A' Design Award and Competition is the World’s largest, most prestigious and influential design accolade, the highest achievement in design. A' Design Award Winner LOGO, symbolizes exceptional design excellence in your products, projects and services. https://competition.adesignaward.com/