2023年「人權75設計起舞Color Our Rights」人權海報設計競賽

2023年「人權75設計起舞Color Our Rights」人權海報設計競賽

 總獎金: 1500000

最高獎金: 200000

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2023-09-04

主辦單位: 國家人權委員會

主辦單位電話: 02-2505-1180分機790(蘇先生)




I. Objective of the Competition:

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) seeks to enhance human rights education and interaction. To encourage all sections of society to engage in human rights-related activities, the Commission is organizing the 2023 Human Rights Poster Design Competition. The Competition commemorates the 75th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Contestants are expected to creatively incorporate the spirit and interpretation of the various articles of the declaration into their poster designs. The ultimate goal is to increase awareness of human rights across all levels of Taiwanese society and spread the universal concept of human rights.

2023年「人權75設計起舞Color Our Rights」人權海報設計競賽

2023年「人權75設計起舞Color Our Rights」人權海報設計競賽




II. Organizer:

The National Human Rights Commission

Executive Organizer: The Central News Agency


本屆以慶祝世界人權宣言75周年「UDHR75」為徵件主題。參賽作品至少須對應世界人權宣言1項條文(含)以上,將世界人權宣言各條文精神及意涵融入海報設計,以建立或啟發社會大眾對於人權關懷、保障及促進觀念。更多人權相關議題請參見「 活動官網/人權教育」。

III. Competition Theme:

The theme of this year’s competition is “UDHR75” in celebration of the 75th of the UDHR.Submissions represent at least one article from the declaration, incorporating its spirit and meaning into the poster’s design. This is to help foster or inspire public understanding and promotion of human rights protection and care. Please refer to the official event website under “Human Rights Education” for more topics related to human rights.













IV. Entry Requirements:

(1) Eligibility:

a. Open to all nationalities. Those entering the Student category must currently be enrolled in high school or above; those entering the General category must be above the age of 18.

b. Individual participation only (one person per entry), and each participant can only register in one group.

c. Entries must be original and digitally created. Using AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools to generate images is not allowed.

d. Entries must be original, not plagiarized, and should not infringe upon others’ copyrights or rights. They should not have been previously awarded, publicly praised, published, or exhibited.

e. To encourage broader participation in this human rights-focused event, there is no limit on the number of entries.However, only the best work from each participant will be eligible for a prize, adhering to the principle of no repeat winners.

f. If any of the above qualifications are violated, and upon verification, the participant will be disqualified. If the participant has already won, the award will be canceled, and the prize and prize money will be returned.

(2) Competition Categories:

a. Student: For studentscurrently attending high school or above, including recent graduates and new students. Participants must upload an official ID and proof of enrollment(like a student ID, graduation certificate, enrollment proof, or admission letter).

b. General: Open to anyone over the age of 18 (born before June 1, 2005). Participants must upload official identity proof, like an ID card, passport, or residence permit.

Note: Participants under the age of 18 (born after June 1, 2005) must have consent signed by a legal guardian.


項目 時程
線上報名徵件 即日起~2023年9月4日23:59止
初選 2023年9月中旬
初選入圍作品名單公布 暫定2023年9月22日 網路公告入圍作品名單
入圍者實體資料繳交截止 2023年10月11日前送達(不憑郵戳) 入圍者須繳交實體,詳見簡章第七點-報名辦法
複選、決選 預計2023年10月下旬辦理
得獎名單公布(不含名次) 2023年11月1日 (名次待頒獎典禮公布)
頒獎典禮 暫定於2023年12月上旬舉行,詳細時間及地點依官網公告為主



V. Submission and Timeline:

Item Schedule
Deadline for Entries From now until 23:59 on September 4, 2023
Preliminary Selection Mid-September 2023
Announcement of Preliminary Selection Tentatively scheduled on September 22, 2023. The list of nominees will be announced on the official website.
Submission of Documents All qualifying participants in the preliminary selection are required to submit physical documents before October 11, 2023 (the postmark date will not be regarded as the date of receipt). Please read Section VII of the Event Guidelines for more information.
Semi-finals & Finals Tentatively scheduled for late October 2023

  1. Semi-finals: Finalists to be selected from the pool of shortlisted entries
  2. Finals: Winners to be selected from the pool of finalists
Winner Notification (Rankings not disclosed) November 1, 2023 (Full rankings for the awards will be unveiled at the prize ceremony)
Awards Ceremony Tentatively scheduled for early December 2023. Details will be announced on the official website.

Note: Adjustments to the event schedule may occur depending on the circumstances. For the latest information and updates, please check the official website regularly. If the event cannot be held due to unforeseen circumstances, the organizer reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the event.



VI. Entry Specifications:

The poster must be created in A1 size (594mm x 841mm) in a vertical format and saved as a JPG or PDF file (finalistsand winnersmust submit the original Adobe Illustrator (.ai) file). The poster file size should not exceed 20MB and must be designed in CMYK color mode at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Posters that do not meet these specifications will not be accepted for judging.



活動網址: http://nhrc-postercompetition.net










(4)入圍者須於指定時間 (2023年10月11日) 前寄送至徵件小組(104 臺北市中山區松江路209號7樓 人權海報設計競賽徵件小組 收),逾期則喪失複、決審及得獎資格;相關寄送作品恕不返還。

VII. Registration:

Registrations will be accepted online, and entries should be submitted electronically. Finalists will need to provide physical copies of their works.

Event website: http://nhrc-postercompetition.net

(1)Online Registration: Please visit the event’s website and click on “Register,” and include the following:

a.Complete the online entry form.

b.Upload a signed copy of the competition consent form (photograph or scan).

c.Upload proof of identity or student status (photograph or scan).

d.Upload a digital version of your artwork file (JPG or PDF) named after your surname and date of birth (e.g., WANG1210).

(2)Finalists must submit physical copies of the following items:

a.A1-sized poster.

b.The original signed consent form.

c.The original copyright authorization form.

d.Send the physical items before October 11, 2023, to the event’s submission team at “Human Rights Poster Design Competition Submission Team, 7F., No. 209, Songjiang Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)”. If submissions are late, the participant will be disqualified from the semi-finals, finals, and awards. Please note that submitted works will not be returned.


項目 佔比
切題性 40%
創意性 30%
構圖與美感 30%
合計 100%

VIII. Judging Criteria:

Artwork should be based on one or more articles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and creatively presented via a digital poster with aesthetic design considerations. A panel of experts will be invited to judge, with scoring criteria including relevance (40%), creativity (30%), and composition and aesthetic design (30%).

Criteria Percentage
Relevance to the theme 40%
Creativity 30%
Composition and aesthetic design 30%
Total 100%



獎項 學生組 社會組
金獎(1名) 新臺幣20萬元、獎盃一座及獎狀一紙。 新臺幣20萬元,獎盃一座及獎狀一紙。
銀獎(2名) 新臺幣10萬元、獎盃一座及獎狀一紙。 新臺幣10萬元,獎盃一座及獎狀一紙。
銅獎(3名) 新臺幣5萬元、獎盃一座及獎狀一紙。 新臺幣5萬元,獎盃一座及獎狀一紙。
佳作(12名) 新臺幣1.5萬元及獎狀一紙。 新臺幣1.5萬元及獎狀一紙。
網路人氣票選獎(1名) 新臺幣2萬元及獎狀一紙。 新臺幣2萬元及獎狀一紙。

IX. Awards Rules:

The Competition is divided into two categories, each with its own set of prizes, as outlined below. If the submissions do not meet the judging criteria, the corresponding awards will not be granted. The award money is subject to withholding tax, which the organizer will deduct and remit in accordance with the Income Tax Act.

Award Student Category General Category
Gold (1 winner) NT$200,000, a trophy, and a certificate NT$200,000, a trophy, and a certificate
Silver (2 winners) NT$100,000, a trophy, and a certificate NT$100,000, a trophy, and a certificate
Bronze (3 winners) NT$50,000, a trophy, and a certificate NT$50,000, a trophy, and a certificate
Honorable Mention (12 winners) NT$15,000 and a certificate NT$15,000 and a certificate
Online Popularity Award (1 winner) NT$20,000 and a certificate NT$20,000 and a certificate
1. The content and specifications of the prizes will be based on the actual item. Winners may not request to exchange or transfer their prizes.2. The organizer reserves the right to modify or terminate this event at any time. Any changes or detailed notices will be announced on the event website without further notification.3. If there is an award ceremony, winners must attend. Those unable to attend may complete an authorization form for a representative to accept their prize. However, the representative must present their ID, along with the original ID of the awardee and the authorization form, to collect the award.4. Winners must complete and submit the relevant award receipt as per regulations, including the payment of withholding tax. If unable to comply, the participant will be deemed to have waived their award and forfeited their eligibility.




X. Usage of Works:

1. In commemoration of World Human Rights Day, the entries that make it to the final selection will be exhibited at the National Human Rights Commission’s “International Human Rights: Poster Exhibition” (tentative title). The participant declares that the submitted work is his/her exclusive property and it does not infringe any existing copyright or any other third-party rights. The participant agrees to grant the NHRC and any authorized or reauthorized parties to exercise all rights in the submitted work, including, without limitation, the right to reproduce, publicize, broadcast, edit, distribute, and reproduce derivative works based on the original with no payment to the participant for such use either before or during the aforementioned Exhibition and with no restriction as to place frequency, and manner. In no event will the rights granted in this section be subject to revocation for any reason.

2. Award winners agree that from the time they are notified of their win, they will grant the National Human Rights Commission and any authorized or reauthorized parties the copyright of their winning work for use without restrictions on time, location, frequency, or method. This includes, but is not limited to the right to reproduce, publicly broadcast, edit, adapt, publicly display, publicly transmit, distribute, create promotional materials, and produce derivative products. This agreement cannot be revoked.



連絡電話:02-2505-1180分機790 蘇先生

E-mail: nhrcpostercompetition@gmail.com

XI. Contact Information:

For any inquiries, please reach out to Mr. Su from the “2023 Human Rights Poster Design Competition” team:

Number: 02-2505-1180 ext. 790

Email: nhrcpostercompetition@gmail.com



XII. “Human Rights Begin with You!” Vote for Your Favorite Poster and Win a Prize!

This event will run from November 1 to November 30, 2023. We invite everyone to visit the event’s website to view the finalists’ human rights poster designs. Within the “Human Rights Begins with You!” section, fill out your information, complete a questionnaire, share your insights, and participate in the public voting for the best poster by casting a vote for your favorite one. By completing the form and agreeing to allow the organizer to use your responses, you’ll get a chance to win an exclusive prize! Each person is limited to one submission. The list of winners will be announced on the official website after the Competition concludes. Participants who fail to provide accurate information and complete responses will lose their eligibility to win a prize. For further details about the event, please visit the official website.


  1. 凡報名參加本競賽者,視為已充分瞭解本活動簡章內容,如有違反相關事項,主辦單位得取消其參賽或得獎資格,並就因此產生之損害,得向參賽者請求賠償。
  2. 如有任何因電腦、網路、電話、技術或不可歸責於主辦單位之事由,而使參賽者所寄出或登錄之資料有延遲、遺失、錯誤、無法辨識或毀損之情況,主辦單位不負任何法律責任,參賽者亦不得因此異議。
  3. 參賽作品若涉及或影射腥、羶、色情、暴力或違反社會善良風俗等內容,致主辦單位形象、聲譽等有價或無價之損失,主辦單位皆有權對該作品進行下架並取消參賽資格、收回獎項,若造成主辦單位損害者,應自負民事或刑事上之責任。
  4. 通過初選之入圍之參賽者,須依活動簡章第七點-報名辦法中所列之項目,於指定時間內送達,收件時間不憑郵戳,逾期視為棄權。
  5. 人權海報設計得獎結果將於活動官網公布,並應於主辦單位通知期限內提供主辦單位所要求之完整領獎文件,逾期視為棄權。得獎者所提供之身分證明文件如與投稿登錄資料不符,主辦單位得要求得獎者提出相關證明文件,否則主辦單位得取消其得獎資格。
  6. 競賽獎金之稅額依我國所得稅法規定,由主辦單位就獎金所得代扣稅額,獎金匯款手續費及匯費將從獎金扣除,並須依規定交付身分證明文件影本,經通知未依時限提供者,視為放棄得獎權益。
  7. 如有舉辦頒獎儀式,須配合出席頒獎典禮,未能出席領獎,可由代理人出席並攜帶委託授權書受獎。
  8. 主辦單位僅使用參賽者所提供之個人資料於此活動用途,且遵守【個人資料保護法】相關規定,以維護參賽者權益。參賽者參與本活動及同意相關個人資訊由主辦單位於活動範圍內進行蒐集、電腦處理及利用,但不做其他用途,參賽者並授權主辦單位公開公布姓名。
  9. 本活動各項辦法若有未盡事宜,得由主辦單位保留修改權利,若有任何更動,皆以活動網站公告為準,恕不另行通知。


  1. By entering the Competition, the participant is deemed to have read, understood, and agree to the terms and conditions of this event. The organizer may, at its sole discretion, remove and/or disqualify any submission and/or participant who fails to comply with the terms and conditions. Participants bear full legal liability should any damage be suffered by the organizer.
  2. The organizer bears no legal responsibility for any delay, loss, error, unrecognizable data, or damage due to computer, internet, telephone, technical issues, or matters not attributable to the organizer. Participants cannot dispute these situations.
  3. If any entry contains or implies indecency, explicit content, violence, or any content violating good societal customs that could damage the reputation or image of the organizer, the organizer has the right to disqualify the entry, revoke the awards, and remove the work. Participants that cause damage to the organizer should bear civil or criminal responsibility.
  4. All shortlisted participants must submit the required documents as listed in Section VII of the Event Guidelines within the specified time. The received time does not rely on the postmark. If overdue, it is considered a withdrawal from the Competition.
  5. The results of the Human Rights Poster Design competition will be announced on the official event website. Winners must provide the complete documents required by the organizer within the given deadline. Otherwise, they will be deemed to have forfeited their right to the prize. If the identity document provided by the winner does not match the submitted registration data, the organizer may request relevant proof documents, else, the organizer may disqualify the winner.
  6. The tax amount of the competition prize money will be deducted according to the Income Tax Law of our country. The organizer will withhold the tax amount from the prize money, and the handling fee and remittance fee will be deducted from the prize money. Winners must provide a copy of their ID within the designated time limit, or else they forfeit their winning rights.
  7. If there is an award ceremony, winners must attend the ceremony. If unable to attend, an authorized representative may accept the award on their behalf with an official authorization letter.
  8. The organizer will use the personal data provided by the participants for this event only and comply with the regulations of the Personal Data Protection Act to protect the rights of the participants. By participating in this event, participants consent to the organizer collecting, computer processing, and using their personal information within the scope of the event. However, the organizer will not use the information for other purposes. Participants also authorize the organizer to announce their names publicly.
  9. If there are any matters not covered by these rules, the organizer reserves the right to modify them. Any changes will be announced on the event website without further notice.





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