2023年7月1日 (星期六)
![2023年花蓮太平洋盃全國小鐵人及短程鐵人三項錦標賽 2023年花蓮太平洋盃全國小鐵人及短程鐵人三項錦標賽](https://i.imgur.com/iCq1nty.jpg)
項目 | 時間 |
短程組Super Sprint Distance (SSD) | 7月1日上午 |
小鐵人組 Kids Triathlon(KT) | 7月1日上午 |
鐵搭檔親子組 Parent-Child Duathlon(PC) | 7月1日上午 |
鐵搭檔組按照「路跑(大人)→自由車(兒童)→路跑(雙人)」順序進行 :
項目 Event | 游泳 Swim | 自由車 Bike | 路跑 Run |
Super Sprint Distance(SSD) |
0.3km /10min | 6km/40min | 2km/20min |
Kids Triathlon(KT) |
0.15km /10min | 4.5km/30min | 1.2km/20min |
項目 Event | 路跑 Run | 自由車 Bike | 路跑 Run |
Parent-Child(PC) |
(大人) |
(小孩) |
(雙人) |
Distance and time limit
- Triathlon(Super Sprint &Kids) Race sequence「Swim → Bike → Run」
- Parent-Child Race sequence「Run(adult)→ Bike(child) → Run(together)」:An adult starts the race (it can also be another child). After the running section is over, it will be handed over to the child at the transition area, and the cycling section will start. After cycling for 5 kilometers, return to the transition area, and then complete the final running section with the adult(If the children have no physical strength, they can rest, and the adults will complete the final run alone).
- After the last wave is started, the gate closing time limit starts. For example: the first wave starts at 7:00, the last wave starts at 7:20, and the gate closing time starts at 7:20, the swim course closes at 8:20, and the bike course closes at 10:00, and the run course closes at 11:40 (the number of the above-mentioned opening ladders increases or decreases according to the actual number of applicants)
- In order to ensure athletes safety and maintain the race quality, the time cut offs will be executed accordingly.Please focus on training with a certain level of ability.
- According to the ITU rules, the race distance can be modified in 5%.
競賽流程Event Schedule
2023/06/30 (五):
活動時間 | 參加對象 | 活動 Event | 地點 Place |
16:00-17:00 | 短程組/小鐵人/鐵搭檔
Check in |
Registration area |
活動時間 | 參加對象 | 活動 Event | 地點 Place |
05:30-06:30 | 短程組/小鐵人/鐵搭檔
Check in |
Registration area |
06:40-07:40 | 短程組/小鐵人/鐵搭檔
TA Open |
TA |
07:30-07:50 | 短程組/小鐵人/鐵搭檔
Registration |
Conference stage |
07:40-08:00 | 短程組/小鐵人/鐵搭檔
Opening Ceremony |
Conference stage |
08:00 | 短程菁英/分齡組
SSD- Elite/AG |
短程組 開賽
Super Sprint Start |
Liyu Lakeside |
08:50 | 鐵搭檔(大人)
Parent-Child |
Parent-Child Start |
Start from finish point |
09:00 | 小鐵人
Kids Triathlon |
小鐵人 開賽
Kids Start |
Liyu Lakeside |
10:30 | 短程組/小鐵人
開放轉換區 領車
TA Open (可視情況由裁判長宣布調整時間) |
Transition Area |
11:30 | 短程組/小鐵人
Medal Ceremonies |
Conference stage |
11:30 | 短程組/小鐵人/鐵搭檔
Ending |
Liyu Lake |
2.如因天候不佳等意外狀況,以致本活動須延期或停辦時,主辦單位將於賽前一天18:00以前於活動官網公告,恕不另行通知。網址 : http://www.ctta.org.tw
分組說明 Group Description
- 選手務必先適應戶外水域游泳方式再參賽。
- 為顧及選手人身安全,裁判可視情況制止選手繼續比賽。
- 攜帶救生浮標者「限」報名浮標組,並在最後一梯次下水,但浮標組不計算成績排名,浮標為救生工具,請盡量避免抱著救生浮標踢水前進。
- 浮標組:依各項賽事年齡規定,不限男女,有完賽成績但不計名次。
- 請依規定報名參賽組別,如被發現或遭檢舉使用不符規定車種參賽,查明屬實後將直接取消參賽資格。
- 所有選手禁止使用ubike、折疊腳踏車。
Group Description
- Competitors must get used to swimming in outdoor water before participating in the competition to avoid danger.
- In order to take into account the personal safety of the players, the referee may stop the players from continuing the game according to the situation.
- Those who carry buoys are only allowed to sign up for the buoy group and go into the water on the last wave, but the buoy group does not calculate the ranking. The buoy is a life-saving tool. Please try to avoid kicking the water while holding the life-saving buoy.
- Buoy group: according to the age regulations of each competition, men and women are not limited, and there is a finish result but no ranking.
- Please register for the competition category in accordance with the regulations. If it is found or reported that the vehicle type does not conform to the regulations, the qualification will be directly disqualified after verification.
- All players are prohibited from using Ubike and folding bicycles.
1、短程組 / Super Sprint Distance
SSD Age group短程分齡組
菁英組Elite Men | 13 year old or older | before 2010 |
13歲組AG13 | 13~15 year old | 2008~2010 |
16歲組AG16 | 16~19 year old | 2004~2007 |
20歲組AG20 | 20~29 year old | 1994~2003 |
30歲組AG30 | 30~39 year old | 1984~1993 |
40歲組AG40 | 40~49 year old | 1974~1983 |
50歲組AG50 | 50 year old | before 1973 |
菁英組Elite Women | 13 year old or older | before 2010 |
13歲組AG13 | 13~15 year old | 2008~2010 |
16歲組AG16 | 16~19 year old | 2004~2007 |
20歲組AG20 | 20~29 year old | 1994~2003 |
30歲組AG30 | 30~39 year old | 1984~1993 |
40歲組AG40 | 40~49 year old | 1974~1983 |
50歲組AG50 | 50 year old | before 1973 |
Buoy浮標組註 | 13 year old or older | before 2010 |
Wearing swimming aids such as life buoys and winter clothes (when the conference is not open for use) will be regarded as a buoy group.
2、小鐵人組 / Kids Triathlon
分齡組Age group
7歲組AG7 | 7 year old | 2016 |
8歲組AG8 | 8 year old | 2015 |
9歲組AG9 | 9 year old | 2014 |
10歲組AG10 | 10 year old | 2013 |
11歲組AG11 | 11 year old | 2012 |
12歲組AG12 | 12 year old | 2011 & 2010/9/1-2010/12/31 |
7歲組AG7 | 7 year old | 2016 |
8歲組AG8 | 8 year old | 2015 |
9歲組AG9 | 9 year old | 2014 |
10歲組AG10 | 10 year old | 2013 |
11歲組AG11 | 11 year old | 2012 |
12歲組AG12 | 12 year old | 2011 & 2010/9/1-2010/12/31 |
1.小鐵人禁止使用休息把Kids are not allowed to use the rest bar.
2.小鐵人賽允許使用救生浮標、救生衣、防寒衣。Kids are allowed to use buoys, life vest, and wetsuit.
3、鐵搭檔組 / Parent-Child
鐵搭檔Parent-Child | 7 year old or older | before 2016 |
1.由大人開賽起跑(也可以是另一位小朋友),路跑結束後於轉換區交棒給小孩,開始進行自由車路段,自由車騎行5公里後回轉換區,再與大人一起完成最後階段路跑(若小朋友沒有體力也可休息,由大人單獨完成最後階段) 。
An adult starts the race (it can also be another child). After the running section is over, it will be handed over to the child at the transition area, and the cycling section will start. After cycling for 5 kilometers, return to the transition area, and then complete the final running section with the adult(If the children have no physical strength, they can rest, and the adults will complete the final run alone).
Children are not allowed to use the rest bar.
賽程 | 1st第一名 | 2nd第二名 | 3rd第三名 | 4th第四名 | 5th第五名 |
SSD Elite短程菁英組 | $3,000及獎牌 | $1,200及獎牌 | $800及獎牌 | $600及獎牌 | $500及獎牌 |
SSD AG-Overall 短程分齡組總排名 | $3,000及獎牌 | $1,200及獎牌 | $800及獎牌 | $600及獎牌 | $500及獎牌 |
KT AG小鐵人分齡組(註) | $1,500及獎狀 | $1,000及獎狀 | $600及獎狀 | $500及獎牌 | $300及獎牌 |
PC鐵搭檔組 | 親子同樂,不設排名,完賽可獲紀念獎牌2面。
PC are no rankings, 2 commemorative medals will be awarded after the race. |
2023 World Triathlon Age-Group Championships Pontevedra (Pontevedra, Spain) |
本賽事短程賽-分齡組作為「2023年世錦鐵人三項分齡錦標賽-總決賽站」(西班牙蓬特韋德拉,9/22)資格賽,各組前3名得自費參加該賽事短程組(Super Sprint),限15歲以上本國籍人士,不依序遞補,參賽組別依據國際年齡分組,其他參賽資訊請參考世錦賽官網。
◎本會僅負責報名業務,其餘參賽所衍生費用及出國行程安排需自行負責。 ◎相關參賽組別及出賽員額得國際總會及主辦國公告調整之。 |
112年度培育優秀或具潛力運動選手計畫-U15組 |
◎此國際賽事為本會112年度培育優秀或具潛力運動選手計畫-U15組子計畫,錄取選手需全程參與培訓計畫否則不具獲選資格,俟計畫核定後再行公告培訓內容。 ◎相關參賽組別及出賽員額得依教育部體育署核定經費、國際總會及主辦國公告調整之。 |
通則 |
短程賽300人、小鐵人500人、鐵搭檔100隊 (大會保有更動權利,選手名單以協會官網公告為準。)
即日起至2023年5月25日 或 額滿為止。
1. 短程組須2010以前出生2.小鐵人及鐵搭檔小朋友須2016以前出生,以上未滿18歲者,皆須附家長或監護人同意書。
- 憑軍人證本人及眷屬參賽7折優惠。
- 領有身心障礙手冊者5折優惠。
- 符合上述1~3項優惠者請email來信提供訂單編號及相關資訊,本會調整訂單金額後再行繳費。
- 花蓮縣公私立國中小學童(由花蓮縣教育處審核受理報名作業)。
- 如報名截止後更改資料須酌收行政處理費1000元,並不具得獎資格。
- 報名費皆含醫療傷害險$150/人,最高理賠300萬元/人。
- 優惠計算方式須先排除醫療傷害險$150/人。
- 依據我國「個人資料保護法」規定,本報名資料僅供主辦單位辦理比賽使用。
項目 5折(身心障礙) 軍人/軍眷7折 正常價 短程組 Super Sprint
$1,000 $1,340 $1,850 小鐵人 Kids Triathlon
$675 $885 $1,200 鐵搭檔 Parent-Child
$675 — $1,200
- Registration quota: 300 people for super sprint, 500 people for kids triathlon, 100 teams for parent-Chird (The conference reserves the right to make changes, and the list of players is subject to the announcement on the association’s official website.)
- Registration period: from now until May 25, 2023 or until the quota is full.
- Registration qualifications: A). The super sprint race must be born before 2010. B).kids triathlon and parent-Chird must be born before 2016, and those under the age of 18 must attach the consent form of their parents or guardians.
- Registration plan and fees:
- 30% discount for the participation of the person and his/her family members with a military ID card, and a discount for the relay team according to the number of soldiers.
- 50% discount for those who have handbooks for the physically and mentally handicapped.
- Those who meet the above a~b discounts, please send an email to provide the order number and related information, and we will adjust the order amount before payment..
- Registration is free for public and private primary and secondary school children in Hualien County (Registration will be reviewed and accepted by the Education Department of Hualien County Government).
- If the information is changed after the registration deadline, an administrative processing fee of 1,000 yuan will be charged, and it will not be eligible for the award.
- The registration fee includes medical injury insurance $150/person, with a maximum claim of 3 million yuan/person.
- The discount calculation method must first exclude the insurance $150/person.
- In accordance with the laws and regulations of our country, this registration information is only used by the sponsor for the competition.
- 已完成報名手續者如放棄參賽,請提供「選手姓名」、「身分證字號」、「戶名」、「銀行(或郵局)」、「帳號」寄至ctta99@ms34.hinet.net,退費酌收200元手續費。
- 報名截止後恕不因任何因素申請退費,且不得以任何理由頂替參賽。
- 如因賽前1周內確診COVID-19致無法參賽者,請於2023年7月8日前提供公部門核發之確診證明書,寄至ctta99@ms34.hinet.net申請退費,選手將取回30%報名費退費。
- 本賽事舉辦期間如遇天災等不可抗力因素並經本會宣布停賽時,賽會日期之調整或退費等,由本會另於網站公布。
Refund method
- Those who have completed the registration procedures and give up the competition, please provide the “Competitor’s Name”, “ID Card Number”, “Account Name”, “Bank (or Post Office)”, “Account Number” and send it toctta99@ms34.hinet.net, A handling fee of 200 yuan will be charged for refunds.
- After the registration deadline, no refund will be made for any reason, and no substitute for any reason will be allowed.
- If you are unable to participate in the competition due to the diagnosis of COVID-19 within 1 week before the competition, please provide a certificate of diagnosis issued by the public sector before July 7, 2023 and send it to ctta99@ms34.hinet.netto apply for a refund. 30% of the registration fee will be refunded.
- In the event of force majeure such as natural disasters during the event period and the club announces the suspension of the competition, the adjustment of the tournament date or refunds will be announced by the club on the website.
- 本賽事皆為「現場報到領取物資」。
- 物資內容參考本簡章「選手贈品」。
- 本會將於報名截止後2個禮拜公佈選手編號,請上網列印「選手報到單」,憑「選手報到單」及「健保卡」(或身分證明文件)於活動現場辦理報到、領取參賽物資,代領者需提供身分證明文件及選手報到單。
- 現場可依所剩紀念衣尺寸,盡量給予更換。
- 未領取物資者,請於賽後1個月內向本會申請,可至本會辦公室(台北市朱崙街20號611室-0287723350)領取或以貨到付運費方式郵寄,逾期將捐贈至慈善團體。
Check-in Instructions
- This competition is all “on-site registration to collect materials”.
- For the content of materials, please refer to item 13 of this guide.
- The Association will announce the contestant number 2 weeks after the registration deadline. Please print the “Contestant Registration Form” online, and present the “Contestant Registration Form” and “Health Insurance Card” (or identification document) at the event site for registration and collection For the competition materials, the representative should provide identification documents and the registration form of the players.
- According to the size of the remaining commemorative clothes, they can be replaced as much as possible on the spot.
- For those who have not received the materials, please apply to the Association within 1 month after the competition. You can pick them up at the Association Office (Room 611, No. 20, Zhulun Street, Taipei City – 0287723350) or mail them by COD, overdue donations will be made to charities
- 餐盒(憑券領取)。
- 紀念衫。(尺寸表如下)
- 時限內完賽者,另贈「完賽獎牌」。
- 時限內完賽者,另贈「電子檔完賽證書(開放下載至2023年11月30日)」(除鐵搭檔外)。
Contestant gifts
The contents of the gifts and services provided by the conference are described as follows (the conference reserves the right to change).
- Lunch box (received with coupon).
- Souvenir shirt.
- Those who finish the race within the time limit will be given a “Complete Medal”.
- Those who finish the race within the time limit will also receive an “Electronic Completion Certificate (downloadable until Nov., 30, 2023)” (except for the iron partner).
- 領取方式:轉換區放自由車時領取晶片。
- 歸還方式:賽後至轉換區歸還晶片,領取物品、自由車。
- 晶片遺失:至轉換區繳交新臺幣1,000元,再憑號碼布、單據至轉換區領車。
Timing chip
- How to get: Get the chip when you put the free car in the transfer area.
- Return method: return the chip to the transfer area after the game, collect items, free car.
- Lost chip: pay NT$1,000 at the transfer area, and then go to the transfer area to pick up the car with the bib number and receipt.
Application for Certificate of Merit
Please go to the official website of the Association to download the application form “Courtesy Events”. The Association will issue a certificate of achievement with a cost of NT$200 per sheet.
- 競賽爭議:在規則上有明文規定或同等意義之註明者,以裁判之判決為準。
- 申訴程序:選手如需提出申訴,得以書面方式並簽名後,向大會仲裁委員會正式提出,且以仲裁委員之決議為終結。提出申訴書時,須繳保證金新台幣参仟元整,仲裁委員會若確認其申訴不成立時,得沒收保證金充作大會基金。
- 有關競賽發生之問題,選手除當場得口頭申訴外,並依規定在30分鐘內補齊書面申訴正式手續,各項競賽進行中,選手不得當場質問裁判。
- 受理性騷擾爭議管道:中華民國鐵人三項運動協會/02-87723350/Email:ctta99@ms34.hinet.net,活動現場由大會服務組受理申訴。
- Competition disputes: If there are express provisions in the rules or an indication of the same meaning, the judgment of the referee shall prevail.
- Appeal procedure: If a contestant needs to file an appeal, it can be formally submitted to the Arbitration Committee of the conference after being signed in writing, and the decision of the Arbitration Committee shall end. When filing a petition, a security deposit of NT$ 1,000 must be paid. If the arbitration committee confirms that the complaint is not valid, the security deposit may be confiscated and used as the conference fund.
- Regarding the problems that occur in the competition, in addition to the oral appeal, the contestant shall complete the formal formalities of the written appeal within 30 minutes according to the regulations. During the competition, the contestant shall not question the referee on the spot.
- Channels for accepting sexual harassment disputes: Triathlon Association of the Republic of China / 02-87723350/Email: ctta99@ms34.hinet.net, and the conference service team will accept complaints at the event site.
- 大會為每位選手投保「公共意外責任險」 (Public accidental insurance)。承保範圍事故身亡300萬元,每一事故醫療自負額2,500元,理賠限額3萬元。(如醫療費3萬元,自負額2,500元,理賠27,500元)。
- 大會每位選手投保「團體醫療傷害險」,15歲以上(含15歲)承保範圍事故身亡300萬元,醫療理賠限額30萬元;15歲以下(不含15歲)承保及理賠限制依據保險法第107條規定辦理之。
- 選手如需較高保障請自行加保個人險,維護自身權益。
- 大會協助受傷選手就醫及傷後相關理賠作業,但無法提供「損害補償、精神賠償」或「慰問金」。
- 請務必攜帶健保卡參賽,保障自身就醫權益。
- 保險公司「特別不保」事項:
- 個人疾病導致運動傷害。
- 因個人體質或自身心血管所致之症狀,例如休克、心臟病、熱衰竭、中暑、高山症、癲癇、脫水等。
- 選手請視自身體能狀況量力而為,賽前一日應「睡眠充足」,「賽前2小時」飲食完畢,如有不適請立即「停止比賽」,並請求協助,如強行比賽導致中暑(熱衰竭)十分危險(保險公司不理賠)。本會於現場執行緊急醫療救護,選手自身疾患引起之病症發作,則不在主辦單位保險範圍內,大會保險均以「公共意外」所受之傷害作為理賠承保範圍。
- Coverage accident death by NT$3,000,000., every accident medical deductible of $ 2,500, claims limit NT$30,000 (EX: Medical costs NT$30,000, NT$2,500, there will be deductible, claims NT$27,500)
- Each contestant in the conference is insured for “Group accident liability insurance”.NT$3,000,000 for death in an accident under the scope of coverage (including 15 years old) and a medical claim limit of NT$300,000. Under 15 years old (excluding 15 years old) underwriting and claim limits are handled in accordance with Article 107 of the Insurance Law.
- Please have your own insurance when it’s needed.
- CTTA will help athletes to do the indemnity work and acquire reimburse expense but won’t offer any damage compensation or sympathy claim.
- Please have your Health Insurance Card with you to the race.
- 聯絡電話:(02)8772-3350
- 傳 真:(02)8772-3348
- 網 址: http://www.ctta.org.tw
- 電子信箱: ctta99@ms34.hinet.net
- 地 址: 台北市中山區朱崙街20號6樓611室
Organizer Info
- Tel:+8862-8772-3350 / FAX:+8862-8772-3348
- Web:http://www.ctta.org.tw
- Email: ctta99@ms34.hinet.net
- Address:CHINESE TAIPEI TRIATHLON ASSOCIATION 6F.-611, No.20, Zhulun St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104703, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
![2023年花蓮太平洋盃全國小鐵人及短程鐵人三項錦標賽 2023年花蓮太平洋盃全國小鐵人及短程鐵人三項錦標賽](https://i.imgur.com/xVuLkRc.jpg)