2023-2024設計宇宙大獎 Designverse Awards

2023-2024設計宇宙大獎 Designverse Awards

報名時間: 2023-07-18 ~ 2024-01-31

主辦單位: designverse「設計宇宙」平台

主辦單位電話: +86-021-6258-5617


設計宇宙大獎(Designverse Awards)旨在表彰對大設計產業鏈做出卓越貢獻的設計機構、品牌/企業和極具影響力的大事件。該獎項是一個連結設計資源類機構和開發類機構的獎項平台,為開發類機構精準鎖定設計細分領域的設計資源池,同時助力設計資源類機構,通過獎項平台依託的巨量資料及資料監測、搜尋排名、資源連結、品牌推廣的獨特功能,全面觀照自身在設計行業的位置,提升創新力和設計力,並通過獎項平台的宣傳及推廣服務來夯實自身的品牌建設。

Designverse Awards aims to recognize outstanding contributions made by design agencies, brands/enterprises, and influential events in the broader design industry. This award serves as a platform that connects design resource agencies with development agencies, providing access to a pool of design resources for the latter while supporting the former. The platform offers unique features such as big data and data monitoring, search ranking, resource linking, and brand promotion. These functions enable design resource agencies to comprehensively evaluate their positions in the industry and improve their innovation and design capabilities. Additionally, utilizing the publicity and promotional services provided by this award platform can enhance these agencies’ own brand building endeavors.


*Design resource agencies: including scheme design, technical consultants, professional consultants, specialized consultants, operation consultants, etc.


*Development agencies: such as government, government development platforms, developers, brand owners from various industries, high quality private owners, etc.

👉👉👉 點選瞭解獎項定位、特色、價值及背景

Click by the link to learn about the orientation, features, values and background of Designverse Awards.


The final review judging panel is composed of 36 industry leaders who have a specific understanding of the design industry ecosystem, accumulated experience in collaboration, and sound judgment, as well as specialized jurors with international perspectives and extensive experience leading renowned works. Together, they will collectively select the “Designverse Awards Jury Grand Prize” in various sub-categories under space, product, and brands/major events categories. From these selections, the “Designverse Awards Outstanding Prize” will be determined, including six Outstanding Prize in space category (architecture, landscape, interiors, technical consultants, professional consultants, and specialized consultants), four Outstanding Prize in product category (residential, office, social and leisure, transportation), and two Outstanding Prize for annual major events. The final jury member also has the right to recommend two participating agencies directly shortlisted for Nomination Prize and set Special Jury Single Prize.


The order of final jury member is sequenced according to the alphabet sequence of each one’s family name.

👉👉👉 點選查看終審評委團陣容詳情

Click by the link to the detailed information of final review judging panel.


The evaluation process for the Designverse Awards consists of two stages: preliminary review and final review.

評獎機制 Evaluation System


The [Designverse Awards Nomination Prize] and [Designverse Awards Special Honor Prize] are selected based on statistics and analysis of big data that permeate the entire industry and search rankings.



*The search ranking of design resources within the designverse platform is an important basis for award evaluation.


*The ranking of space category (architecture, landscape, interior) on the Designverse Ranking is an important basis for award evaluation.


*Brands / Major Events refers to the IP ranking on the designverse platform as an important basis for award evaluation.


評獎機制 Evaluation System


The final review judging panel selects the [Designverse Awards Jury Grand Prize] and [Designverse Awards Outstanding Prize].

👉 👉👉 點選詳細瞭解評獎機制及流程

Click by the link to learn about the awards setting, evaluation system and awards process in detail.


In different review stages, there are four level prize set for space category, product category, brands/major events category, respectively Designverse Awards Nomination Prize, Designverse Awards Special Honor Prize, Designverse Awards Jury Grand Prize and Designverse Awards Outstanding Prize.

👉 👉👉 點選查看獎項設定詳表

Click by the link to view the detailed list of awards setting.

A. 空間類 Space Category


Targeting all space design resource agencies, the entry categories include scheme (such as architecture, landscape, interior), technical consultants (such as structural, MEP, transportation, etc.), professional consultants (such as curation, multimedia, signage and wayfinding, etc.), specialized consultants (such as pre-planning consultant, sustainable engineering consultant, etc.) and their respective subcategories, a total of 94.


點選👉 參評類別詳表1和👉 參評類別詳表2查看空間類完整參評類別

Click by the table 1 and table 2 to view the complete submission categories of Space Category.

B. 產品類 Product Category


Targeting all enterprises/brands of product category, the entry categories include residential (such as home building materials, home furniture, household appliances, etc.), office (such as office supplies, office equipment, office furniture, etc.), social and leisure (such as social space supplies, cultural space supplies, etc.), transportation (such as vehicles, boats, aviation, etc.) and their respective subcategories, a total of 24.

點選👉 參評類別詳表1查看產品類完整參評類別

Click by the table 1 to view the complete submission categories of Product Category.

C. 品牌/大事件類 Brands/Major Events Category


Targeting all major events planning/operating agencies, it is mainly divided into four categories:corporate/brand (such as awards, exhibitions, promotional activities, etc.), regional/city (such as art festivals, biennials/triennials, trade shows, etc.), international projects (such as art festivals, biennials/triennials, awards, etc.), and domestic projects (such as art festivals, biennials/triennials, media, etc.).

點選👉 參評類別詳表1查看品牌/大事件類完整參評類別

Click by the table 1 to view the complete submission categories of Brands/Major Events Category.



[1] The Designverse Awards is open for global registration and is available to agencies of space design category, design agencies/brands of product category, and brands/major events planning/operating agencies.


[2] Entries must have been completed within the past five years from July 18, 2023. Entries shall be completed/purchased/used between July 18, 2018 and July 17, 2023, and can be announced publicly on the deadline of registration, January 31, 2024.


[3] The entrant must be a legal entity or individual with primary responsibility, including but not limited to the manufacturer and distributor of goods, the owner of buildings, the supplier of software or media, and the organizer of project development and research.


[4] If multiple parties are involved in the entry, joint registration is allowed. The entrant must be chosen, and all other members must register on designverse platform ( www.designverse.com.cn).

【第1步】登錄designverse「設計宇宙」平台( www.designverse.com.cn)註冊機構首頁,並上傳參評作品;

[Step 1] Log in to designverse platform at www.designverse.com.cn, register the homepage of agency and upload the entry.

👉👉👉 點選查看《作品上傳指南》

Click by the link to view the “Submission Guide” for specific upload instructions.

👉👉👉 點選查看空間類、產品類、品牌/大事件類參評作品提交要求

Click by the link to view the detailed entry submission requirements of space category, product category, brands/major events category.


[Step 2] After submitting materials, please contact us by adding WeChat below or sending an email to awards@designverse.com.cn with the subject “Confirm Registration for Designverse Awards + Participating Agency Name + Submitted Entry Name”.


[Step 3] After receiving the confirmation email of registration, we will send a payment request for the review fee by email. Participants are requested to complete the payment before February 1, 2024. If payment is not confirmed by the deadline, the entry shall be disqualified.


List of Review Fees

* 評審費包含設計宇宙大獎必備獲獎權益,即榮獲提名獎、特別榮譽獎、評審團大獎和卓越獎的參評機構可得到:獲獎證書(電子版)、獎項LOGO使用權、designverse設計宇宙平台展示、獲獎新聞發佈、獲獎年鑑(電子版)。

The review fee covers the mandatory benefits for winners of Nomination Prize, Special Honor Prize, Jury Grand Prize and Outstanding Prize, respectively the certificate of award (digital), the right to use the Designverse Awards logo, showcasing on the designverse platform, news release of winning works, digital yearbook.

【1】必備獲獎權益Mandatory Benefits


① 獲獎證書(電子版)

Certificate of Award (digital)


Certificate of Award (digital)

② 設計宇宙大獎LOGO使用權

Right to Use Designverse Awards Logo




Showcasing on designverse Platform


Cover of Winning Project Showcasing on designverse Platform

④ 獲獎新聞發佈

News Release of Winning Result


△Designverse Awards設計宇宙大獎媒體矩陣全球發佈及


Global Release of Designverse Awards on Matrix Media & EDM Promotion of 1.96 Million Users in Database of designverse Big Data Researc


Digital Yearbook



Inside Cover Sample of Digital Yearbook


Package Model of Digital Yearbook

【2】可選獲獎權益 Optional Benefits

① 獎盃&獲獎證書(紙質版)

Trophy & Certificate of Award (Print)



Sample of Trophy


Certificate of Award (print)

② 平台專欄訪談

Column Interview

* “Eyes on Me奪目”欄目旨在發掘蘊含創新的設計思維和實踐。

“Eyes on Me” aims to explore innovative design ideas and practice.

* 點選圖片連結查看專欄內容 Click by the image link to view the content of column.

△“eyes on me”欄目KOL專訪案例

Example of Exclusive Interview of KOL in “eyes on me” Column

* 點選圖片連結查看專欄內容 Click by the image link to view the content of column.

△“eyes on me”欄目項目專訪案例

Example of Exclusive Interview on Project in “eyes on me” Column

* Super Nova欄目挖掘和曝光大設計產業鏈中的超新星人群,展現先鋒的獨特表達,他們有靈魂、有秩序的生命的運化,見證超新星和這個時代共同的璀璨聚變。

Super Nova deeply explores KOLs in the design industry to show their unique expression of design, and the change of their soulful and orderly life. Let’s witness the splendid fusion of super nova and this era.

* 點選圖片連結查看專欄內容 Click by the image link to view the content of column.

△“Super Nova”欄目專訪案例

Example of Exclusive Interview in “Super Nova” Column

③ 獲獎推廣視訊

Promotional Video Production

獲獎者推廣視訊參考 Reference of Promotional Video for Winners

* 點選圖片連結查看視訊內容 Click by the image link to view the content of video.



Customized Consulting Report


Cover of Customized Consulting Report

👉👉👉 點選查看完整獲獎權益說明

Click by the link to view the complete statement of awards benefits.

本次設計宇宙大獎(Designverse Awards)參評機構(包括但不限於設計機構/企業/品牌)應對其提交的作品享有完整的智慧財產權,並授權主辦方為舉辦設計宇宙大獎(Designverse Awards)的廣告、公開推廣目的而合理使用上述智慧財產權,主辦方有權將參評機構的作品進行出版、線上/線下展覽、以視訊等多媒體形式發佈在媒體平台上。所有參評機構提交的作品均為參評機構(包括但不限於設計機構/企業/品牌)原創作品,不得包含任何侵犯任意第三方智慧財產權的內容。如發生侵權行為或被指控侵權,將由侵權方承擔一切法律後果並取消侵權方報名或獲獎的資格。

The participating organizations (including but not limited to design agencies, companies and brands) in the Designverse Awards retain full intellectual property rights over their submitted works and authorize the organizer to use the aforementioned intellectual property reasonably for advertising and public promotion purposes related to the Designverse Awards. The organizer has the right to publish the works of participating organizations, conduct online/offline exhibitions, and release them in various multimedia formats, such as videos, on media platforms. All works submitted by participating organizations are original creations of the participating organizations (including but not limited to design agencies, companies and brands) and must not contain any content that infringes upon the intellectual property rights of any third party. In the event of any infringement or allegation of infringement, the infringing party will bear all legal consequences and be disqualified from participating or receiving any awards.


主 辦 方:



designverse 設計宇宙巨量資料研究中心

designverse 設計宇宙內容中心

designverse 設計宇宙匹配中心

支 持:


Organizer: designverse ( www.designverse.com.cn)

Award Execution:

designverse Big Data Research Center

designverse Content Center

designverse Matching Center

Academic Support:

Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences

* 歡迎關注微信公眾號:設計宇宙大獎DesignverseAwards、designverse 設計宇宙,官方微博@DesignverseAwards,Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram獲得獎項最新資訊。

Follow the official WeChat account “設計宇宙大獎DesignverseAwards” and “designverse設計宇宙”, the official Weibo account @DesignverseAwards, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram to get the latest information about the award.

* 如有任何疑問,可以新增下方微訊號或傳送郵件至信箱awards@designverse.com.cn進行諮詢。

If you have any questions, you can add the WeChat below or send email to awards@designverse.com.cn for consultation.

設計宇宙大獎Designverse Awards所有內容的最終解釋權歸主辦方所有。

The organizer reserves the right to interpret all the content of Designverse Awards.



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