ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance.
The theme in ESG that companies and also investors are seeking to include a wider sense of responsibility in their operations. This includes the environment, sustainability, carbon reduction and also many social factors such as equality, opportunity and lack of discrimination in addition to safe working practices.
In some countries ESG is also known by the abbreviation CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility.
ESG and CSR are often difficult to quantify as each company often has different parameters to operate under. Nevertheless many investors are seeking out companies with higher awareness of ESG and CSR and so the award recognition in this field through the GDA Award system is an important signal to show. This applies to small companies and start-ups who want to get on the right way to begin with, as well as established companies.
In this award we are looking for actual actions taken rather than just good intentions at board level. See the specific application form for this special category.
See also the application menu for more detailed information as well as the Q&Asection.
The deadline for the ESG ACTION AWARD is the 9th of November 2022 at 09.00 UTC- Coordinated Universal Time
GDA: Charlotte Seymour
- GDA 2023 ESG行動獎 作品徵集前言 ESG代表環境、社會和公司治理。GDA 2023 ESG行動獎的主題是企業與投資者在其運營中納入對地球生態更廣泛的責任感,包含環境、可持續性、減碳排以許多社會因素,例如除了安全工作實踐之外的平等、機會和無歧視。 在一些國家,ESG也被縮寫為CSR企業社會責任。 ESG和CSR通常難以量化,因為每家公司通常都有不同的運營參數。儘管如此,許多投資者正在尋找重視ESG和CSR的企業及商家,因此經由申請GDA獎勵制度對該領域的獎項認可是一個重要的信號。ESG行動獎適用於想要邁入正確道路的小商家和初創企業,以及成熟的公司。 在ESG行動獎中,我們尋找的獲獎者是已經有實際行動,而不僅僅是經營管理者書面上陳述的文字和計畫。 期待您加入ESG行動獎的標竿行列! 參賽資格 不限國籍所有人都可以參與 每人每隊投稿件數不限 活動時程 作品上傳截止日期:即日起至2023年9月20日 獲獎者公告:2023年11月底 報名方式 上傳詳細的作品描述和圖片到網站 https://www.gda-awards.com/esg-form 上傳的所有文本都必須用英文書寫 評審規範 GDA Awards是以丹麥為基地創立的歐洲國際大獎,和傳統主辦單位不同的是GDA獎項切合時代需要,並且高度數位化,申獎程序簡便且高度保護個人隱私及企業機密。最新公布的全球政府數位化排名中丹麥取得第一名的好成績,也顯現在GDA Awards獎項申請程序和各項溝通的效率上。 遴選小組由國際知名設計師領導,他們在歐洲和亞洲的設計競賽中具有此類工作經驗。專家組的工作嚴格公正,主要由專業人員及設計師組成。 由於GDA Awards目標是表彰優秀的作品,也因此並非所有申請者都能獲得獎項。 評審採用以下部分或全部的標準: 適用性 與使用者相關的造形和功能 可持續性和環境影響 用戶體驗(使用者經驗)和人機介面、人因工程 人權、平等、一般人取得或使用產品、服務、作品的難易度 負責任的消費 美學 活動獎勵 獲獎者將享有以下曝光機會和優惠: 獲獎者將收到GDA官方核發的獎項證書。 獲獎項目將在GDA網站上公開展示。 接受媒體採訪的機會。 獲獎者的資訊將包含在與活動相關的新聞稿中。 有機會付費參加研討會。 有資格購買年鑑。 聯絡方式 主辦單位:Global Direction Awards 聯絡人:Charlotte Seymour 聯絡人信箱:awardsgda@gmail.com 聯絡電話:4532459009 比賽網站 : https://www.gda-awards.com/
- The ESG Action Award is Calling for EntriesESG stands for Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance. The theme in ESG that companies and also investors are seeking to include a wider sense of responsibility in their operations. This includes the environment, sustainability, carbon reduction and also many social factors such as equality. https://www.gda-awards.com/esg-form