2023 International Wildbird Photo Competition
2023 International Wildbird Photo Competition EDM

2023 International Wildbird Photo Competition EDM
- 2023 International Wildbird Photo Competition 國際野鳥攝影比賽活動簡介 Since 1991, the Bay of Somme, internationally recognized as a major spot on the migratory routes, celebrates the return of spring and birds with the Bird and Nature Festival. Nine days of exciting activities to watch, marvel, learn and educate! Every year, the Bird and Nature Festival launches its international wildbird photo competition. It will result in an exhibition during the event, whose 32nd edition will be held from 22 to 30, April 2023. 自 1991 年以來,索姆灣 (Bay of Somme) 被國際公認為遷徙路線上的主要地點,通過鳥類與自然節慶祝春天和鳥類的回歸。 為期 9 天的精彩活動讓您觀看、驚嘆、學習和教育! 每年,鳥類與自然節都會舉辦國際野鳥攝影比賽。 它將在活動期間舉辦一個展覽,其第 32 版將於 2023 年 4 月 22 日至 30 日舉行。 活動主題 5 categories aiming at photographers over 18 and one special dedicated to young photographers aged 15 to 17 years-old : BIRD PORTRAIT: Photos capturing the character of the subject bird and its distinctive features.The subject can be photographed in close-up or whole, single or in group. BIRD IN ITS ENVIRONMENT: Photos that best demonstrate the relationship between a bird and its habitat. The lanscape must be an important part of the picture. BIRD BEHAVIOUR: Images that best depict a behaviour of a bird. This might be birds feeding, preening, nuptial display, fight… BIRD IN FLIGHT: Photographs of birds flying, taking-off or landing. ARTISTIC VISION OF BIRD: The creativity of the photographer must transform the mundane into a contemplative and artistic interpretation and offer a new perspective on the bird. YOUNG TALENT: Category dedicated to 15-17 years-old (legal age as of Nov. 30, 2022 at midnight), and with a unique theme : wildbird. Except for the category «Young Talent», the Jury reserve the right to change the category of an image if it seems more appropriate. 針對 18 歲以上的攝影師的 5 個類別和一個專門針對 15 至 17 歲的年輕攝影師的特別類別: 鳥肖像: 捕捉主題鳥的性格及其鮮明特徵的照片。主題可以特寫或整體拍攝,單人或成組拍攝。 環境中的鳥類: 最能展示鳥類與其棲息地之間關係的照片。風景必須是畫面的重要組成部分。 鳥類行為: 最能描繪鳥類行為的圖像。這可能是鳥類餵食、梳理、婚禮展示、戰鬥…… 飛行中的鳥: 鳥類飛行、起飛或降落的照片。 鳥類的藝術願景: 攝影師的創造力必須將平凡轉化為沈思和藝術的詮釋,並為鳥類提供新的視角。 年輕人才: 專門針對 15-17 歲的類別(截至 2022 年 11 月 30 日午夜的法定年齡),並具有獨特的主題:野鳥。 除“青年才俊”類別外,評審團保留在看起來更合適的情況下更改圖像類別的權利。 參賽資格 Regarding the categories reserved to photographers over 18: Each participant may submit a maximum of 10 photographs, either in the one or several categories. Registration fees: €2 / photo Payment will be made online with a debit or credit card or via Paypal. (This is a competition and not a commercial lottery, the participation fee will not be refunded). Regarding the category for photographers aged 15 to 17 years: Each participant must have the permission of a parent or guardian to enter. They may submit up to 5 photos. No registration fees for this category. Entering selected or award-winning picture from a previous edition of the competition is forbidden. A picture can compete in only one category. 關於保留給 18 歲以上攝影師的類別: 每位參賽者最多可提交 10 張照片,屬於一個類別或多個類別。 註冊費:2 歐元/照片 將使用借記卡或信用卡或通過 Paypal 在線支付。 (這是一場比賽,不是商業彩票,參與費不會 退還)。 關於 15 至 17 歲攝影師的類別: 每位參與者必須獲得父母或監護人的許可才能進入。 他們最多可以提交 5 張照片。 此類別不收取註冊費。 禁止輸入上一屆比賽的選定或獲獎圖片。 一張圖片只能在一個類別中競爭。 活動時程 Registrations are open from September 1st 10am to December 1st, 2022 10am (Paris time) This same jury will meet on 19 and 20, January , 2023 to choose the photos to be exhibited during the Festival and to designate the winners. 32nd edition will be held from 22 to 30, April 2023. 報名時間為 9 月 1 日上午 10 點至 2022 年 12 月 1 日上午 10 點(巴黎時間) 同一評審團將於 2023 年 1 月 19 日至 20 日舉行會議,以選擇將在電影節期間展出的照片並指定獲獎者。 第 32 版將於 2023 年 4 月 22 日至 30 日舉行。 報名方式 Files shall be submitted in: JPEG format free of margin, frame or signature 3:2 ratio exactly 3,500 pixels on the longest side (the shortest side should be of about 2,333 pixels) 文件應以下列方式提交: JPEG 格式 無邊距、邊框或簽名 3:2 比例 最長邊正好 3,500 像素(最短邊應約為 2,333 像素) 評審規範 All photographs will be submitted online to a jury composed of photographers, naturalists and ornithologists, in December. This same jury will meet on 19 and 20, January , 2023 to choose the photos to be exhibited during the Festival and to designate the winners. The Jury will proceed in accordance with the rules of anonymity. After the end of deliberations, the winners will be notified by e-mail and invited to send TIFF (8-bit) or JPEG high resolution at 300 dpi, and RAW or original files. These files must be provided by email return. If it turns out that a winning image has not complied with these rules, it will officially be downgraded. Results will be communicated to the participants by email before the end of January, and will be published on the Festival’s website and social networks. The jury’s decisions are final. 所有照片將於 12 月在線提交給由攝影師、博物學家和鳥類學家組成的評審團。 同一評審團將於 2023 年 1 月 19 日至 20 日舉行會議,以選擇將在電影節期間展出的照片並指定獲獎者。 陪審團將按照匿名規則進行。 審議結束後,將通過電子郵件通知獲獎者,並邀請獲獎者發送 300 dpi 的 TIFF(8 位)或 JPEG 高分辨率,以及 RAW 或原始文件。 這些文件必須通過電子郵件返回提供。 如果事實證明獲獎圖像不符合這些規則,它將被正式降級。 結果將在 1 月底之前通過電子郵件通知參與者,並將在電影節的網站和社交網絡上發布。 陪審團的決定是最終決定。 活動獎勵 Prizes can not be the object of a counterpart in cash nor of whatever nature and are not transferable. A Grand Prix to the overall winner awarded with an amount of €1,500 A 1st Prize in each category awarded with an amount of €800 A 1st Prize for the category «Young Photographers» awarded with an amount of 500€ A Public Prize to the picture which has totalized the more votes from the visitors of the exhibition, awarded with an amount of €500. Each winner will be invited to the Award Ceremony. It will be offered for 2 persons: 1 night hotel with breakfasts / A refund on the basis of a Paris-Abbeville-Paris train ticket will be paid after the Festival by bank transfer * / a meal with nominated entrants (directors, producers and photographers). Prizes will be awarded to winners within a maximum of 8 months by bank transfer. 獎品不能以現金或任何性質的對應物作為對象,並且不可轉讓。 總冠軍獲得獎金 1,500 歐元的大獎賽 每個類別的一等獎,獎金為 800 歐元 «年輕攝影師»類別的一等獎,獎金為 500 歐元 展覽參觀者票數最多的圖片獲得公共獎,獎金為 500 歐元。 每位獲獎者將被邀請參加頒獎典禮。 它將提供給 2 人: 1 晚酒店含早餐 / 電影節後將通過銀行轉賬支付巴黎-阿布維爾-巴黎火車票的退款* / 與指定參賽者(導演、製片人和攝影師)一起用餐。 獎品將在最多 8 個月內通過銀行轉賬的方式頒發給獲獎者。 聯絡方式 主辦單位:Festival de l'Oiseau et de la Nature - Baie de Somme 聯絡人:Festival de l'Oiseau et de la Nature - Baie de Somme 聯絡人信箱: rgpd@festival-oiseau-nature.com 聯絡電話:+33 3 22 24 02 02 https://www.festival-oiseau-nature.com/concours/en/concours-photo-international/
- 總獎金10萬!2023年國際野鳥攝影比賽活動簡介 【關於 國際野鳥攝影比賽】 自 1991 年以來,國際公認的遷徙地點索姆灣 (Bay of Somme) 在鳥類與自然節之際慶祝春天和鳥類的回歸。 31 多年來,國際野鳥攝影比賽一直是大自然愛好者不可錯過的活動,尤其是其眾多的郊遊活動,現已成為歐洲 10 大最著名的攝影比賽之一。 招募資訊 【參賽類別】 18 歲以上 的攝影師有 5 個類別: 鳥類肖像 鳥類在其環境中 鳥類行為 飛行中的鳥類 鳥類的藝術視覺 一個特殊類別專門針對15 至 17 歲的年輕攝影師,只有一個主題:野鳥。 【報名費】 18 歲以上的攝影師:每張照片2 歐元。 15至17歲的年輕攝影師:免費。 【獎項】 大獎賽: 1,500 歐元 每個類別的一等獎: 800 歐元 «年輕攝影師»類別的一等獎: 500 歐元 公共獎: 500 歐元 https://www.festival-oiseau-nature.com/concours/en/concours-photo-international/