2023 The Tech Innovation Excellence Award

2023 The Tech Innovation Excellence Award

 總獎金: 160000(USD)

最高獎金: 30000(USD)

報名時間: 2023-03-20 ~ 2023-05-31

主辦單位: 國家科學及技術委員會

主辦單位電話: 02-2577-4249#312(Annett-Wu)、02-2577-4249#394(Yuchun-Liu)


What is TIE Award

The Tech Innovation Excellence Award (“TIE Award”), underneath the “Taiwan Innotech Expo”, focusing on “Semiconductor Applications” and “Net-Zero Emissions” this year. We provide winning teams with partial subsidy to encourage them to come to Taiwan in person, also offer them the business opportunities to partner with Taiwan’s top companies and well-known research institutes.

2023 The Tech Innovation Excellence Award

2023 The Tech Innovation Excellence Award

TIE Award 2022 attracted overseas teams to Taiwan and facilitate cooperation with local industry successfully. The second TIE Award will be held in line with 2023 Taiwan Innotech Expo on Oct 12-14 in TWTC Hall 1. This Award aims to connect the global startups with their potential partners from Taiwan’s high tech companies to create a mutually beneficial cooperation.

Entry Criteria

TIE Award’s definition of ”technology” is hardware or software produced as a result from R&D operations. ”Applicant” is defined as startups, legal entities (including individuals), or academic/research institutions.

Focusing on the two themes of Semiconductor Applicationsand Net-Zero Emissions, the competition topics include:

Semiconductor Applications:

  • Semiconductor solutions for smart innovation and applications.
  • Semiconductor manufacturing related processes, designs, new materials and other technologies.

Net-Zero Emissions: Carbon reduction technologies, negative emissions technologies, energy transition, new energy and other related solutions aimed at promoting net zero emissions and sustainable development.

Applicants must own the intellectual property rights, or have received legal authorization to use the technology or solution.

Applicants must submit the application online (initial review) and give a presentation (secondary review).

Applicants around the world that specialize in innovative technologies, products, or applications may participate.

  • Startups must have been legally registered after January 1, 2015.
  • Startups, legal person or any other institution that are Chinese or registered in China or in the third-area who invested by China may not be accepted.
  • Applicant must not receive over 30% funds form companies in the third-area in Article 3 of “Regulations Governing the Permission of Investment by Nationals in Mainland Area”. (Third-area company refers to Mainland Area individual, legal person, organization or any other institution in aggregate, who directly or indirectly holds more than 30% of the company’s shares or contributes more than 30% of the total capital; or has control over the third-are company).

Competition Schedule

(in Taiwan Standard Time GMT+8)

Online registration: Complete online application before May 31, 2023. Applicants need to submit an application form, concept paper, and supplementary material.

Eligibility review: The eligibility review will be conducted on June 1-9, 2023. The organizer conducts the eligibility review in accordance with the registration guidelines and confirms the competition topics.

Initial review (concept paper): The applicants’ concept papers are reviewed, and a shortlist of contenders is determined. The Initial review will complete on June 12-30, 2023.

Presentation and Secondary review (presentation): A demo and Q&A are held virtually. The presenter must deliver the entirety of the presentation in English. In total, the presentation and Q&A will take 20 minutes (10 minutes of presentation and demo, 10 minutes of Q&A). The Presentation and Secondary review will completeon July 6-7, 2023.

  • The result of TIE Award will be announced in mid-July..
  • The winner’s solution will be presented at the Taiwan Innotech Expo (TIE) from October 12 to 14, 2023.

Review Committee & Judging Criteria

Review Committee: Members of the Review Committee are representatives from Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, professionals in the field of international VC, and government experts. The award-winning team is selected after initial and secondary review.

Review criteria: There are 3 main criteria.

Application innovation (40% of the total score)

  • Innovation when applied to an emerging field
  • Demonstrate groundbreaking performance in production, design, and new material application
  • Able to include diverse innovation and integrate interdisciplinary thinking

Value creation(30% of the total score)

  • The potential to promote technological innovation and benefit society
  • Promote new industry chains or contributes to industry upgrading
  • Attract derivative investments or creates high economic value

Local integration(30% of the total score)

  • How the solution can be applied to solve problems in the world but can ride on one of Taiwan’s technology platforms or partner with a Taiwanese company
  • The potential to strengthen the competitiveness of industries in Taiwan or able to effectively resolve or mitigate challenges facing Taiwan’s industries

Awards and Prizes

Winners of the TIE Award will receive:

Opportunities to partner with Taiwan’s top semiconductor companies

The prizes for the winning teams on each topic:

  • 1st Place: USD 30,000
  • 2nd Place: USD 20,000
  • 3rd Place: USD 10,000

3 Honorable mentions: USD 7,000 each.

*Important*: In accordance with Taiwan’s taxation laws, foreign entities must pay 20% of award earnings as tax regardless of the size of the monetary award.

Winning teams from overseas will receive partial subsidy for flight tickets and accommodation (details to follow).

TIE Awards trophy

Rights to use the TIE Award pin as provided by the organizers for future promotion purposes

TIE marketing resources, including onsite and online exhibitions, as well as relevant promotional materials

Coworking space in Taiwan Tech Area (TTA)

Shortlisted teams from the secondary review who do not win at the final round are awarded a booth in the international section of Taiwan Innotech Expo, resources for coworking space in TTA, and access to matchmaking events.

Terms and Conditions

The winning teams must exhibit onsite with a representative present at the TIE Award Pavilion of Taiwan Innotech Expo and participate in the Pitch Day events. Teams that fail to fulfill this condition will forfeit all awards and prizes won.

The winning teams must participate in the matchmaking event that will take place during the Taiwan Innotech Expo where the organizers will invite VCs and domestic semiconductor R&D representative. The winning teams are encouraged to network with the invited VIPs who will promote technological collaborations and attract talent.

The winning teams must submit relevant materials in conjunction with the promotional events held by the TIE Award.

Do’s and Don’ts

Plagiarism, translation, rewriting, infringement of intellectual property rights, and other illegal infringements are strictly prohibited in the proposal. The organizer reserves the right to revoke contestants’ application or right to win awards should any of the above violations occur. The violator shall bear full legal responsibility if such violations damage the rights and interests of the organizers or any other third party.

Applicant guarantees that all completed or proposed documentation is factual and correct and that no third-party information is appropriated. The organizers reserve the right to withdraw the contestant’s application should any falsities or inaccuracies be discovered.

Applicant shall respect the panel’s decision. Unless concrete proof indicates that other contestants have violated the regulations herein, the contestant may not object to the results laid out by the panel.

For needs relating to contestant management, application management, identification verification, liaising, promoting award or event-related information, and administrative purposes, the organizer may collect the personal information put forth by the contestant. The organizer may revoke the contestant’s right to be shortlisted or awarded should the contestant disagree with the collection of personal information.

In accordance with the Income Tax Act of the Republic of China(Taiwan), income tax will be deducted from the monetary award. The members of the winning teams should provide personal IDs and relevant documents to the organizer for tax purposes.

The organizers reserve the right to use the technology information provided by the contestants for publications, works, public exhibitions, and the dissemination of various types of media for non-profit purposes.

Applicants of the TIE Award are considered fully aware of the articles herein and are willing to abide by the regulations laid out above.

The organizers reserve the right to amend the regulations above. Any matters not mentioned herein shall be conducted in accordance with the regulations and interpretation of the National Science and Technology Council.

Contact Us

FUTEX Promotion Office, NSTC

Annett Wu
Email: annett@mail.tca.org.tw

Yuchun Liu
Email: yuchun@mail.tca.org.tw




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