8th International Marianne Brandt Award by 網站小編 總獎金: 15000(EUR) 最高獎金: 5000(EUR) 報名時間: 2021-11-01 ~ 2022-03-03 主辦單位: International Marianne Brandt Contest 主辦單位Email:info@marianne-brandt-wettbewerb.de 8th International Marianne Brandt Award EDM 8th International Marianne Brandt Award EDM 分享此文:#點子秀按一下以分享至 Facebook(在新視窗中開啟)分享到 Twitter(在新視窗中開啟)分享到 Pocket(在新視窗中開啟)分享到 Pinterest(在新視窗中開啟)分享到 Tumblr(在新視窗中開啟)分享到 LinkedIn(在新視窗中開啟)按一下以分享到 Telegram(在新視窗中開啟)分享到 WhatsApp(在新視窗中開啟)按一下即可以電子郵件傳送連結給朋友(在新視窗中開啟)點這裡列印(在新視窗中開啟) 相關檔案:MAR Call for Submissions 2022(PDF | 31.2 KB)延伸閱讀:8th International Marianne Brandt Award8th International Marianne Brandt Award Connectedness — Experiments on a new relationship with nature 2022 年第 8 屆國際瑪麗安·勃蘭特獎詢問藝術家和設計師,如何發現和設計新的、將我們與其他生物和棲息地聯繫起來的東西。我們正在尋找與有機的、具協和關係的、審美的、隱喻的和詩意的,專案、圖像和文本。 The 8th International Marianne Brandt Award 2022 asks artists and designers how that which connects us with other living beings and habitats can be newly discovered and designed. We are looking for projects, images, and texts on cooperative, aesthetic, metaphorical, and poetic exchanging relationships with other organisms and natural existences. https://marianne-brandt-wettbewerb.de/en/home.html 第 2 頁 / 共 2 頁« 上一頁12