Children Mid Autumn Festival Competition 兒童中秋節比賽
Submission Deadline・截止日期
Submission Deadline・截止日期 23-09-2022
Competition Details・比賽詳細
Children Mid Autumn Festival Competition
Application Fee・報名費用
Free 免費
Children from age 3 to 17 in any country or region
任何國家或地區的 3 至 17 歲的兒童
Important Dates・重要日期
Submission Deadline 截止及遞交:23-09-2022
Result Announcement 公佈:30-09-2022
Complete art piece of colouring/painting/Hand Crafting based on division
Scan the artwork(s) and upload for submission
- Coloring 填色【Download・下載】
- Painting 繪畫
- Hand Crafting 手工勞作
- Children Pre-junior 幼兒組 (Age3-5)
- Children Junior 小童組 (Age6-8)
- Children Senior 中童組 (Age9-11)
- Teenagers Junior 少年初級組 (Age12-14)
- Teenagers Senior 少年高級組 (Age15-17)
- Download colouring material provided by ICAP and print out on A4 paper
- All art piece should be only submitted online
- All the colours, styles, formats, or methods of painting are not limited
- 下載ICAP提供的填色素材, 列印於 A4 白紙上
- 所有畫作/填色圖/勞作只限於網上遞交
- 所有畫作顏色、風格、形式及創作方式不限
Judging Criteria・評分標準
- Painting Skills・繪畫技巧
- Techniques of Colouring・著色技巧
- Relevance to the Topic・迎合主題
- Fill the application Google Form
- Finish colouring or painting piece
- Scan or take a photo of the art piece and upload on Facebook Messenger
- 在Google Form完成報名
- 完成填色/繪畫/手工勞作作品
- 掃描或拍照你的作品, 再於Facebook Messenger上載作品
- 【 APPLY・報名 】
- 10 contestant in each divsion and including one Champion, 1st and 2nd Runner-up
- Gold, Silver, Bronze, Excellence and Merit have no limitations
- All awarded participants allowed to preorder awards on their will
- 每十人一組, 每組設冠軍、亞軍及季軍各一名
- 金獎、銀獎、銅獎、優異獎及良好獎名額不限
- 所有得獎者可根據他們的意願申請獎項訂製
Prizes Preorder・獎項訂製
Include Trophy x1, Certificate x1 (With Contestant Names)
包括獎盃 x1, 獎狀 x1 (有參賽者名字)
Terms and Conditions・條款和協議
- All submitted art pieces are possessions to ICAP. ICAP reserves the rights to use including but not limited to exhibitive and promotional purposes.
- All judgments of referees based on their expertise and experience are trusted and respected. The referees are reserve the final decision on all matters and participants shall not object to it.
- ICAP reserves the right to amend any item herein and interpret any rule of the contest without further notice.
- In case of any dispute, ICAP reserves the right of final decision.
- ICAP有權利將參賽者之作品以不同形式公開刊載或播放。
- 評判根據其專業及經驗而作出判斷, 評判會保留最終決定權且參賽者不得異議。
- ICAP會保留更改以上所有條款之內容及詮釋比賽規則之權利而無須另行通知。
- 如有任何爭議, ICAP將保留最終決定權。

Children Mid Autumn Festival Competition 兒童中秋節比賽 EDM
+852 5267 5390
- Children Mid Autumn Festival Competition 兒童中秋節比賽
- Children Mid Autumn Festival Competition 兒童中秋節比賽 填色稿