Fritz Walking and Fritz Polking Junior Prize 2018
Rules of the International Exlibris Competition held on the occasion of the 37th FISAE Congress in Prague
The Association of Collectors and Friends of Exlibris ( SSPE ) as an organiser of the 37th FISAE Congress to be held in Prague from 28th August to 2st September 2018 runs an open International Exlibris Competition and would like to invite you to participate in this prestigious event.
The aim of this competition is to introduce and popularise contemporary exlibris art in the international context.
- The competition is open to all artists from all over the world free of charge.
- Exlibris created by all classical graphic techniques will be accepted, also CGD. Exlibris must be printed on paper with maximum size of 297 x 210 mm ( A4 ), maximal size of longer side of exlibris is 170 mm. Exlibris must be made in years 2016 – 2018. No drawings, photographs, designs of exlibris or copies of original work are accepted.
- Each participant may only send 3 exlibris, each in 2 identical prints.
- Theme is free. Exlibris with themes of Prague or the Czech Republic will also be welcome. The jury will evaluate artistic expression, artistic solution of pictorial part, integration of the writing and quality of the graphic work.
- The graphic must contain the text of EX LIBRIS ( abbreviation may be used ) and the name of its owner ( initials may be used ). The owner must be a living person or existing institution.
- Each print must be signed and numbered by the artist and, on the back side, the following specification must be given: name and surname of the artist ( in Latin alphabet ), year of work, applied graphic technique, name and surname of the owner, title of the work and number of the graphic – the same as on the attached application form.
- The participant must fill in the application form and send it together with the graphics in one envelope.
- All delivered works will be evaluated by jury ( 5 members + secretary ) composed of leading Czech artists and artistic theoreticians appointed by the organiser.
- All delivered works will become a property of the competition organiser who can use them at his discretion and free for exhibiting or publishing in relation to the competition. ( Outside the competition, copyrights apply. )
- The organiser will publish a coloured catalogue. There will be one reproduction of a print of each participant who will be nominated for the catalogue. The catalogue will be sent to each participant who will have his/her work reproduced in it.
- The organiser shall award, based on the jury´s proposal, 5 prizes in a total amount of 3.400,- Euro ( Grand prix of 1.000,- Euro and 3 equivalent prizes of 600,- Euro and one special prize for an artist under 35 years also of 600,- Euro ). The prizes will be awarded on occasion of the opening ceremony of the congress exhibition.
- The deadline for sending the works is 30th April 2018. Works delivered after this term will not be accepted for the competition. Address for sending the works is as follows: Miroslav Petřík, Tyršova 26, 375 01 Týn nad Vltavou, Czech Republic. Please write the word „EXLIBRIS“ on the envelope.
- By sending the works, the participant agrees to the competition terms and conditions.
- If you have any question, please contact us by email: or