Hidesins Luxury Display Design Competition

Hidesins Luxury Display Design Competition

 總獎金: 7500(EUR)

最高獎金: 5000(EUR)

報名時間: 2022-04-15 ~ 2022-09-15

主辦單位: DesallYunshangyue Group


New product design contest on desall.com: YSY GROUP, Hidesins and Desall invite you to design a “pop up” display installation for women’s ready-to-wear bags and dedicated to luxury contexts.

Hidesins Luxury Display Design Competition

Company description

Yunshangyue Group

Founded in 2018, Yunshangyue Group ~ YSY GROUP is an international business exchange platform devoted to the fashion sector and specialized in creating business opportunities for established Italian companies and incubating emerging Italian designer brands. Yunshangyue Group ~ YSY GROUP is a creative platform dedicated to all aspects of the world of fashion.


Since 2016, Hidesins is one of the leading Italian brands in the sector of women’s clothing for career women. Hidesins produces leather goods and prêt-à-porter for women, combining an innovative and contemporary design with the exceptional quality that characterizes handcrafted products. Through the use of traditional Italian manufacturing and high quality raw materials, Hidesins redefines the concept of advanced customization, providing women with modern prêt-à-porter and classic and elegant high-end bags.


The brief is available in the following languages:

Download the Material files

What we are looking for

YSY GROUP and Hidesins are looking for a “pop up” display installation dedicated to women’s ready-to-wear bags. The installation will be positioned within 5-star luxury hotels, and in particular within tea rooms. Given the specific context of use, and in addition to the installation dedicated to Hidesins bags, designers are requested to design specific table displays for desserts and cakes, in line with the “family feeling” of the entire installation. The goal is to promote the brand, creating a unique, unexpected and engaging space in which hotel guests can take photos to post on their social networks, continuing the experience even at the table as they enjoy a refreshment.


For the correct realisation of your proposals, please take into consideration the following guidelines:

Product typology

You are invited to design a striking “pop up” display installation, capable of attracting the attention of and involving the guests of 5-star luxury hotels. The installation will be composed of a series of aesthetic and functional elements onto which the Hidesins bags will be positioned, and possibly of a series of purely aesthetic/scenographic elements. The installation can also host visual elements (graphics, posters, etc …) for brand communication.
Additionally, you are invited to design standalone displays dedicated to high tea desserts (e.g. cupcakes) that share the style/elements of the exhibition installation. These displays will be brought to the guests’ tables and positioned in the center of the table so that guests can independently help themselves and pick and choose the desired dessert.

All elements of the installation must be functional, easy to assemble, disassemble and transport. The installation will be positioned within areas of different sizes. It is therefore necessary that its elements follow a modular approach that allows for adapting/transforming according to the size and configuration of the exhibition area (for example small/medium/large areas, the center of the room, near a wall, etc.).

Style and colours

The style must be suitable for luxury contexts, in particular tea rooms of 5-star luxury hotels. It must also be visually consistent with the products on display (bags and desserts) and follow the brand aesthetics of Hidesins. You will find the guidelines relating to the style of the Hidesins brand in the material files that can be downloaded from the contest page.
It is important to place the “Hidesins” logo, attached in the material files, on a series of clearly visible surfaces, in particular near the cake displays, so that it can be seen if photographed.


The display installation must allow the placement of at least 5-10 bags, while the cake display must be designed on several levels (at least 2-3 tiers) and contain about 10 cupcakes in total.

Context of Use and Target Audience

The display installation will be placed in indoor luxury contexts, in particular in the tea rooms of 5-star luxury hotels and will cater to the guests of the facilities, typically women between 30 and 50 years old, senior employees, or entrepreneurs.


Allowed materials are mainly metal, acrylic, glass, marble and other materials consistent with the luxury sector.

Values to communicate

Elegance, refinement, self-confidence and energy.


Upload detailed descriptions and a series of images to best present your projects. The images visible in the gallery (maximum 5) must have an aspect ratio of 4:3; accepted file formats: .jpg, .gif or .png; color mode: RGB; maximum single file size: 1MB. During the upload phase of the project, you are invited to upload a .zip archive containing the 3D files and high-resolution images of the proposals via the dedicated field. Maximum size of the .zip file: 100MB

Evaluation criteria

In the evaluation of your submissions the Sponsor will take into account the following criteria:

  • Aesthetics 5/5
  • Consistency with the brand 5/5
  • Consistency with the target audience 5/5
  • Functionality 3/5
  • Innovation 2/5


English – Desall is an international community, and as such all submitted texts (abstract, description, tags, ecc.) should be written in English.

Contest Timeline (UPDATED)

Add the contest to your calendar

Upload phase: 15 April 2022 – 15 September 2022 (1.59 PM UTC)

Concept review: 18 May 2022 (1.59 PM UTC)

Client vote phase: 15 September 2022

Winner announcement: approximately by the end of November 2022

Concept review (optional)

Designers can apply, by the date indicated above, for a concept review of their projects by the Desall Team. To apply, 1) upload the project(s), including its description, and save as draft (SAVE DRAFT) from the upload page; 2) send your request to the Desall Team via email to contest@desall.com or through the contact form. The review is NOT mandatory: it serves only as a further opportunity for the participants but does not constitute a condition for participation, nor does it constitute any advantage in the final evaluation.

Eligibility and submission

Participation is free of charge and open to designers and creative talents of any nationality aged 18 years or older. Participants can submit one or more projects, but only the projects published on the www.desall.com website, via the upload page related to this contest will be accepted.


1°: €5000

The selection of the winner by the Sponsor will be the result of an unquestionable evaluation and it will take into account originality, feasibility and consistency of submitted projects with the presented brief.

Extra Award (option right fee)

For the duration of the option right, the Sponsor offers an extra chance to all participants setting a fee of €2500 for the purchase of the license for the economical exploitation of the projects not-acknowledged as the winning proposals.
For more information, please login and read the Contest Agreement from the upload page. For questions about the brief please use the “Have a question” button or write to contest@desall.com


Since we are an international Community, all texts provided with your uploads (abstract, description, tags, etc.) should be written in English.

Stay in touch

Do you want to stay updated about “Hidesins Luxury Display Design”?
Sign up in Desall, save the contest in your favourites and edit the notification preferences in your account.

Desall required files

Minimum 1 image, up to 5.
Recommended dimensions: 960 x 720px (player size) ; allowed format: .jpg , .gif , .png; color mode: RGB;
allowed resolution: 72 dpi ; max file (for each one) size: 1 mb.



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