Human Rights Commission Multimedia Scholarship Competition
馬州洛克維爾市的人權委員會(Human Rights Commission)舉辦多媒體獎學金比賽(Multimedia Scholarship Competition),旨在給高中生就人權議題自我表達的機會,同時補貼上大學的費用,前三名得獎人將獲得總計2500元獎學金。
作品形式包括小說、散文、詩歌、繪畫、攝影、視頻等,截止日期3月27日,參賽詳情:。聯繫人Janet Kelly,電郵,電話:(240)314-8316。
Welcome to the Rockville Human Rights Commission’s Multimedia Scholarship Competition, formerly known as the Multimedia Contest. The Human Rights Commission (“HRC”) is excited to offer you this opportunity to (1) express yourself about a current human rights topic that may affect you and/or members of your community and (2) compete for a scholarship that you may use for college.
The HRC will impanel a review group (consisting of three HRC members, one educator, and one community leader) to review completed entries and make first-, second-, and thirdplace selections (per the criteria below). Entrants whose submissions are selected will receive scholarships with a combined total of $2,500, their names in Rockville Reports (the City’s municipal newsletter), and recognition at a regular Mayor and Council meeting.