

 總獎金: 6500(HKD)

最高獎金: 2000(HKD)

報名時間: 2021-08-01 ~ 2021-08-31

主辦單位: 新鴻基地產

由聽日(8月1日)至8月31日期間,ICC聲光耀維港🌠將舉辦SNAP & SHARE影靚「賞」攝影比賽,📢召集各位分享「ICC聲光耀維港」靚相,把握機會贏走高達HK$3⃣0⃣0⃣0⃣新地商場贈券✨

🤝為配合是次攝影比賽,除每晚7時45分、8時正及9時正於環球貿易廣場 (ICC) 外牆上演常規燈光音樂表演「森之盛放」外,8月份將重播更多昔日精選燈光音樂表演🌃,讓大家可以拍下更多美照❣


1. 「讚好」ICC Light and Music Show Facebook專頁(@ICCLightAndMusicShow) 或 追踪Instagram官方帳號 (@icclightandmusicshow)

2. 於其Facebook 或 Instagram個人帳戶上載一張包含ICC幕牆的照片,並附上不超過30字的中文或英文的相片說明及Hashtag #ICCLightShowSnap

3. 將帖文內容設定為公開(適用於使用Facebook之參加者)或 將其個人帳戶設定為公開(適用於使用Instagram之參加者)


1. 每位參加者只可以其Facebook 或 Instagram個人帳戶參與活動一次。如發現上載多於一張照片,ICC聲光耀維港有權隨機抽出一張相片作為參賽相片。

2. ICC聲光耀維港將根據參加者提交之相片及內容質素(美感構圖及主題內容各佔50%)選出得獎者(「朋友最讃特別獎」除外)。

3. 得獎名單將於2021年9月20日於ICC Light and Music Show Facebook專頁及Instagram官方帳號公佈,得獎者須於2021年9月30日晚上11時59分或之前以Facebook或Instagram個人帳戶私人訊息ICC Light and Music Show Facebook專頁或Instagram官方賬號,提供所需資料,以安排領獎事宜。

4. 如參加者參與是次活動,即代表同意所有有關活動之參加步驟、條款及細則。詳細條款及細則請查看 https://bit.ly/3xaaDnr

5. 如有任何爭議,新鴻基地產代理有限公司及ICC聲光耀維港保留最終決定權。

From tomorrow (1 Aug) to 31 Aug, ICC Light and Music Show will hold a SNAP & SHARE Photo Contest📸, calling for all of you to share splendid photos of ICC Light and Music Show😊! Participants can stand a chance to win up to HK$3,000 SHKP Mall Gift Certificate🎊!

🤝Apart from displaying the regular light show “A Blooming Day” at 7:45pm, 8pm and 9pm on ICC façades nightly, more featured shows from the past will be re-played in Aug for you to take more stunning photos🌟!

【Participation Requirements】

1. Like ICC Light and Music Show Facebook Page (@ICCLightAndMusicShow) OR follow Official Instagram Account (@icclightandmusicshow)

2. Upload a photo of the ICC façades with caption not more than 30 characters or 30 English words and hashtag #ICCLightShowSnap on either personal Facebook OR Instagram account

3. Set the feed content as public (for Facebook entrants) OR set the personal account as public (for Instagram entrants)

【Terms and Conditions】

1. Each entrant can only take part in the Contest once through either their own personal Facebook OR Instagram account. If the entrant has uploaded more than one photo, ICC Light & Music Show reserves the right to select one photo randomly for the Contest.

2. ICC Light & Music Show will award winners (except “Most Popular Entry Award”) based on the quality of the photo and content (50% each for Visual & Aesthetic Sense and Communication of the Theme).

3. Winner list will be announced on Sep 20, 2021 on ICC Light & Music Show Facebook Page and Official Instagram Account. Winners are required to send a direct message to ICC Light & Music Show Facebook Page or Instagram Official Account on or before 11:59pm on Sep 30, 2021 to provide necessary information for prize collection arrangement.

4. Participation in the Contest constitutes an acceptance of all Participation Requirements, terms and conditions of the Contest. Please refer to https://bit.ly/3xaaDnrfor full terms and conditions.

5. In case of disputes, the decision of Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Limited and ICC Light & Music Show shall be final.





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