MOSTown 新港城中心5G機械人服裝設計比賽

MOSTown 新港城中心5G機械人服裝設計比賽

 總獎金: 7600(HKD)

最高獎金: 2000(HKD)

報名時間: 2021-08-06 ~ 2021-08-26

主辦單位: MOSTown 新港城中心

主辦單位電話: +852-2643-9110

MOSTown 新港城中心新增2部5G機械人,是初到馬鞍山的智能小幫手,已經於商場巡邏。現在邀請大家一起發揮小宇宙,以「未來『最』愛的馬鞍山」為題,為他們命名和設計新造型,畫出未來的5G智慧城巿,增添更多馬鞍山的色彩!

MOSTown 新港城中心5G機械人命名比賽

Two new 5G robots have been brought to MOSTown ! They are smart assistants who have just arrived in Ma On Shan and have already patrolled in mall. Now we would like to invite everyone to use your imagination, named and design the outfit for them under the theme of “MOSTown MOSTLoved Future”. Drawing the future 5G smart city and adding more colors for Ma On Shan!

Participants can choose to participate in competition one or two, and can also participate in two competitions at the same time.


  • 大獎(2名):港幣2,000元H·COINS電子購物禮券
  • 優異獎(18名):港幣200元H·COINS電子購物禮券

參加方法How to participate:

1. 讚好MOSTown 新港城中心Facebook專頁
Like ” MOSTown 新港城中心 ” Facebook fans page

2. 下載模線圖 Download the Die -line document:

3. 填妥此表格並表格內上載「MOSTown 新港城中心5G機械人」的服裝設計及其設計概念
Complete this form and upload the outfit design of “MOSTown 5G Robot” and its design concept

提交方法Submission method:

◦ 網上遞交Online Application:

參賽者須填妥參加表格並於同一表格上載作品 Fill in the online application form and submit the entry

▪ 作品必須為PDF格式,並儲存為600 dpi或以上影像輸出解像度All entries must be uploaded in PDF format with 600 dpi or above output resolution

▪ 填寫一段不多於200字的中文或英文說明,扼要描述名字概念。A brief description (no more than 200 words, either in Chinese or English), illustrating the outfit design concept

◦ 實體遞交In-person Application:

參賽者可於MOSTown 新港城中心禮賓部索取模線圖設計參加,並將已填妥之參加表格及作品於開放時間內遞交 Fill in the form and submit the entry to below location within opening hours. Die-line document would be provided at below location:

領取和遞交表格和作品之地點 Form pick up and submit location:MOSTown 新港城中心 L3禮賓部 Concierge L3 MOSTown
開放時間Opening hours :12:00 n.n.- 10:00 p.m.

參賽截止日期 Entry deadline:26/8/2021 (星期四Thursday) 11:59 p.m. *
*請注意,如實體遞交,截止時間為 : 10:00p.m.

Please note that the In-person submission deadline will be 26/8/2021 10:00p.m.
結果公佈日期 Result announcement date:6/9/2021 (星期一Monday)

條款及細則 Terms & Conditions:

條款及細則(英文版) Terms & Conditions(English):

*參賽者須於指定尺寸的模線圖內展示其參賽作品,並把文件儲存為600 dpi影像輸出解像度的PDF格式的檔案,任何電腦繪畫或手繪作品之電子掃描檔均可。
All entries must b

e presented in selected die-line document size, in PDF format with 600 dpi or above output resolution. Both scanned file of electronic painting or hand-drawn works will be accepted.
Design must NOT be outside the die-line area provided.

*參賽者每位最多只可提交 2份的參賽作品
Each person may submit up to 2 entries for outfit design competition.

Each participant is eligible for one entry and one prize only in this competition.

Late submission will not be accepted.

*作品不可有任何淫穢、暴力、誹謗、不良意識、侮辱或商業宣傳成分。MOSTown 新港城中心有權取消其參賽資格,毋須另行通知。
An entry should not contain any material that is obscene, violent, pornographic, defamatory, indecent, disparaging or content that is controversial and inappropriate. Failing which, MOSTown reserves the right to disqualify the participant at any stage of the Competition.

All submissions must be original and free from infringement of any existing intellectual property rights.

*所提交的作品一旦違反知識產權條例,參賽者須負上全部法律及其他責任,並須就違反條例所引致的任何索償及法律責任彌償MOSTown 新港城中心。
The participants shall bear full legal and related responsibilities arising from any possible breach of intellectual property rights in respect of their entries, and shall indemnify MOSTown and other concerned parties against any claims and liabilities arising from any such breach.

*評審結果以MOSTown 新港城中心評審委員會的決定為準,參賽者必須遵從評審委員會之決定,對評審結果不得異議,MOSTown 新港城中心並享有最終及有約束力的決定權。
Decision made by the panel of judges shall be final. Any objection of the participants will not be considered.

* 得獎者將會由MOSTown 新港城中心專人通知領獎,而其個人資料只會用作得獎通知及身份核實之用。
Winners will also be notified individually and any personal information provided by the participants for the purpose of the competition.

*如有任何爭議,MOSTown 新港城中心保留最終決定權。
In case of any dispute, MOSTown reserves the final decision.

MOSTown 新港城中心5G機械人比賽 EDM

MOSTown 新港城中心5G機械人比賽 EDM



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