Stories of the Nature of Cities 2099 Prize for Urban Flash Fiction
We aspire to future green cities around the globe—cities that are resilient, sustainable, livable, and just. What does this mean?
Let’s imagine. What are the stories of people and nature in cities in 2099? What will cities be like to live in? Are they lush and green, verdant and biodiverse? What will cities look like; be made of? How will they be designed and powered? Will they be tall, short, dense, under ground or under water? What of public spaces? Social organization? Mobility? Government? Sustainability and food? Wildlife? Climate change and resilience? Poverty, consumption, wealth, and justice? How will we interact and relate to one another and the natural world? What sort of stories can we tell about our communities and the spaces that will shape them?
You tell us. What are the stories of people and the nature of cities in 2099?
The Nature of Cities and partners, the University of Utah, the University of Utah’s Center for Ecological Planning + Design, the New York City Urban Field Station, the University of Johannesburg, the University of Johannesburg’s Graduate School of Architecture, and Trinity College Dublin want to imagine with you. Here we announce the Stories of the Nature of Cities 2099 Prize for Urban Flash Fiction. From among all submissions, we’ll choose up to six prize recipients in 2018, with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize categories, plus honorable mentions.
The rules are simple. The work must:
- be a short story, a work of fiction, 1000 words or less, including title and any notes (i.e., “sudden fiction”, “flash fiction”, or very short story; not an essay);
- be successfully submitted to the organizers no later than 11:59pmEDT on 15 April 2018;
- be set in a city (of any size) in the year 2099;
- include as significant plot elements both nature and people;
- be submitted in English (but see point 6 in the Fine Print section);
- be an original work by the submitter, to which he or she holds the rights;
- be previously unpublished, not under consideration in other contests, and remain so during the duration of the contest;
- not be racist, sexist, homophobic, gratuitously violent, or otherwise offensive.
- Individual authors (under actual name or pseudonym) may submit no more than one work.
Beyond these requirements, the work can:
- be written by a person of any nationality, country of residence, and age;
- be of any style or genre of fiction (realism, magical realism, fantasy, sci-fi, fable, mystery, and so on…but in the form of a very short story).
Submit work:
- by 15 April 2018, 11:59pm EDT (no exceptions);
- send the work as an attachment to;
- include the word SUBMISSION in the subject line of the email;
- the work must be in one of the following formats: doc, docx, rtf, or txt;
- include the title and the authors name at the top of the document containing the work (the author’s name will be redacted during the judging process;
- include the word END on a separate line at the bottom of the document containing the work (so we are sure we have the entire work);
- include in the body of the email your name and a brief bio (100 words or less).
Submitted works satisfying these rules and guidelines will be evaluated entirely on their artistic merit by a committee of writers, artists, scientists, and urbanists. All decisions by the judging committee will be final.
- 1 Gold prize: $3,000 and a place in the collected publication
- 2 Silver prizes: $1,500 and a place in the collected publication
- 3 Bronze prizes: $500 and a place in the collected publication
- Honorable mentions (number to be determined): no prize money, but included in the collected publication
All winning stories will be published as a book by Publication Studios / Guelph, and possibly other venues.
Other inquiries:
Write us at
The Fine Print
- Submissions must be previously unpublished, and the full rights held by the author and submitter of the work.
- Authors agree that they will not enter the submitted works to other contests or publishers for the duration of the contest and the announcement of the winners. Failure to comply will disqualify the author from the Stories of the Nature of Cities 2099 Prize for Urban Flash Fiction (SNC2099).
- Authors of winning entries must agree to license the winning works to SNC2099 in perpetuity, to be published by SNC2099 at their discretion, with no further royalty owed to the author.
- This license is not exclusive, however; winning authors may republish works with no royalties or payments to SNC2099, but must acknowledge SNC2099 as the original publishers.
- Copyright of the intellectual property of any work remains with the author.
- Submissions must be submitted in English, and will be reviewed in English. However, any winning submission written by an author whose native language is not English, will, at the discretion of the organizers, be published in both English and the author’s native language. A translation of the work would be commissioned and funded by the organizers.
- All judging will be “blind”; that is, judges will not know the names of the authors.
- The judging period will be begin on 16 April 2018.
- Submissions that arrive after the deadline (15 April 2018) will not be considered.
- Adherence to the rules of the contest is the responsibility of the submitter of the work.
- All fees and taxes that result from prize money and its transfer to a prizewinner is responsibility of the prizewinner; this includes bank transfer fees.
- The organizers reserve the right to award fewer or more prizes than originally announced.
- All decisions by the organizers concerning the administration and rules of the award, including the selection of winners, are final.
(Paintings by Katrine Claassens.)