

 總獎金: 30000

最高獎金: 15000

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2020-08-31

主辦單位: UTEE亮點茶莊


United Tea Estates Enterprise ( UTEE ) Video Contest!



意參賽者於本( 109 )年8月31日前完成報名。

Welcome to the United Tea Estates Enterprise ( UTEE ) Video Contest! Please read the following information carefully and fill out the application in English or Chinese.


1. Who are we looking for?

Are you a young talent who currently lives in Taiwan? Do you love to shoot videos and travel around the country? Then you are the one we want!
如果你喜歡旅遊、熱愛攝影、自認為有天份及才華、年齡介於21-28歲之間、並且目前居住在台灣 ( 不限國籍 ),那你絕對是我們要找的對象!

2. What do you have to do?

We are looking for an individual or a team of 2-3 people, who will shoot a video about their trip to one or two of 28 tea estates, that are part of UTEE.

Taiwanese tea is a fundamental part of the country’s culture and bears a great history of tradition and craftsmanship. With this project, we want to present Taiwanese tea culture from a new perspective.

Plan your trip and what you want to film! We will be providing every team with a budget to cover your expanses for the trip over the course of 2 days. You will only need to take care of the accommodation yourself. We are open to hear your ideas! Fill out the information below and apply now to become part of the contest!
請提供你們所計畫的茶旅路線以及你們將如何以影片的方式呈現出你們想表達對台灣的茶文化。歡迎提出你們的想法與計畫! 有興趣的快來填寫以下的申請表參與此次活動初選!如果你的計畫初選被選上,我們將會需要你提供您製作的微電影影片。但影片內容 ( 對話及介紹 ) 必須是英文的、並搭配中文字幕。我們將資助每組行程相對的交通經費。

3. When is the trip?

If you get accepted to enter the contest, you will receive a confirmation from us, that you are now part of the competition. You can take the trip anytime between the 5th of Sept 2020 to the 20th of October 2020.
如果通過初選,你會接到我們的通知你可以在介於09/05/2020~10/20/2020 的期間自行安排到茶園的參訪,拍攝以及錄製影片。

4. What are the video guidelines?

The video you submit can be in English or Chinese.The length of the video should be between 3-5 mins.

5. Is there a prize to win in the competition?

Yes! After you submit your final video, you have the opportunity to win one of three amazing prizes!

  • Our winner will receive an award of 15.000 NTD.
  • Second place gets rewarded with 10.000 NTD
  • Third place with 5.000 NTD. And that’s not all!

Your videos will be shown at the Taiwan International Tea Expo in November and you will be invited on the stage to accept the award.


  • 第一名可得新台幣NT$15,000
  • 第二名可得新台幣 NT$10,000
  • 第三名可得新台幣 NT5,000

除了可獲得獎金之外, 會在11月份的台灣國際茶展頒發獎項、並在展場撥放贏得獎項的微電影影片喔!

So what are you waiting for? Fill out the information below and apply for our contest.
We can’t wait to hear from you!
所以你還在等什麼呢? 心動不如馬上行動,快到下面填寫申請表單吧! 期待您的參與

If you have further questions, you can e-mail us at: uteevideocontest@gmail.com

Project by: United Tea Estates Enterprise ( UTEE )
活動策劃單位: 亮點茶莊
Hosted by: Taiwan Agricultural Tourism Development Association
Consulted by: Agriculture and Food Department of the Agricultural Council
輔導單位 : 行政院農委會農糧署




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