World Architecture Festival 2020

World Architecture Festival 2020

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2020-08-14

主辦單位: World Architecture Festival

主辦單位電話: +44 (0)203 953 2045、+44 (0)20 3953 2923


作為國際建築界規模最大、聲望最高的盛事之一,世界建築節(World Architecture Festival,簡稱WAF)每年都會在不同的城市舉辦,彙集了來自世界各地建築師、設計師。世界建築節集會議、頒獎賽事、傳播建築知識與精神網絡平台為一體,致力於分享和鼓勵優秀傑出的建築。



Coronavirus Update: World Architecture Festival still to take place in December, but additional time to submit your entries

With our annual Festival scheduled for 2 – 4 December, in Lisbon, we are preparing for the event in the typical way. Architects from across the globe are continuing to submit their online awards entries as usual. We are fully aware that the current situation may be causing disruption to your practice and have therefore amended our entry deadlines to the following:

Final entry deadline: 14 AUGUST

Start your entry here

If you are working at home this may be the ideal time to work on your entries. We also appreciate you may have challenges finalising your entry at home. Should you need to update your entry once you are back in the office we can accommodate this. Please contact your local awards representative to discuss any questions you may have.

We hope that you and your practice are coping as well as possible in current circumstances and offer our best wishes for a return to calmer times. Read more from WAF’s Programme Director, Paul Finch.

World Architecture Festival 2020 will take place from the 2-4 December at the FIL, Lisbon. Now in its 13th year, WAF is where architects meet to share ideas and set the future agenda.
The live-judged awards sit at the heart of the festival alongside keynote talks, fringe events and an exhibition.

WAF are the only awards where all shortlisted architects present their projects live to a panel of expert judges – live in Lisbon!



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