To put people-centered development into effect, Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources has organized a series of competitions themed “Center on people, Design for city” since 2018, including the Competition for Blood Donation Facilities in Key Areas of Nanjing, the Competition for Nanjing Metro Station Entrance and Exit, the Competition for Micro Stations in Jiangsu Horticultural Expo Garden, and the Competition for Maigaoqiao Street Covered Bridge . The fifth event will focus on the renewal and transformation of the urban micro landscape space reserves, also discuss the possibility of Landscape Urbanism in China.
01 大賽主旨 THEME
Under the theme of “Stream Garden – Micro Building”, this competition invites participants to design Landscape Facilities especially for waterfront areas in Nanjing Green Expo Garden, in an effort to renew and upgrade local public landscape space. The site will be used as an exemplar for urban public landscape micro-space renewal as part of the construction plan for Nanjing’s Nine Urban Halls across Yangtze River.
The competition is open to participants internationally, and the winning proposal will be put into practice. The exemplar of waterfront space construction could be proposed, which also benefits urban renovation while improving citizens’ happiness.
The theme of this competition was proposed by Ge Ming, a well-known scholar, architect, and Professor of Architecture at Southeast University. Internationally well-known architects will be invited to take part as juries.
主辦單位 Sponsors
Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources
Nanjing Hexi New Town Development and Construction Administrative Committee
承辦單位 Co-sponsor
Jianye Branch of Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources
總體策劃/學術支持 Academic Support
Ge Ming Studio, School of Architecture, Southeast University
執行單位 Executing Agency
Nanjing Creative Design Center
03 大賽流程 SCHEDULE
1. 大賽徵集 Deadline for design submission
2020年12月3日-2021年3月31日( 徵集截止日期 )。
2. 現場踏勘及答疑交流 Site Survey and Q&A
Site surveys and Q&A sessions will be organized in mid-December 2020.
3. 專家評審 Evaluation
In mid-April 2021, an expert panel will be organized to determine the shortlisted entries.
4. 網絡票選 Online Voting
From the middle to the end of April 2021, the shortlisted entries will be announced and made available for online public voting.
5. 成果表彰 Award Ceremony
In early May 2021, the competition results will be finalized; the winners will be announced and commended.
6. 作品展示 Design Display
From late May to late June 2021, the organizing committee will hold a dedicated exhibition for the award-winning entries.
1. 參賽對象 Participants
This competition is open to all individuals and organizations in China and abroad. Any design organizations, independent designers, students and individuals of other occupations are welcome to participate.
2. 參賽報名 Registration
1 )參賽者可於2020年12月3日起,進入大賽組委會官方微信平台“南京創意設計中心”( 微信號:NDC-CHINA ),後台回覆“綠博園渠園報名”獲取報名材料下載鏈接;或前往南京創意設計中心官網( http://www.ncdc.org.cn/ )下載報名材料及參考資料( 包括附件1-大賽報名表、附件2-地形圖紙、附件3-設計任務書、附件4-場地資料 )。
From December 3, 2020, participants can visit the official website of Nanjing Creative Design Center ( http://www.ncdc.org.cn/ ) to download the registration and reference materials ( including Attachment 1 – Entry Form, Attachment 2 – Topographic Drawings, Attachment 3 – Design Task Specification, Attachment 4 – Information about the Site ). Alternatively, participants could also send the words “Stream Garden” to the official WeChat account of the competition organizing committee, named “Nanjing Creative Design Center” ( WeChat ID: NDC-CHINA ), to obtain the download link to the registration materials.
2 )請於2020年3月31日前( 徵集截止日期 )將報名表和參賽設計方案一併發送至郵箱:quyuan@ncdc.org.cn,並在郵件主題中註明“渠園微築-南京綠博園地段建築小品設計競賽”字樣。
The entry form and design plan shall be sent together to quyuan@ncdc.org.cn by March 31, 2021 ( submission deadline ) with “Stream Garden – Micro Building” in the subject header.
Participants can be individuals, teams, or organizations. Design plans that have already been implemented, published, or involved in other competitions are not eligible for participation.
1. 設計內容及要求 Design Content and requirements
The site for this competition is the designated area on both sides of the stream to the west of the Sheep Meadow in Nanjing Green Expo Garden. The entire streamside lot is planned to be renewed and upgraded as a whole into a Stream Garden. Participants can choose either Plot A or B, in which to design two buildings, one larger and the other smaller, on both sides of the stream or on the islet, along with a few other landscape facilities, thus developing “a garden inside the Stream Garden.”
1.1 用地條件 Site
場地分甲、乙兩塊,面積皆約三畝半( 2350平方米左右 ),均跨溪而設。甲、乙兩地塊內各自的兩座建築小品的可建設位置見下圖,要求分開佈置。現狀兩地塊內均存景觀橋一座,可保留或重新設置。其中甲地塊內要求小的建築小品設置在小島上;乙地塊內河道東西兩側為臨時建築,均需拆除重新設計。建築與景觀設施需在用地紅線內統一考慮。
The site is divided into Plot A and Plot B, each with an area of about 2350 m2 across the stream. See the map below for possible construction sites of the two buildings in Plots A and B respectively. The two buildings must be separate from each other. Currently in each of the plots lies a landscape bridge, which can be retained or rearranged. In Plot A, the smaller building must be set up on the islet. In Plot B, the temporary buildings on each side can be demolished. All the landscape facilities should be placed as a whole in the red-lined scope.
1.2 設計目標 Aim
A “Stream Garden” means that, starting from the stream, small buildings and landscape facilities around can constitute an extensive and poetic world that satisfies the various needs of watching, dwelling and touring with an integral whole of the water, bridge, house, pavilion and woods. Hopefully, the competition could offer a demonstrative example of the renewal of waterfront space in contemporary times.
A “Micro Building” should involve the thinking of design and construction aspect altogether. while deliver eco-friendly, vital, and vivid results:
Eco-friendly: Coordinating with the natural topography and the surrounding environment;
Vital: Setting up special dwelling scenarios based on reflections of the ways of living;
Vivid: Proposing reasonable construction methods and expressing context.
1.3 功能要求 Program
The total area of the two buildings plus the landscape facilities in each plot should range from 120 to 160 square meters. The building should have some indoor space, while functioning as a space for leisure, convenient services, cultural activities and gardening. Designers should also take into consideration the activities taking place in the park.
2. 成果要求 Submission Requirement
2.1 圖面表達內容 Drawings and Texts:
1 )簡短的概念說明( 不超過300字 )。
2 )總平面圖。
3 )一套完整的能清楚表現設計意圖的圖紙( 平面圖、立面圖、剖面圖、整體透視效果圖、表達設計意圖的局部大樣示意圖等 ),表現形式不限。
4 )圖面上不得出現任何反映設計者身份的信息,如出現則取消參賽資格。
① A brief description ( 300 words maximum ).
② Site plan.
③ A complete set of drawings that clearly manifest your design intent ( e.g. plan, elevation, section, overall perspective views, detail drawings of a part, etc. ). No restriction on the means of manifestation.
④ It is forbidden to show any information as to the identity of the designer on the drawing. Nonobservance will lead to disqualification.
2.2 圖面排版要求 Layout Requirements:
提交作品的最終成果為電子版,格式為PDF或JPG,尺寸大小841mm( W )*1189mm( H ),圖片精度不低於300dpi。版面數量限為1張,排版形式為豎排版。
Format: Electronic file, either PDF or JPG
Size: 841mm ( W ) * 1189mm ( H )
Precision: not less than 300dpi.
Page: One page in vertical layout.
1. 專家評審 Expert Evaluation
In mid-April 2021, an expert panel will be organized to determine the winners of the first, second, and third prizes.
2. 網絡評選 Online voting
From the middle to the end of April 2021, the official WeChat account of the organization committee will announce the shortlisted entries and make them available for online public voting, which will determine the winners of the online popularity award.
3. 獎項設置 Awards
- 一等獎1名,獎金10萬元/件;
- 二等獎2名,獎金5萬元/件;
- 三等獎5名,獎金2.5萬元/件;
- 網絡人氣獎6名,獎金1萬元/件。
One first-prize winner, to be awarded a bonus of 100,000 RMB yuan.
Two second-prize winners, to be awarded a bonus of 50,000 RMB yuan each;
Five third-prizes winners, to be awarded a bonus of 25,000 RMB yuan each;
Six winners of the online popularity award, to be awarded a bonus of 10,000 RMB yuan each.
Note: The bonus amounts above are pre-tax.
4. 其餘獎勵 Other rewards
1 )獲獎設計師及方案將予以公佈及表彰。
2 )獲獎設計作品將擇優實地建設。
3 )授予獲獎單位、個人榮譽證書。
4 )優秀獲獎作品將於2021年南京創意設計周上進行專題展示。
5 )獲獎設計師將進入大賽組委會的優秀設計人才庫,優先推薦參與大賽組委會舉辦的採訪、講座、展覽及其他城市創意項目。
① The winning designers and plans will be announced and commended.
② Selected award-winning plans will be carried out for construction.
③ Certificates will be awarded to the winning organizations and individuals.
④ Selected award-winning entries will be displayed in a dedicated exhibition during the 2021 Nanjing Creative Design Week.
⑤ Award-winning designers will enter the excellent design talent pool of the competition organizing committee and will be given priority in participating in interviews, lectures, exhibitions and other urban projects organized by the competition organizing committee.
07 注意事項 NOTES
1. 參賽者須如實填報個人信息,並全面響應活動要求。單位參賽,需在報名表中加蓋公章;個人參賽,需在報名表中籤名,否則取消參賽資格。報名表以掃瞄件或照片等電子文件的形式提交。
1. Participants must truthfully fill in personal information and meet the requirements of this event, if any. Organizational participants must have the entry form stamped with the official seal. Individual participants must sign the entry form; absence of signature will result in disqualification. The entry form shall be submitted digitally as a scanned copy or photo.
2. 參賽者應按要求完成設計任務,每人僅限報一個方案,提交作品必須完整,如有缺漏則視為參賽作品無效。如有多報方案者,取消參賽資格。
2. Participants should complete the design task as required. Each person can submit one proposal only, which must be complete; incomplete plans will be deemed invalid. Submission of multiple proposals will result in disqualification.
3. 獲獎作品版權由設計者與大賽組織方共同擁有,在後續實施建設時,優先委託原設計者進行方案及施工圖深化設計,也可另行委託其他設計單位進行最終實施方案的施工圖深化設計;未入圍作品版權歸設計者所有。
3. The copyright of the winning entries is jointly possessed by the designer and the organizing committee. During the follow-up construction phase, priority will be given to the original designer in optimizing the plan as commissioned. The detailed design of the working drawings can be entrusted to either the original designer or a third-party organization. The copyright of the non-shortlisted entries belongs to the designer.
4. 大賽組織方對競賽規則具有最終解釋權。
4. The organizing committee reserves the right of final explanation for the competition rules.
08 聯繫方式 CONTACT US
諮詢熱線 Tel
*週一至週五 9:00-17:30
聯繫郵箱 E-mail
- 渠园·微筑|南京绿博园地段建筑小品设计竞赛大赛流程 1.大赛征集 2020年12月3日-2021年3月31日(征集截止日期)。 2.现场踏勘及答疑交流 2020年12月中旬大赛组委会将组织现场踏勘及答疑交流活动。 3.专家评审 2021年4月中旬,召开专家评审会,评定入围设计方案。 4.网络票选 2021年4月中旬至4月底,大赛组委会将发布入围作品,并开通公众投票通道,发起网络票选。 5.成果表彰 2021年5月上旬,大赛组委会确定获奖名单,对获奖者进行公布与表彰。 6.作品展示 2021年5月下旬至6月下旬,大赛组委会将举办专题展览,展示获奖作品。 大赛报名 1.参赛对象: 本次大赛面向国内外广泛征集,设计单位、独立设计师、在校学生以及社会人士均可参赛。
- 渠园·微筑|南京绿博园地段建筑小品设计竞赛为贯彻以人民为中心的发展思想,南京市规划和自然资源局自2018年来持续组织开展“以人民为中心、为城市而设计”系列活动,以城市小品类公共设施为对象,打造精品公共空间,面向社会开展方案设计征集大赛。该系列已先后推出“南京市重点地段献血设施方案设计征集大赛”、“南京地铁站点出入口设计方案征集竞赛”、“园艺博览会花园驿站设计大赛”、“迈皋桥长园廊桥设计竞赛”四期主题竞赛,取得了较为广泛的影响。第五期将聚焦城市公共景观空间存量更新举行建筑设计竞赛,推动景观都市主义的实践。 大赛主旨 本次竞赛以“渠园-微筑”为题,主要设计南京绿博园内部分滨水地段的建筑小品
- 渠园·微筑|南京绿博园地段建筑小品设计竞赛大赛主旨 THEME 本次竞赛以“渠园·微筑”为题,主要设计南京绿博园内部分滨水地段的建筑小品,并更新、提升局部公共景观空间,同时,将作为南京沿江九大“城市客厅”建设计划中的一个微小城市公共景观空间存量更新示范点。 Under the theme of “Stream Garden - Micro Building”, this competition invites participants to design Landscape Facilities especially for waterfront areas in Nanjing Green Expo Garden, https://www.archiposition.com/items/828bd69523