1、項目名稱 Project Name
International Consultation on the Project of Hot Springs Island, Xiangshan Bay
2、項目區位 The Project Location
本次項目位於中國廣東省中山市翠亨新區的南朗片區,溫泉度假島項目地處南朗片區大茅島區域,東側為馬鞍島( 翠亨新區起步區 )。周邊分佈眾多灣區重大平台,北有南沙新區,東望深圳前海新區、大空港新城以及東莞濱海灣新區,南有珠海唐家灣、橫琴新區,整體區位優越,是粵港澳大灣區地理幾何中心。
This project is located in Nanlang Area, Cuiheng New District, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, PRC. The hot springs island is located in Damao Island Area of Nanlang, with Ma’an Island ( the starting zone of Cuiheng New District ) in the east. There are multiple key development platforms of the GBA around the project, namely, Nansha New District of Guangzhou in the north, Qianhai Area and Great Airport Town of Shenzhen and Binhaiwan Bay Area of Dongguan in the east, Tangjiawan and Hengqin New District of Zhuhai in the south. With such advantage in geography, it is the geographical center of the GBA.
3、咨詢內容 Consultation Contents
There are three spatial levels included in this planning and design scope: research scope, concept design scope and detailed design scope.
1 )研究范圍:研究范圍北至翠亨快線,南至明朗大道,西至東部外環高速路,東至馬鞍島,見圖中藍色線框范圍,共計22.2K㎡。整體研究范圍重點要求運用一系列創新發展思路及低碳發展措施進行整體協調,統籌周邊要素,從景觀生態系統、視線廊道控制、對外交通聯系、溫泉引管、濱水慢行系統、安全保障等方面提出構思,探索濱海度假發展新模式。
1 ) Research Scope: The research scope is enclosed by Cuiheng Express in the north, Minglan Avenue in the south, the Eastern Waihuan Expressway in the west, and Ma’an Island in the east, with a total area of 22.2 km2. Pls refer to the area circled by blue line in the figure. It‘s mainly required to carry out integrated coordination for the overall research scope through series of innovative development ideas and low-carbon development measures. Moreover, Coordinate surrounding key elements, propose ideas in aspects of landscape ecosystem, sight corridor control, external traffic connection, hot spring tube, waterfront slow traffic system, safeguards and so on, to explorea new model of coastal resort development.
2 )概念設計范圍( 建議城市設計、景觀設計范圍 ):概念設計范圍側重於城市設計及景觀概念設計,其具體空間范圍是以翠亨國家濕地公園南側邊界為劃分的大茅島南部區域,北至翠亨國家濕地公園,南至香山灣,西至大茅島水道,東臨橫門水道南支,具體見圖中紫色線框范圍,總面積約2.2 k㎡。綜合考慮度假島及其周邊的海陸生態資源、城市功能、交通系統等基礎條件,對溫泉度假區概念性設計方案,城市設計層面重點關注規劃結構、功能佈局、平面設計、交通組織、形態風貌等;景觀設計層面重點針對現狀景觀資源的利用,主要包括平面設計、礦山修復、海岸堤防、名人雕塑園、基礎設施支撐等內容。
2 ) Concept Design Scope ( Suggested urban design and landscape design scope ): The concept design scope focuses on urban design and landscape concept design. Its spatial scope is the southern area of Damao Island divided by the southern boundary of Cuiheng National Wetland Park. It extends to Cuiheng National Wetland Park in the north, Xianshan Bay in the south, Damao Island Waterway in the west, and the south branch of Hengmen Waterway in the east, with a total area of 2.2km2. For the specific scope, pls refer the the area circled by purple line in the figure. Through giving overall consideration o the holiday island and its basic conditions, such as the surrounding sea and land ecological resources, urban functions and traffic system, etc., and put forward the conceptual design plan for the hot spring resort. In urban design level, it shall focus on planning structure, function layout, general layout design, traffic organization, form and style, etc.;in landscape design level, it shall focus on the utilization of current landscape resources, mainly including general layout design, mine restoration, coastal embankment, sculpture garden, and infrastructure, etc.
3 )詳細設計范圍( 建議建築設計范圍 ):詳細設計范圍聚焦於香山灣溫泉度假酒店建築設計,見圖中紅色線框范圍,總面積共計0.58 k㎡ 。設計團隊需充分考慮為溫泉度假島面向全球高端客商與舉辦重要國際交往活動的需求及項目落地性,設計溫泉度假酒店的規模與佈局,注重動靜分區,其中大茅山南側用地范圍建議佈局貴賓接待區。設計要求統籌溫泉度假島內景觀要素的協調,提出香山灣溫泉度假區詳細設計方案,其內容包括溫泉度假酒店功能佈局,溫泉酒店若干棟核心建築單體詳細設計等。再結合建築設計進行景觀詳細設計,關注種植設計、小品設計、標識設計等方面,建設國際高標准溫泉度假酒店。
Detailed Design Scope ( Suggested architectural design scope ): The detailed design scope focus on the architectural design of Xiangshan Bay Hot Spring Resort Hotel. Pls refer to the scope circled by red line. It covers a total area of 0.58km2. The design team is required to fully consider demands of the hot springs island for accommodating global high-end guests and holding important international exchange activities as well as project’s operability, carry out design for the size and layout of the hot spring resort hotel, and pay attention to the division between quiet zone and activities zone, in which, it’s suggested to use the southern land of Damao Mountain for VIP reception zone. The design requirements include overally coordinating the landscape elements of the hot spring resort island, and putting forward the detailed design for Xiangshan Bay Hot Spring Resort, whose contents shall include hot spring resort function layout, and detailed design of key buildings of the hot springs hotel, etc. And then carry out detailed landscape design in combination with the architectural design, focus on planting design, sketch design, and sign design, etc., to build a hot spring resort hotel with international high standard.
Design Scope
4、基本規則 Basic Rules
In order to highlight the open, scientific and practical nature of this project, open consultation will be applied for its organization with two stages, namely, ’Stage of Prequalification, and Stage of Design Competition’, which are scheduled to be completed by Sept., 2021.
第一階段:資格預審階段( 2021年7月 )
Stage 1: Prequalification ( Jul., 2021 )
發布國際咨詢公告、工作規則和任務書,在全球范圍內公開徵集設計機構或設計聯合體( 以下簡稱“咨詢機構” )參與,組織資格預審委員會對各咨詢機構提交的報名資料( 可含概念提案 )進行評審,從中擇優選取5家咨詢機構發送編制國際咨詢正式設計成果邀請函。受邀咨詢機構須在一週內向主辦單位發送《參與確認函》。
Release the announcement, working rules and design brief of this International Consultation, globally welcome design firms or design consortia ( hereinafter referred to as ’consulting firms’ ) to participate, set up the prequalification committee to review the registration documents submitted ( The concept proposal can be submitted optionally ), and select five consulting firms to issue the Invitation to Draft the Design Scheme. The invited consulting firms shall send the Confirmation of Participation to the Host within a week.
第二階段:方案競賽階段( 2021年7-9月 )
Stage 2: Design Competition ( Jul. to Sept., 2021 )
Site Visit: The Host will select a date afterwards to organize the site visit and Q&A session. After the site visit and Q&A session, the invited consulting firms shall carry out design for this International Consultation.
專家評審:受邀咨詢機構按要求提交正式設計成果後,邀請業內知名專家組成評審委員會對受邀咨詢機構提交的正式設計成果進行評審,評選出前三名( 不排名 )。
Experts’ Review: After the invited consulting firms submit their deliverables as required, invite well-known experts in the design area to constitute the jury panel, who will review the submittals and select the top three places ( without ranking ).
Final Ranking: The host will set up The jury panel of final selection which will be consisted of 7 members or above. Considering the area’s actual development conditions and the experts’ review comments, the jury panel of final selection will rank the three candidates by disclosed voting. After final ranking, the final result will be publicized on relevant websites.
5、獎金及有關費用 Awards & Related Fees
After the evaluation result of this International Consultation announced, the five shortlisted consulting firms, who have passed prequalification and whose submittals have been evaluated as qualified, can win corresponding fees according to their ranking as follows:
第一名,獎金及設計補償費共計人民幣貳佰柒拾萬元整( ¥2,700,000元 );
First prize: RMB Two Million Seven Hundred Thousand Yuan ( ¥2,700,000 ) with bonus and design compensation in total;
第二名,獎金及設計補償費共計人民幣壹佰參拾伍萬元整( ¥1,350,000元 );
Second prize: RMB One Million Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Yuan ( ¥1,350,000 ) with bonus and design compensation in total;
第三名,獎金及設計補償費共計人民幣柒拾伍萬元整( ¥750,000元 )。
Third prize: RMB Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Yuan ( ¥750,000 ) with bonus and design compensation in total;
其他未獲前三名的2家受邀咨詢機構均可獲得設計補償費人民幣伍拾萬元整( ¥500,000元 )。
For the other two consulting firms that are not ranked top three, each can receive RMB Five Hundred Thousand Yuan ( ¥500,000 ) as design compensation.
6、資質要求及報名方式 Eligibility & Registration
( 1 )資質要求 Eligibility
1 )國內外正式注冊的設計機構均可單獨或聯合報名參加本次國際咨詢。不接受個人或個人組合報名。
The International Consultation will be open for registration by design firms or consortia at home or abroad. Personal registration is not accepted.
2 )法定代表人為同一個人的兩個及兩個以上法人,母公司、全資子公司及其控股公司,不得分開報名參賽。
Two or more legal entities with the same legal representative, parent company, sole subsidiary and its holding company are not allowed to participate in the International Consultation separately.
3 )參與本次咨詢活動的規劃設計人員應為該設計機構的在職人員,首席規劃設計師須由主持過多個同類型規劃設計項目的負責人擔任,且必須直接參與本次國際咨詢全過程。為確保證本次國際咨詢背景和相關要求的准確理解,項目人員中應至少有一名通曉漢語的人士。
Designers involved in the International Consultation should be the current staff of the registered design firm. The chief designer must have experience of directing a number of similar planning and design projects, and must directly participate in the whole process of the International Consultation. The project team should include at least one member who is proficient in the Chinese language to ensure the accurate understanding of the project background and relevant requirements of the International Consultation.
4 )近5年內具有以下同類項目經驗的咨詢機構優先考慮:
Priority will be given to consulting firms with following similar project experience in last 5 years:
Planning and design experience in international waterfront cities;
Design capability and practical experience of large-scale resort hotels;
Comprehensive research capability and practical design experience of prominent urban areas;
Profound experiences in creating public landscape and environment;
Design and control capability on the overall urban space.
( 2 )報名方式 Registration
報名的機構應於北京時間2021年7月16日15:00前,以電子郵件形式向主辦單位發送電子版商務文件( 提交簽字並加蓋公章的報名表掃描件和word版 )和設計聯合體協議書( 如有,提交簽字並加蓋公章的掃描件 ),並登錄 https://jinshuju.net/f/zVGePT 或掃描以下二維碼填寫報名信息完成網上報名。
Before 15:00, July 16, 2021 ( Beijing Time ), the applicants shall send the electronic version of commercial documents ( scanned copy of signed and sealed application form as well as its document in Word format ) and consortium agreement ( if having, scanned copy with signature and company seal ) to the Host, and visit the website: https://jinshuju.net/f/zVGePT or scan the following QR code to fill in the registration information for online registration.
此外,報名的機構須於北京時間2021年7月19日18:00前,將完整的報名材料( 可含概念提案 )送至主辦單位,並在信封上標注“香山灣溫泉度假島項目國際咨詢報名材料”,內容應包含紙質商務文件及商務文件電子文件( 光盤或U盤 ),選擇提交概念提案的設計機構應同時提交概念提案紙質版和電子版。
Moreover, the applicants shall deliver the complete registration documents ( The concept proposal can be submitted optionally ) to the Host before 18:00, July 19, 2021, whose cover shall be marked as ’Registration Documents for International Consultation on the Project of Hot Springs Island, Xiangshan Bay’ and whose contents include the hardcopies of commercial documents as well as their electronic files ( in CD or USB flash drive ), while the applicants who chose to submit the concept proposal shall submit both the hardcopies and electronic file of concept proposal.
7、日程安排 ( 暫定 )Schedule ( Provisional )
Note: All the time and date above are applied in Beijing Time. The Host reserves the right to amend the schedule.
8、組織機構 Organizers
Host: Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources
Organizer: Guangdong Urban & Rural Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd.
9、資料索取 Inquiry of Information
Please visit the following websites for more information on the International Consultation:
10、報名咨詢 Registration Inquiry
張先生 電話:+86 755 8290 7866 手機:+86 13631600111
周女士 電話:+86 755 8290 9299 手機:+86 13265572115
Mr. Zhang Tel: +86 755-8290 7866 Mob: +86 13631600111
Ms. Zhou Tel: +86 755 8290 9299 Mob: +86 13265572115
Email: xswwqd@qq.com