Tagged: 3月
2018 Hippocrates Prize for Poetry and Medicine
The 2018 Hippocrates Awards judging panel includes for International Open and Internatio...
XVII Videominute International Contest
XVII VIDEOMINUTE INTERNATIONAL CONTEST (2017-2018) The Area of Culture of the Dpt. of Cu...
壹、 緣起: 臺灣是一個被海洋擁抱的島嶼,我們的生活與海洋息息相關,因此希望透過教育的管道讓民眾了解海洋,進而願意親近海洋,最後達到珍惜海洋的目標。教育部於2007公布《海洋教...
壹、 目的 為將資訊力融入科學探究實作,以創造更多元活潑互動資訊與科學結合的教育素材,藉由辦理全國雲教授創意教材設計競賽活動,提供更多元的探究實作課程發展與數位科普教具研發的環...
12 TH Pentawards Worldwide Packaging Design Competition
Deadlines, Fees & Agenda The amount payable per entry in a category will be as follo...
一、宗旨: 中興湖文學獎舉辦全國大學院校文學競寫,藉以深化校園人文精神,鐫刻成長記憶,提供校園寫手青春發聲的平台,期盼全國文藝青年發揮所長,熱情參加,爭取獎金與榮耀。 二、徵文...
2018 Big Picture Nature Photo Contest
Open To All Photographers Worldwide BigPicture is open to all photography enthusiasts an...
International Design Excellence Awards 2018
The International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) were born in 1980. They celebrate the ...
2018 65th Annual Washington International Competition for Strings Sponsored by the Friday Morning Music Club Foundation
The 2018 Competition for Strings semifinals will take place at George Washington Univers...