CGDA2020 平面设计学院奖
背景 Background
CGDA Graphic Design Academy Award 2020,暨第四屆平面設計學院獎面向港澳台、亞太地區、全球範圍的美術院校專業教師、設計專業學生、應屆畢業生。學院獎旨在推動各高等院校間的教學與學科建設、設計教育觀念的革新。作為廣大師生相互交流和提高的平台,學院獎致力於以國際先進設計思維與理念,挖掘不同的教學優勢與人才,探索平面設計專業教學改革與實踐成果。
The Fourth CGDA Graphic Design Academy Award 2020 aims at the students, current year'sgraduates, professional teachers of the art colleges in Hong Kong, Mocao,Taiwan, Asian-Pacific region and even the global areas. It aims at pushingforward the teaching and discipline construction of institutions of higherlearning and the reform of educational concept.