

Xposure Photography & Film Awards 2022 Xposure 攝影與電影獎


Xposure Photography & Film Awards 2022 Xposure 攝影與電影獎

Xposure Photography & Film Awards 2022 Xposure 攝影與電影獎

A FREE to enter International Photography & Film Awards with a prize pool value of over $50,000 USD across several genres. Photographers of all ages, backgrounds, and experience are eligible to enter the Xposure International Awards. We have also included a category for filmmakers. The panel of judges are looking to award an Overall Winner from the photography categories and additionally a winner and runner-up from each category including moving images & short films. The Jury is looking for unique, exceptional, and high-quality images.

免費參加多個類型的國際攝影和電影獎,獎池價值超過 50,000 美元。所有年齡、背景和經驗的攝影師都有資格參加 Xposure 國際大獎。我們還為電影製作人提供了一個類別。評審團希望從攝影類別中選出總冠軍,並從包括動態圖像和短片在內的每個類別中選出優勝者和亞軍。評審團正在尋找獨特、​​卓越和高質量的圖像。


To help you understand each of the awards categories we have provided a summary description of each of the Xposure International Award Categories. Considering the technical advances in photographic equipment with the capabilities of recording high-resolution movies, we have added a new “Short Film” category for the benefit of filmmakers. The Short Film category covers genres of documentary, drama, action, or animation / stop motion.

Architectural Photography is the photographing of buildings and similar structures both exterior and interior, that are both aesthetically pleasing and accurate representations of their subjects. A deep depth of field is usually employed so that both the foreground and background (to infinity) are in sharp focus. Architectural photography typically shows either the exterior or the interior of buildings.

Drone & Aerial Photography is the taking of photographs from an aircraft or other flying object. Platforms for aerial photography include fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or “drones”), and balloons, Mounted cameras may be triggered remotely or automatically; hand-held photographs may be taken by a photographer.

Junior Category – (under 18 – restrictions apply)

The Junior category is separate from the main awards and open to all types of still photography recorded by phone, DLSR, or mirrorless camera and produced at a Junior level (entrants must be under 18 at the time of entry). Photos must have been taken in the past three years. Entrants must be residents of the United Arab Emirates.

Landscape Photography shows spaces within the world, sometimes vast and unending, but other times microscopic. Landscape photographs typically capture the presence of nature but can also focus on man-made features or disturbances of landscapes. Landscape photography is done for a variety of reasons.

Portrait Photography or portraiture in photography is a photograph of a person or group of people that captures the personality of the subject by using effective lighting, backdrops, and poses. A portrait picture might be artistic, or it might be clinical, as part of a medical study.

Photojournalism is a particular form of journalism (the collecting, editing, and presenting of news material for publication or broadcast) that employs images in order to tell a news story. It is now usually understood to refer only to still images.

Short Film & Moving Image

The short film category includes moving images & stop motion. To enter requires uploading your file in MP4 format with a running length of at least 3 minutes up to a maximum of 20 minutes including credits to a maximum of 1GB in file size. The scope can be either documentary, drama, action, animation/stop motion, or news. Stop motion is an animated film-making technique in which objects are physically manipulated in small increments between individually photographed frames. This does not include computer-generated animation.

Street Photography should demonstrate impeccable timing and originality by capturing a candid snippet in time that conveys a story. Street photography does not necessitate the presence of a street or even the urban environment. Though people usually feature directly, street photography might be absent of people and can be of an object or environment where the image projects a decidedly human character in facsimile or aesthetic

Wildlife Photography is a genre of photography concerned with documenting various forms of wildlife in their natural habitat. As well as requiring photography skills, wildlife photographers may need field craft skills. Images taken in domestic environments or in Zoos do not constitute wildlife photography.

為了幫助您了解每個獎項類別,我們提供了每個 Xposure 國際獎項類別的摘要說明。考慮到具有錄製高分辨率電影功能的攝影設備的技術進步,我們為電影製作人增加了一個新的“短片”類別。短片類別涵蓋紀錄片、戲劇、動作或動畫/定格動畫的類型。


無人機和航空攝影 是從飛機或其他飛行物體上拍攝照片。航拍平台包括固定翼飛機、直升機、無人駕駛飛行器(UAV或“無人機”)和氣球,可遠程或自動觸發安裝的攝像機;手持照片可由攝影師拍攝。

少年組——(18 歲以下——有限制)

少年組獨立於主要獎項,對通過電話、DLSR 或無反光鏡相機錄製並以少年級別製作的所有類型的靜態攝影開放(參賽者必須在 18 歲以下)入境時間)。照片必須是在過去三年內拍攝的。參賽者必須是阿拉伯聯合酋長國的居民。

風景 攝影 展示了世界中的空間,有時是廣闊無止境的,但有時是微觀的。風景照片通常捕捉自然的存在,但也可以關注人為特徵或風景的干擾。出於各種原因進行風景攝影。




短片類別包括動態影像和定格動畫。要進入,需要以 MP4 格式上傳您的文件,運行長度至少為 3 分鐘,最長為 20 分鐘,包括文件大小最大為 1GB 的積分。範圍可以是紀錄片、戲劇、動作、動畫/定格動畫或新聞。定格 動畫是一種動畫電影製作技術,其中物體在單獨拍攝的幀之間以小增量進行物理操作。這不包括計算機生成的動畫。


野生動物攝影 是一種攝影類型,旨在記錄自然棲息地中各種形式的野生動物。除了需要攝影技能外,野生動物攝影師可能還需要野外工藝技能。在家庭環境或動物園中拍攝的圖像不構成野生動物攝影。




Who may enter?

This competition is FREE to enter and open to all nationalities over the age of 18. There is a Junior Category for under 18’s residents in the UAE.

Employees of Sharjah Government Media Bureau, and each of their affiliates, subsidiaries, and agents, are not eligible to enter or win a prize in the main categories, however, there is a restricted category for Sharjah Government employees.

How to enter

For the photography categories, images must be submitted through our online awards platform at XPOSURE AWARDS The images should be suitable for public display, printing, and publication in the Xposure Year Book. The JPG file format should be used and the preferred resolution is 300 dpi and preferably in a ratio of 3:2. IMPORTANT: Image and film filenames for upload should only use normal western characters & numbers. Special characters or symbols may prevent a successful upload.

For the film category, you can upload your file in MP4 format with a maximum file size of 900MB and running time between 3 minutes and 20 minutes. Scripts together with other information may be referenced. Uploads are accepted through the awards platform in the respective category.


本次比賽對 18 歲以上的所有國家/地區的所有國家/地區的人均可免費參加。有一個針對阿聯酋 18 歲以下居民的青少年組。



對於攝影類別,圖片必須通過我們的在線頒獎平台XPOSURE AWARDS提交 。圖片應適合在 Xposure 年鑑中公開展示、印刷和出版。應使用 JPG 文件格式,首選分辨率為 300 dpi,比例最好為 3:2。重要提示:上傳的圖像和電影文件名只能使用普通的西方字符和數字。特殊字符或符號可能會阻止成功上傳。

對於電影類別,您可以上傳 MP4 格式的文件,最大文件大小為 900MB,運行時間在 3 分鐘到 20 分鐘之間。腳本連同其他信息可能會被引用。 通過相應類別的獎項平台接受上傳 。


Overall Winner – $6,000 (USD) / Flights and accommodation to the Awards Ceremony in Sharjah UAE / Included in the Xposure festival exhibition

Category Winners – $3,000 (USD) / Flights and accommodation to the Awards Ceremony in Sharjah UAE / Included in the Xposure festival exhibition

Category Runner-up – $1,500 (USD) / Included in the Xposure festival exhibition / Flights and accommodation to the Awards Ceremony in Sharjah UAE

Nominees – Online Exhibition/image displayed during the Xposure Festival

Junior Category for under 18 – UAE Residents. This is a restricted “Junior” category for residents of the United Arab Emirates who are under 18. non-cash prizes of digital camera equipment, and included in the Xposure festival exhibition.

Junior Category under 18 ‘Winner & Runner-up’ non-cash prizes of digital camera equipment and included in the Xposure festival exhibition.

Competition Entries

Online entries will be accepted from 1 June 2022 until 15 November 2022 at 23:00 GST – Gulf Standard Time (Standard Time) is (UTC +4)

總冠軍 – 6,000 美元(美元)/參加在阿聯酋沙迦舉行的頒獎典禮的機票和住宿/包含在 Xposure 節展覽中

類別優勝者 – 3,000 美元(美元)/ 阿聯酋沙迦頒獎典禮的機票和住宿/ 包含在 Xposure 節日展覽中

類別亞軍 – 1,500 美元(美元)/ 包含在 Xposure 節日展覽中/ 阿聯酋沙迦頒獎典禮的機票和住宿

被提名者——Xposure 節期間展示的在線展覽/圖像

18 歲以下的初級組 – 阿聯酋居民。這是 18 歲以下的阿拉伯聯合酋長國居民的受限“初級”類別。數碼相機設備的非現金獎品,並包含在 Xposure 節日展覽中。

數碼相機設備的 18 個“優勝者和亞軍”非現金獎的青少年組,包括在 Xposure 節日展覽中。


在線參賽作品將在 2022 年 6 月 1 日至 2022 年 11 月 15 日 23:00 GST 期間接受 – 海灣標準時間(標準時間)為 (UTC +4)



The panel of judges is looking to award the overall winner of the annual international photography awards and the overall best picture from all photography award categories. In addition to the main prizes, all winning and shortlisted photographers will be featured in a gallery at Xposure 2023.

In each category, judges will award:

One winner

One runner-up

Five shortlisted

The winner and runner-up from each category will be invited to the Xposure Festival Awards Ceremony (including flights and accommodation for the festival week) where the final outcome of the position will be announced.


All submitted images will be screened by the Moderators to ensure that no offensive or culturally sensitive material is presented to the Jury. Submissions will either be approved or rejected at this stage. Any offensive or incorrectly categorised entries will be removed from the competition without notice.

Judging Procedure

Round One – Entries will be judged from artistic merit and overall impact

Round Two – Entries will be judged from the composition, technical quality, and effectiveness of expressing the category theme.

Round One Process

The VIP jury (the “Judges”) will independently review each entry and apply a credit rating on the basis of Overall Impact and Artistic Merit. The collective credit ratings from this process form the round one score.

Short List Round One

The 25 highest ranked images in each category will go forward to round two. In the case that two or more images are in ranking position 25 all those images with the equal 25th point score will go ahead into round two.

Round Two Process

In Round Two the judges will apply a credit rating on the basis of Photographic / Technical Quality, Image Composition, and Effectiveness in expressing the category theme.

The Judges individually consider the three aspects (criteria) for each image and allocate credits on each element. The collective scores will determine the ranking. Should one or more images be placed equally in ranking 1, 2, or 3, there shall be a final “Tie-Break” round of judging.

Tie-Break Process

If a tie-break is required, the judges will consider the respective images once again based on the criteria of Originality. The Judges will apply a credit rating of 1 to 6 in the Tie Break process. Decisions of the Judges are final and binding.

Awards Committee Review

After the Jury has completed their scoring the shortlist will be automatically generated. A category shortlist will comprise the ten highest-ranking entries. For each category, the Awards Committee will apply additional scoring criteria that will either add points or deduct points to the shortlist. The outcome of the Awards Committee adjustments will produce the leaderboard of winners and nominees. The Awards Committee is made up of four leading Industry expert picture editors.


評審團正在尋找年度國際攝影獎的總冠軍和所有攝影獎類別的整體最佳圖片。除了主要獎項外,所有獲獎和入圍的攝影師都將在 Xposure 2023 的畫廊中展出。





每個類別的優勝者將被邀請參加 Xposure Festival 頒獎典禮(包括節日週的航班和住宿),並公佈職位的最終結果。




第一輪 – 參賽作品將根據藝術價值和整體影響

進行評判 第二輪 – 參賽作品將根據作品的構圖、技術質量和表達類別主題的有效性進行評判。


VIP 評審團(“評委”)將獨立審查每個參賽作品,並根據整體影響力和藝術價值應用信用評級。此過程的集體信用評級形成第一輪分數。


每個類別中排名最高的 25 幅圖像將進入第二輪。如果兩個或更多圖像在排名第 25 位,則所有具有相同第 25 分的圖像將進入第二輪。



評委單獨考慮每個圖像的三個方面(標準),並在每個元素上分配學分。集體得分將決定排名。如果一張或多張圖片在排名 1、2 或 3 中均等,則將進行最後一輪“搶七”評選。


如果需要搶七,評委將根據原創性標準再次考慮各自的圖像。評委將在搶七過程中應用 1 至 6 的信用評級。評委的決定是最終的並具有約束力。




Online entries will be accepted from 1 June 2022 until 15 November 2022 at 23:00 GST – Gulf Standard Time (Standard Time) is (UTC +4)

* Nominees will be notified week commencing 7 December 2022 (see Awards Rules)

在線參賽作品將在 2022 年 6 月 1 日至 2022 年 11 月 15 日 23:00 GST 期間接受 – 海灣標準時間(標準時間)為 (UTC +4)

* 被提名者將在 2022 年 12 月 7 日開始的那一周收到通知(參見獎勵規則)


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