Ink is a natural and poetic carrier of culture, it contains a rich humanistic spirit. The combination of ink and design is a union of art and technology, as well as an expansion of thinking and an exploration of method and form. Through its multidimensional perspective, ink design represents a new artistic language and aesthetic expression.
2020北京國際設計周。第三屆「當代國際水墨設計雙年展」作品徵集 相關延伸閱讀:- 2020北京国际设计周《第三届当代国际水墨设计双年展》作品征集一、展览宗旨水墨是自然而富有诗意的文化载体,蕴涵丰富的艺术精神。水墨与设计的交融,既是艺术与技术观念的多元融合,又是新思维表达与方法的拓展。当两者合二为一时,“水墨设计”就从多维视角演绎出新的艺术语言和美学表现方式,传统与现代、艺术与科技,共同彰显新时代的鲜活气息与审美意蕴。多元文化影响下的水墨设计,让设计的概念更有底蕴,让设计的表达 …
- 2020北京国际设计周设计之旅《第三届当代国际水墨设计双年展》征集作品Ink is a natural and poetic carrier of culture, it contains a rich humanistic spirit. The combination of ink and design is a union of art and technology, as well as an expansion of thinking and an exploration of method and form. Through its multidimensional perspective, ink design represents a new artistic language and aesthetic expression.
- 2020北京国际设计周设计之旅《第三届当代国际水墨设计双年展》作品征集北京国际设计周作为首都重要的年度国际性文化活动,由中华人民共和国文化和旅游部与北京市人民政府主办。在前两届当代国际水墨设计展成功举办的基础上,2020北京国际设计周设计之旅《第三届当代国际水墨设计双年展》将正式启动。借助北京作为世界设计之都的国际影响力,本届展览以水墨为主脉,继续打造全球视野中的水墨设计文化平台。同时,通过创作与交流,与世界共同展示当代水墨设计的新主张。
一、展览宗旨水墨是自然而富有诗意的文化载体,蕴涵丰富的艺术精神。水墨与设计的交融,既是艺术与技术观念的多元融合,又是新思维表达与方法的拓展。当两者合二为一时,“水墨设计”就从多维视角演绎出新的艺术语言和美学表现方式,传统与现代、艺术与科技,共同彰显新时代的鲜活气息与审美意蕴。多元文化影响下的水墨设计,让设计的概念更有底蕴,让设计的表达 …
Ink is a natural and poetic carrier of culture, it contains a rich humanistic spirit. The combination of ink and design is a union of art and technology, as well as an expansion of thinking and an exploration of method and form. Through its multidimensional perspective, ink design represents a new artistic language and aesthetic expression.