

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2021-03-01

主辦單位: 佛山市南海區南三投資建設有限公司

主辦單位電話: +86-0757-86300101(黃先生)、+86-0757-81237291(邱先生)


項目名稱 Project name

南海藝術中心片區景觀設計國際競賽 International Competition on Landscape Design of Nanhai Art Center

競賽項目編號 Competition Item No


主辦單位 Sponsor’s organization

佛山市南海區南三投資建設有限公司 Foshan Nanhai Nansan Investment Construction Co., Ltd

項目概況 Project profile

根據《佛山市中心城區城市形態提升專項行動方案( 2018~2020年 )》,佛山將按照“兩大濱水核心、一條城市中軸、八大功能節點、多條門戶走廊”的空間結構有序推進城市形態提升。

According to the “Special Action Plan for Urban Form Improvement in Foshan Central urban ( 2018-2020 )”, Foshan will promote the urban form in an orderly manner according to the spatial structure of “Two Waterfront Core, One Urban Axis, Eight Functional Nodes and Multiple Portal Corridors”.


Foshan will promote the northward extension of Qiandeng Lake axis, through strengthening the linkage between the northern area of the urban and Qiandeng Lake area, a continuous waterfront slow-moving space will be built along both sides of the Foshan Waterway, and taking Qiandeng Lake Area as one of the cores to build the urban waterfront core of the river on both sides of Foshan Waterway, forming a high-quality waterfront space with beautiful environment and gathering public elements

資格預審申請條件 Conditions of prequalification application

( 一 )本項目接受中國境內( 指中華人民共和國大陸境內[不包含港澳台地區],下同 )及中國境外( 指中華人民共和國大陸境外[包含港澳台地區],下同 )的單位前來參與競賽 ),其中:

( I ) The project accepts units in China ( excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the same below ) and outside China ( excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the same below ) to participate in the competition, wherein:


1. The design unit in China shall meet the following qualifications:

( 1 )須具有獨立法人資格並依法取得有效的營業執照( 或事業單位法人證書 ),如委託分公司參與競賽的,須提供總公司授權文件。法定代表人為同一個人的兩個及兩個以上法人,母公司、全資子公司及其控股公司,不得同時報名參賽;

( 1 ) It shall have independent legal personality and obtain a valid business license ( or institution legal person certificate ) in accordance with law, and, if a branch is entrusted to participate in the competition, it shall provide the authorization document of the head office. Two or more legal persons whose legal representatives are the same person, the parent company, the wholly-owned subsidiary company and its holding company shall not sign up for the competition simultaneously;

( 2 )設計單位具有工程設計綜合甲級資質或工程設計風景園林設計專項甲級資質;

( 2 ) The design unit shall has the comprehensive Grade A qualification of engineering design or the special Grade A qualification of engineering design and landscape architecture design;


2. The design units outside China shall meet the following qualifications:

( 1 )須具有公司註冊證書或公司商業登記證或開業證明等合法經營的證明文件;

( 1 ) Shall have a company registration certificate or company business registration certificate, or a certificate of business opening and other legal business certification documents;

( 2 )中國境外設計單位使用中國境內企業法人的身份提交參賽申請時,需同時提交公司總部( 或所屬集團總部 )的企業工商註冊文件( 非中文需附中文翻譯件 )。

( 2 ) When a design unit outside China submits the identity of an enterprise legal person in China to submit an application for entry, it shall submit an enterprise industrial and commercial registration document ( non-Chinese translation must be attached ) at the headquarters of the company ( or the headquarters of its own group ) at the same time.

( 二 )本項目接受聯合體參賽,聯合體各成員需滿足上述對應的資格要求。( 如:若同為中國境內參賽人聯合報名的,牽頭單位必須滿足中國境內參賽人資格要求;若為中國境內、境外參賽人聯合報名的,須各自滿足上述中國境內、境外參賽人資格要求;不接受中國境外設計單位聯合體參賽。 )聯合體報名時須提交聯合體協議,並在協議中明確聯合體的牽頭單位。聯合體的成員只能和一家牽頭單位建立聯合關係。聯合體各成員簽訂《聯合體協議書》後,不得再以自己名義單獨報名,也不得組成新的聯合體或參與其他聯合體的報名,否則報名無效。聯合體成員個數不得超過2家。

( II ) The project accepts the consortium to participate in the competition, and all members of the consortium must meet the above corresponding qualification requirements ( e. g.: The leading unit must meet the qualification requirements of the contestants in China if they jointly sign up for the competition in China. In case of joint registration of participants within or outside the China, each of the participants shall meet the qualifications requirements of the above-mentioned participants within or outside the China; The consortium of design units outside China will not be accepted. ) It shall submit a consortium agreement and specify the lead unit of the consortium in the agreement upon registration. Members of a consortium can only establish a joint relationship with one lead unit. The members of the consortium shall not register in their own name after signing the agreement, nor shall they establish a new association or participate in the registration of other associations, otherwise the registration shall be invalid. The number of members of a consortium shall not exceed 2.

( 三 )參賽設計單位設計方案的主創設計師指定為1名。

( III ) The main designer of the design scheme of the participating design unit shall be designated as 1.

( 四 )自2015年1月1日至今,申請人參與同類項目業績( 城市公共藝術與景觀設計 )不少於1項。

( IV ) Since January 1,2015, the applicant has participated in not less than 1 of the similar projects ( urban public art and landscape design ).



( 1 )業績應由主創設計師簽章的設計文件、委託方證明文件或公司證明文件等組成,其中提供委託方證明文件或公司證明文件的需附該項目設計委託函( 或中標通知書,或評審結果通知書,或設計合同等複印件,設計合同至少需提供合同封面、項目概況、工作內容及蓋章頁 ),非中文須翻譯成中文;

( 1 ) The performance shall be made up of the design documents signed by the main designer, the principal’s supporting documents or the company’s supporting documents, etc., among which, the performance should consist of the design documents signed by the chief designer, the entrusting party’s certification documents or the company’s certification documents, among which, the entrusting party’s certification documents or company certification documents shall be attached with the project design entrustment letter ( or the copies of bid winning notice, or assessment result notice, or the design contract, etc., the design contract must provide at least the contract cover, project overview, work content and seal page ), the non-Chinese must be translated into Chinese;

( 2 )本項目主創設計師指定為1位。主創設計師必須親自負責本項目的設計工作,參加發佈會、現場踏勘,在專家評審會上進行匯報,競賽後參與後續深化設計工作。

( 2 ) The principal designer of the project is designated as 1. The main designer must be personally responsible for the design of the project, attend the press conference, on-site investigation, report at the expert review meeting and the participate in the follow-up depending design work.

獲取資格預審文件方式 Access to prequalification documents


Prequalification documents are downloaded by selves.


The medium by which the announcement is made:

南海區人民政府網( http://www.nanhai.gov.cn/ )

Nanhai Government Network ( http://www.nanhai.gov.cn/ )

中國採購與招標網( https://www.chinabidding.cn/

China bidding network ( https://www.chinabidding.cn/ )

廣東宏正工程諮詢有限公司( http://www.gdhzec.com/

Guangdong Hundred Engineering Consolation Co., Ltd( https://www.gdhzec.com/ )

資格預審申請文件遞交截止時間及方式 Deadline Time and Method for Submission of prequalification Application Documents


Deadline time: Beijing time: 17: 00,March 1, 2021


Site submission or mailing site: Guangdong Hundred Engineering Consolation Co., Ltd., floor 10, Building 1, Chengzhi Building, Haiwu Road, Guicheng, Nanhai District, Foshan, Guangdong Province

聯繫人:黃先生/邱先生 0757-86300101/81237291

Contact person: Mr Wang/Mr Qiu 0757-86300101/81237291


Submission method: On-site submission or mailing


1. Affected by the epidemic situation, the prequalification application documents of this project are submitted on site and by mail.


2. In view of the risk of delayed service of the mail documents, in order to ensure the timely delivery of the documents by the participating applicants, the participating applicants may entrust domestic personnel or organizations to make the electronic version of the seal of the prequalification application documents into paper documents and electronic documents. Submit on-site after packaging as required.

3. 現場遞交資格預審申請文件的參賽申請人需攜帶授權委託書籤字蓋章原件及被委託人身份證原件。

3. Applicants who submit the application documents for prequalification on the spot shall bring the power of attorney signed and sealed the original and the original identity card of the principal.


Special Reminder: The application documents for prequalification shall be served or mailed to the designated place before the deadline and shall not be accepted until the expiration of the time limit.

參賽申請人對資格預審文件的提出疑問期限、方式 The time limit and manner of the applicant’s questioning of the prequalification documents


Answer deadline: Beijing time: 17: 00 , February 22, 2021

提交疑問的方式:參賽申請人將質疑文件掃瞄件( 加蓋公章,接受電子簽章 )和電子版( .doc格式 )提交至電子郵箱 nhhongzheng@126.com( 答疑文件以本郵箱收件為準,非本郵箱收件或逾期提交的質疑一律視為無效質疑,不予答覆 )

How to submit questions: Applicants will challenge the scanning documents ( affixed official seal, accepted electronic signature ) and the electronic version ( in. doc format ) Submitted to the e-mail nhhongzheng@126.com ( the answer documents will be subject to the receipt of this e-mail, and the challenges that are not received by this e-mail or submitted late will be regarded as invalid challenges and will not be answered )

郵件發送後請聯繫:黃先生/邱先生 0757-86300101/81237291

After sending the message, please contact: Mr Hang/Mr Qiu 0757-86300101/81237291

主辦單位對資格預審文件的澄清或修改、答疑的期限、方式 The organizer clarifies or modifies the prequalification documents, and the time limit and method of answering questions


Deadline for clarification or modification and answering questions by the organizer:

北京時間2021年2月26日 17時00分

Beijing time: 17: 00, February 26, 2021


Ways for applicants to obtain answers or addenda to prequalification documents:


Obtain the answer and addendum files on the original release page of the project announcement on-line.

否決性條款 Veto clause


See article 7.1 of the prequalification document “VII. Other” for details.

其他 Other


1. All documents and correspondence in this competition shall be written in either Chinese or English. In case of ambiguity between the Chinese language and the English language, the Chinese language shall prevail.


2. The time mentioned in the prequalification notice of this competition shall be determined on the basis of Beijing time.


3. In addition to the right of authorship, the copyright in the scheme for obtaining competition expenses shall be owned by the competition organizer. The competition sponsor shall have the right to introduce, display and evaluate the scheme through the media, professional magazines, books and periodicals or other forms after the competition, and to use, adjust or modify the scheme in the construction of the competition project.


4. Any form of plagiarism or plagiarism is not allowed in this competition, otherwise all the responsibilities caused shall be borne by the fault party, and the Competition Organizer shall not bear any legal liabilities.


5. The laws applicable to this competition itself and the documents related to this competition are the laws of the People’s Republic of China..


6. In the event of any discrepancies between this Notice and the Official Issue of the Competition Task, the Competition Task shall prevail.

7.設計單位的屬地以其公司總部( 或所屬集團總部 )的企業工商註冊地址為依據進行確定。

7. The domicile of the design entity shall be determined on the basis of its corporate and industrial and commercial registration address at its headquarters ( or its group headquarters ).


8. All prequalification application documents are non-refundable.

佛山市南海區南三投資建設有限公司 Foshan Nanhai Nansan Investment Construction Co., Ltd

廣東宏正工程諮詢有限公司 Guangdong Hundred Engineering Consolation Co., Ltd

February 9,2021




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