

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2022-12-15

主辦單位: E-competition.hk

主辦單位電話: +852-8491-5538


環球聖誕音樂節 Universal Christmas Music Festival

Performance content

Christmas song

For any Christmas-related music, contestants can re-arrange as needed.

參賽樂器 Instruments:

Any kind of Chinese and Western musical instruments:

鍵盤 鋼琴/古鍵琴/管風琴
Keyboard Piano/Harpsichord/Organ

弦樂樂 小提琴/中提琴/大提琴/低音大提琴/豎琴/結他
Strings Violin / Viola / Cello / Double Bass / Harp / Guitar

木管樂 長笛/單簧管/雙簧管/巴松管/色士風
Woodwind Flute / Clarinet / Oboe / Bassoon / Saxophone

銅管樂 小號/圓號/長號/上低音號/大號
Brass Trumpet / Horn / Trombone / Euphonium / Tuba


中樂 二胡/琵琶/揚琴/古箏/笛子/中阮/嗩吶/笙
Chinese Music Erhu / Pipa / Yangqin / Guzheng / Dizi / Zhongruan / Suona / Sheng

Vocal and singing

其他樂器 牧童笛/手風琴/口琴/夏威夷四弦琴/其他…
Other Recorder /Accordion / Harmonica / Ukulele / Other…

截止日期 Deadline

15 DEC 2022

賽果公布 Result Announcement

On or before 31 JAN 2023

報名費用 Registration fee


比賽分組 Groups

(The age of the contestants is calculated based on the competition deadline)
年齡不限 No age limit 入門組 Entry
3歲 – 5歲 Age 3-5 學前組 Preschool
6歲 – 8歲 Age 6-8 初小組 Primary Junior
9歲 – 11歲 Age 9-11 高小組 Primary Senior
12歲 – 14歲 Age 12-14 初中組 Secondary Junior
15歲 – 17歲 Age 15-17 高中組 Secondary Senior
年齡不限 No age limit 公開組 Open

報名方法及提交參賽作品 Registration and submission of works

  1. 完成錄製參賽影片
    Complete the entry video.
  2. 參賽者正確設定影片檔案,於開始報名前上載於網上儲存空間。( Google drive / Dropbox / Microsoft OneDrive ) 並開放權限。
    Contestants should correctly set up the video file and upload it to the online storage space before starting the registration. ( Google drive / Dropbox / Microsoft OneDrive ) and open permissions.
  3. 所有報名只接受網上報名方式,其他方式之提交一律不獲處理。
    All registrations only accept online registration, other forms of submission will not be processed.
  4. 賽事報名前需先註冊 e-Competition.hk會員帳號。
    An e-Competition.hk membership account must be registered before the competition registration.
  5. 登入會員帳號後,可於賽事網頁中填寫報名表及參賽影片連結。
    After logging in to the member account, you can fill in the registration form and the share link of the video on the competition website.
  6. 提交報名表及參賽影片連結後,將進入付款程序,繳交報名費用。
    After submitting the registration form and the share link of the video, you will enter the payment process and pay the registration fee.
  7. 完成付款後,請檢查電郵信箱,收取報名確認通知。
    After completing the payment, please check your email to receive the registration confirmation notice.
  8. 機構/導師會員可協助多名學生報名參加賽事,所有經機構/導師會員報名而未有 e-Competition.hk會員帳號之參賽者,成功報名後,將即時自動開立個人會員帳號,以便參賽者自行查閱賽事資訊。
    Institutional/Tutor members can assist multiple students in signing up for the competition. All participants registered as Institution/Tutor members but did not have an e-Competition.hk membership account will automatically open a personal membership account immediately after a successful registration. In order for the participants to check the competition information by themselves.
  9. 參賽者可隨時登入會員帳號,查閱賽事狀態、成績、獎項訂購、郵寄狀態等資訊。
    Contestants can log in to their member accounts at any time to check the competition status, results, prize ordering, mailing status and other information.

If you cannot receive the registration confirmation email, please check the “spam box”. If there is still no confirmation email, the email address may have been entered incorrectly during registration. Please go through the registration process again. If you still have questions, please contact us.

參賽作品要求 Work requirements

  1. 所有參賽影片於網上遞交,影片上限為10分鐘。超過時限部份將不了評分。
    All participating videos are submitted online, and the maximum length of videos is 10 minutes. Parts that exceed the time limit will not be graded.
  2. 作品提交檔案只接受MP4、WMV、AVI或MOV檔案。
    Only MP4, WMV, AVI or MOV files are accepted for submission of works.
  3. 影片檔案名稱需設定為「(參賽組別)_(參賽者姓名).mp4」
    (例:A_陳大文.mp4 / C_Chan_Siu_Ming.mp4 )
    The name of the video file must be set to “(Group code)_(name of contestant).mp4”
  4. 參賽者正確設定影片檔案,於開始報名前上載於網上儲存空間。( Google drive / Dropbox / Microsoft OneDrive ) 並開放權限。
    Contestants should correctly set up the video file and upload it to the online storage space before starting the registration. ( Google drive / Dropbox / Microsoft OneDrive ) and open permissions.
  5. 每名參賽者報名次數不限,唯每項報名只能提交一段影片,而每段影片只能於是次賽事報名一次。
    There is no limit to the number of entries for each participant, but each entry can only submit one video, and each video can only be registered once for the competition.

獎項 Awards

  1. 評判將根據參賽者整體表現作出評級及評分,亦考慮參賽者下列各方面的表現:
    The judging will be based on the performance of the contestants in the following aspects and the overall art performance of recitation:
    –選曲之難度 Difficulty of selection
    –技巧- 音色、音準、節奏 Techniques-tone colour, pitch, rhythm
    –演繹 – 風格掌握、想像力 Interpretation-style mastery, imagination
    –音樂感 Musical sense
    –感染力及共鳴 Infectiousness and resonance
  2. 各組設冠、亞、季軍一名,及金、銀、銅、優異、參與獎名額不限。
    Each group will have a champion, second runner-up and third runner-up, as well as an unlimited number of gold, silver, bronze, merit and participation awards.
  3. 所有得獎者均獲發電子獎狀一張,以示表揚。
    All winners will receive an electronic certificate to show their appreciation.
  4. 得獎者可於成績公布後登入個人帳戶下載及列印電子獎狀。
    Winners can log in to their personal accounts to download and print electronic certificates after the results are announced.
  5. 各獎項之得獎者均獲申請訂購額外獎狀/獎座的資格,得獎者可按個別需要於網上申請。
    Winners of each award are eligible to apply for ordering additional certificates/trophies. Winners can apply online according to their individual needs.
  6. 獎狀/獎座申請可於成績公布後6個月內,登入會員帳戶申請,次數不限,逾期申請一律不獲處理。
    Certificate/trophy applications can be applied by logging in to the member account within 6 months after the results are announced. The number of applications is unlimited. Late applications will not be processed.

付款方式、費用及郵寄 Payment Methods, Fees and Shipping

  1. 所有付款項目只接受網頁內付款系統之收費方式,其他方式之付款一律不獲處理,以指定方式以外付款之任何款項一律不予退回。
    All payment items only accept the payment method of the in-page payment system, other payment methods will not be processed, and any payment made by other methods will not be refunded.
  2. 報名費用包括:賽事行政費、評審及電子獎狀。
    Registration fee includes: event administration fee, judging and electronic certificate.
  3. 獎狀/獎盃申請費用包括:行政費、所申請之獎獎狀/獎盃費用及一次本地可追蹤郵件或快遞費用。
    The certificate/trophy application fee includes: administration fee, the fee for the award certificate/trophy applied for, and a one-time local trackable mail or courier fee.
  4. 獎狀/獎盃寄往非本地(香港)郵寄地址,參賽者需另支付相關額外郵寄費用。該郵寄費用將於申請提交後確認,申請人可留意電郵通知或於網頁內查閱申請狀態,郵費確認後便可繼續付款程序。
    If the certificate/trophy is sent to a non-local (Hong Kong) mailing address, the entrant will need to pay the relevant additional mailing fee. The postage fee will be confirmed after the application is submitted. Applicants can pay attention to the email notification or check the application status on the website. After the postage is confirmed, the payment process can be continued.
  5. 獎狀/獎座申請將於成功申請日期起計算之下個月一日開始處理,並大約於開始處理後兩個月內完成寄出程序。而寄出後之郵寄時間,請參考郵遞機構所提供的資訊。
    Certificate/trophy applications will be processed on the 1st of the following month from the date of successful application, and the mailing process will be completed approximately two months after the start of processing. Please refer to the information provided by the postal agency for the mailing time after delivery.
  6. 本地郵寄均以順豐快遞寄出,如未能安排,則改用香港郵政掛號郵件寄出。
    Local mail will be sent by SF Express. If it cannot be arranged, it will be sent by Hongkong Post registered mail instead.
  7. 非本地郵寄一律以香港郵政平郵掛號寄出,相關費用及郵遞時間,可參考「香港郵政」網頁計算。
    Non-local mail will be sent by registered surface mail of Hongkong Post. The relevant fees and delivery time can be calculated by referring to the “Hongkong Post” website.https://www.hongkongpost.hk/tc/postage_calculator/index.html

    If the mailing area does not provide the mailing service of Hongkong Post, it will be sent by international express with the best price provided by the following shipping website.


  8. 所有獎項(包括本地及海外)不論任何情況下(包括但不限於郵寄資料錯誤、未能收件、未能簽收、錯過收件日期),引致未能成功發送、接收、寄失等,一律不會安排補發。如郵件獲退回賽會,申請者欲安排補寄,其相關郵費由申請者自行承擔。
    All prizes (both local and overseas) will not be accepted under any circumstances (including but not limited to incorrect mailing information, failure to receive, failure to sign for receipt, and missed delivery date), resulting in unsuccessful delivery, receipt, loss, etc. A replacement will not be re-arranged. If the mail is returned to the competition, the applicant wishes to arrange for re-sending, and the relevant postage shall be borne by the applicant.

比賽規則 Competition rules

  1. 是次賽事將跟據「通用比賽規則」及是次賽事之規則進行,參賽者一經報名,即已明白及同意遵守所有規則之內容。
    This competition will be conducted in accordance with the “General Competition Rules” and the rules of this competition. Once the participants register, they have understood and agreed to abide by all the rules.
  2. 所有提交之連結、檔案及文件,如未能辨識、搜尋、開啟、下載或播放,一律不獲處理。
    All submitted links, files, and documents that cannot be identified, searched, opened, downloaded, or played will not be processed.
  3. 每項比賽只可上載一則比賽片段,片段使用一般智能手機或攝錄機拍攝便可,請注意需於安靜環境下拍攝。
    Only one video can be uploaded for each application, and the video can be shot with a normal smartphone or camcorder. Please note that it needs to be shot in a quiet environment.
  4. 鏡頭須正面拍攝,片段中需要清晰顯示出參賽者的樣貌及演奏動作(包括手部及踏板)。
    The camera must be shot from the front, and the face and upper body of the contestant must be clearly displayed in the video.
  5. 比賽影片不可剪接及不可進行任何形式之後期製作,否則取消參賽資格。
    The competition video cannot be edited or post-production in any form, otherwise the competition will be disqualified.
  6. 所有比賽錄影片段只可提交一次,一經上載或遞交,則不能重新上載或遞交。
    All competition videos can only be submitted once. Once uploaded or submitted, they cannot be re-uploaded or submitted.
  7. 所有組別不設背譜限制,參賽者可自行選擇。
  8. There are no memorization restrictions for all categories, and participants can choose for themselves.
  9. 評判對一切藝術事宜有最終決定權,任何人士不得異議。
    The judges have the final decision on all artistic matters, and no one may object.
  10. 比賽結果公佈後,部份參賽者之參賽者將可能上載於賽會網頁、Facebook專頁或其他網上平台,以分享得獎片段。
    After the results of the competition are announced, some of the contestants may upload the video on the competition website, Facebook page or other online platforms.
  11. 所有作品一經遞交,即表示同意本會將作品在任何時間以任何方式作展示展出之用,而不需另行獲作者同意。
    Once all works are submitted, you agree that we will display the works at any time and in any way without the need for the author’s consent.
  12. 任何費用一經繳交,不論任何情況均不設退款。
    Once paid, there is no refund under any circumstances.
  13. 主辦單位全權保留對參賽資格的最終決定權。
    The organizer reserves the right to make the final decision on eligibility.

本賽事關鍵日期參考 Key dates for this event

Competition deadline
Result announcement date
31/1/2023 或以前 or before
Certificate/Trophy Application Time
2/2023 – 7/2023
Certificate/Trophy Processing
The first day of the next month from the date of successful application
Certificate/Trophy mailing
Within two months after the certificate/trophy is processed



  • e-Competition.hk
  • 辦公時間:星期一至五 上午10時30分至下午5時
  • 地址:九龍土瓜灣上鄉道39號
  • 電話:+852 8491 5538
    (只供Whatsapp 查詢)
  • 電郵地址: cs@e-competition.hk


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