科勒敢創設計未來之星獎 Kohler Bold Design Rising Star Awards
🚽“科勒敢創設計未來之星獎”,由全球廚衛經典品牌科勒與Young Bird Plan共同制定,以科勒敢創設計未來之星的名義,為第四屆“WCM世界校園大師”(全稱是“World Campus Masters世界校園大師設計作品優選計畫”)設立的年度特別獎項。

Kohler Bold Design Rising Star Awards, formulated by the global classic kitchen and bath brand, Kohler and Young Bird Plan, in the name of the Kohler Bold Design Rising Star, is an annual award specially set for the 4th WCM (World Campus Masters Selective Graduation Design Program).
This award aims to stimulate the innovative spirit of youngsters – being bold to break through. It encourages students and designers, of majors in architecture, interiors and product design, to focus on the experience of human centered residence and explore how to improve the quality of life in residences. How to get an insight and interpret the deep needs based on human nature? How to propose an innovative, forward-looking, smart and green design? How to create a human centered space that is more comfortable, healthier, more personalized, more functional, smarter and more sustainable? How to provide a lifestyle experience, with vitality and warmth?
The new generation in design field is the target power of this award that strives to be pioneering in the fast changing and competitive world. Through the medium of design, it explores the deep value of living in residences, reshapes the value of high quality life, and extends multiple possibilities of life quality. As an engine for industry upgrading and reformation, it consistently promotes the sustainable development of architecture, interiors and product design as well as materials application, implementing the Kohler brand vision – Believing in Better.
It is free of charge and open to all global participants of any major related to architecture, interiors and product design,including students, undergraduates, post-graduates and doctors as well as designers who shall graduate within 5 calendar years(2019-2023). Both individuals and teams can participate in the WCM’s Corporate-tailored Award, Kohler Bold Design Rising Star Awards, and the submitted works include but not limit to your course works and the completed graduation design works.
- 進入“WCM世界校園大師”競賽首頁,註冊並報名參加競賽
- 提交您已完成的設計作品
- 通過郵件形式申請此獎項,郵件標題:WCM2023科勒敢創設計未來之星獎申請;郵件內容:創作者簡歷 報名編號;申請信箱:wcm@youngbird.com.cn
Registration Method:
1. Click the competition page of the 4th WCM in 2023 and then register to sign up the competition.
2. Submit your completed design work.
3. Apply for this award by email. Email Subject: WCM 2023 Apply for Kohler Bold Design Rising Star Awards; Email Content: Creator’s CV Registration Code; Email your application to: wcm@youngbird.com.cn
報名請點選前往: 第四屆“WCM世界校園大師”2023-2024如約而至,與全球1200 頂尖設計院校、9000 著名設計機構攜手前行!
終審評委團將從Super Nova評委團評定的所有WCM獲獎作品中挑選三強作品、十強作品以及三十強作品。
The Final Judging Panel will select Top 3, Top 10 and Top 30 from all the winning works of the 4th WCM selected by the Super Nova Jury.
關於科勒 /About KOHLER
點選圖片瞭解科勒品牌故事Click the image for the brand story of Kohler
Kohler was founded in Wisconsin, USA in 1873, and is one of the largest and oldest family-owned businesses in the United States today. From the birth of the first enameled cast iron bathtub to the innovation of many bathroom concepts, Kohler has persisted in the vision of “Gracious living” for 150 years, created many miracles and became a global kitchen and bathroom leading brand in a century-old heritage.
This year, we’re proud to celebrate Kohler’s 150th anniversary and invite our partners, artists, designers, and innovators around the world to create a better future through design, innovation, happiness enhancement and sustainable development. Come all creators. Together, we will shape the next 150 years.
xiangning Li
同濟大學建築與城市規劃學院院長教授 |
中國,上海 劉宇揚建築事務所創始人、主持建築師 |
Hongjiang Wang
上海視覺藝術學院設計學院教學副院長,教授,博士 |
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Chinghua Chen
科勒廚衛集團設計工作室中國區副總監 |
Isa Ye
中國,上海 Youngbird創始人、designverse設計宇宙創始人 |
Top 3 (3 winners): Each winner gains 1 set of the Artist Editions Collection – A World on Strings by Ziling Wang BraznTM for the Kohler 150-year anniversary.
Top 10 (7 winners): Each winner gains 1 set of the Kohler Moxie Showerhead.
Top 30 (20 winners): Each winner gains 1 set of the Kohler Moleskine Notebook and Pen Set.
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三強獎品:科勒X藝術家汪紫菱150週年紀念款-Brazn凌越時尚台盆 Top 3’s Prize: The Artist Editions Collection – A World on Strings by Ziling Wang BraznTM for the Kohler 150-year Anniversary |
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十強獎品:科勒Moxie音樂魔雨花灑 Top 10’s Prize:The Kohler Moxie Showerhead |
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三十強獎品:科勒X魔力斯奇那筆記本和筆套裝 Top 30’s Prize: The Kohler Moleskine Notebook and Pen Set |
報名請點選前往: 第四屆“WCM世界校園大師”2023-2024如約而至,與全球1200 頂尖設計院校、9000 著名設計機構攜手前行!
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Young Bird PlanYoung Bird Plan「嫩鳥計畫」競賽品牌是面向全球創意和設計人才的高品質競賽平台。以目標建造、名師輔導、跨界評委為三大DNA,並迅速地在全球城市設計、建築設計、景觀設計、室內設計、產品設計、標識設計、時尚設計、平面設計、UI設計、材料創新應用設計等各大設計領域內獲得了高度關注,且不斷拓寬邊界。通過為客戶定製競賽的形式提供立體傳播和創意解決方案。自創立以來,連續9年推動了大量關注城市空間與日常生活美學的競賽設計項目與產品實現,為中國的城市化發展和各品牌的產品迭代提供高品質的解決方案並做出貢獻,致力於為青年設計力量的崛起創造一切可能,在業界擁有無可替代的影響力。 2019年Young Bird Plan「嫩鳥計畫」( www.youngbirdplan.com.cn)網站升級並正式合併入designverse(設計宇宙)網站平台( www.designverse.com.cn);平台以鼓勵青年設計原創和設計思維,與全球設計行業及產業發展進行正向對話為目標,旨在將嫩鳥作品及設計人才搭接到世界最具影響力的設計平台和最前沿的設計生態圈。迄今為止,已與多個政府、發展機構以及重要品牌合作,如浙江省麗水市遂昌縣、重慶永川區、蘇州高新區、招商局蛇口工業區、天津河西區、嘉興市人民政府、嘉城集團、蘇州萬科、華鑫置業、西岸集團、品域中國、樂領、香港興業國際、HAY、Sunbrella、DeCastelli、MATSU瑪祖銘立、小罐茶、東鵬、德祿、德國旭勒、嘉興市規劃設計研究院有限公司、膠囊茶語、小庫科技、華峰集團等。 |
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科勒創立於1873年的科勒(KOHLER)公司是迄今美國最龐大的家族企業之一,總部位於威斯康星州。科勒的業務和企業遍佈世界各地,包含廚房衛浴、動力系統、家具和室內裝飾,以及知名酒店和世界級高爾夫球場。2002年,科勒在上海成立了科勒(中國)投資有限公司,作為科勒亞太區總部。140多年來,作為全球廚衛經典品牌,科勒秉持“締造優雅生活”的理念,“使每一件產品都能展現出那個時代的最高水準”是我們的使命。 |