A1:教育部鼓勵新住民及新住民子女組隊參賽,團隊人數中需有 3 分之 2 新住民或新住民子女人數;不同國籍可同組混合參賽。例:15 人團隊參賽報名 B 組,其中至少 10 人需為新住民或新住民子女,3 人為泰籍、3 人為越南籍、4 人為印尼籍,另 5 人為臺灣朋友。
Q1:What is the eligibility of the new citizens’ dance contests managed by the Ministry of Education’s
“New Immigrants Education Advancement Project”?
A1:The Ministry of Education encourages new residents and their children to form teams to participate in the contests. Two-thirds of the team must be new residents or the number of children of new residents; different nationalities can join to participate in the same group for the contest.
EX:A 15-person team registers Group B. At least 10 of them must be the new citizens or their children of new residents, 3 people are Thai, 3 are Vietnamese, 4 are Indonesian, and 5 are Taiwanese friends.
Q2:What are the identification documents of the contestants?
A2:The new citizens shall use the identity cards of Republic of China or legal residence certificates, and the children of the new residents shall verify their identities with the Household Registration Transcripts or the photocopies of Household Certificates for qualification review). The children of the new residents shall provide information with their proofs of their fathers’ or mothers’ nationalities.
Q3:What are types of dance?
A3:The dances are mainly based on the national dances of the new residents’ mother countries. Due to the variety of nationalities and dances of the new residents, there is no subdivision by the type of dance; the contestants should register for the competition with national feature dances.
A4:由於活動人數與賽制舞種限制,本賽制不分年齡國籍皆可參加,亦鼓勵親子共同組隊,故僅以報名人數分為 A 組和 B 組混齡比賽。同一參賽者可同時報名不同團隊、不同舞碼的 A、B 組賽程。
例:阿尼是印尼新二代,與媽媽及臺灣同學共組【阿尼隊】以舞碼《巴里島》參加 A 組比賽;阿尼媽媽有一些社團朋友們也想參加,找了 3 位臺灣籍、3 位越南籍、阿尼與媽媽共組【蘇門答臘】隊,以舞碼《十二彩舞》參加 B 組比賽。
Q4:What are the application groups?
A4:Due to the limitation of the number of events and the types of competitions, the contest allows all contestants to participate regardless of age and nationality. Parents and children are also encouraged to form a team. Thus, only the number of applicants is divided into Groups A and B mixed different age contestants. The same contestant can sign up for the Group A and B schedules of different teams and different dances together.
EX:Ani is the second generation of Indonesian. He, his mother and Taiwan classmates formed an [Ani team] to participate in the group A competition with the dance title, Bali Island; Ani’s mother has some club friends who also wanted to participate and found 3 Taiwanese, 3 Vietnamese, Ani and mother form a “Sumatera” team to participate in the Group B competition with the dance title, Twelve Color Dance.
(Everyone who signs up for the competition will be deemed to have accepted the relevant regulations of the event and is willing to fully abide by the regulations stated in these rules. If there is any violation, our organizers have the right to cancel the contestants’ eligibilities to participate or win the award(s). To the wrong doing and behavior of this event, our organization reserves the right of legal prosecution.)
A5:主題表現佔 20%,音樂佔 20%,服飾佔 20%,舞蹈藝術佔 40%(包含團體默契、動作呈現、編排創意等)。(比照教育部主辦之舞蹈比賽以中間分數平均法與計點法合併記之。註:採「中間分數平均法」統計後,所獲得平均分數同分時,則以「計點法」判取名次。)
Q5:What is the scoring standard?
A5:There are thematic performance that accounts for 20%, music accounts for 20%, costume accounts for 20%, and dance art accounts for 40% (including group tacit understanding, action presentation, and choreography creativity, etc.). (According to the dance competitions provided by the Ministry of Education, the middle point average method and the counting method are used together. Note: After adopting the “mid point average method” for statistics, we find the average score obtained is the same. Then, it will be judged by the “point method” for the final ranking.)
Q6:What is the rehearsal?
A6:Opening Round of each district adopts a free registration system. After registration, your team(s) must be rehearsed and relocated at a specific time period in accordance with the venue time. The rehearsal time of each registration team is randomly sorted by computer. It is fixed, and it is not possible to change the time by your team(s). After registration, it is unable to give you another rehearsal time slot if your team(s) cannot cooperate with your given rehearsal time.
Final round opens only blocking rehearsal to all teams according to the performing order before the competition starts, and there is no rehearsal for the repertoire.
This competition will comply with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law to protect the personal information of the participants (groups) and avoid leakage. If there are any unresolved matters, it will depend on our organizer’s description, keep the right for supplement, and reserve any change for the event.
- 第八屆新住民舞蹈比賽第八屆新住民舞蹈比賽 報名時間: 112年08月01日(星期二)起至112年09月25日(星期一)止 比賽辦法: 舞蹈類型:以新住民母國民族舞蹈為主 參賽者須自備服裝、舞具、音樂 請註明舞作名稱、舞作內容、編創者、演出者 參賽資格: 持有中華民國身分證或合法居留證之新住民
- 第七屆新住民教育揚才計畫.新住民舞蹈比賽第七屆新住民教育揚才計畫.新住民舞蹈比賽 報名時間:111年8月1日(星期一)起至111年8月31日(星期三)止。 A、B兩組分別頒發優選三名,佳作三名,決賽優選及佳作獲獎者(組)將獲頒獎杯一座,獎狀一紙。 評分標準: 主題表現佔20%,音樂佔20%,服飾佔20%,舞蹈藝術佔40%。
- 2020第五屆「新住民教育揚才計畫」新住民舞蹈比賽2020第五屆「新住民教育揚才計畫」新住民舞蹈比賽 (一) 報名時間:109 年 9 月 1 日(星期二)起至 109 年 10 月 16 日(星期五)止。 (二) 報名方式:紙本報名請填妥個人報名表及參賽同意書(附件一),並備妥個人基本身分證件影本(有新住民身分之參賽者須附戶籍謄本影本或戶口名簿影本以利資格審查)。
- 2017第二屆新住民舞蹈比賽活動簡介: 教育部委辦「新住民教育揚才計畫-新住民舞蹈比賽」活動即將在今年9月開跑,本活動秉持著「多元文化」與「二代培力」,透過舞蹈比賽的方式讓各種新住民文化不再止於融入臺灣社...
- 轉知教育部2022「新住民教育揚才計畫─第七屆新住民舞蹈比賽」活動訊息,詳如說明,請查照。說明: 一、依據教育部111年7月4日臺教師(一)字第1112603065號函辦理。 二、檢附海報及比賽辦法。若有任何疑問,請逕洽承辦人金小姐,電話02-2796-2666轉1114。
- 新住民教育揚才計畫─第七屆新住民舞蹈比賽說明: 一、為使新住民及其子女發揮其語言及多元文化優勢,進而提升國人對新住民母國文化了解,本部自105年起辦理旨揭舞蹈比賽,希冀藉由前開舞蹈比賽推動多元文化融合與交流,並成為嶄新藝文平臺。 二、旨揭比賽相關訊息如下: (一)報名時間:111年8月1日起至8月31日止。 (二)參賽資格:持有中華民國身分證或合法居留證之新住民。報名團隊中新住民身分者須至少達3分之2,報名團隊僅2人者須至少1名為新住民身分。 (三)比賽日期 1、中區初賽:111年10月1日。 2、北區初賽:111年11月6日。 3、南區初賽:111年11月20日。 4、全區決賽:111年12月10日。 (四)比賽辦法 1、舞蹈類型:以新住民母國民族舞蹈為主。 2、參賽作品應以參賽者之原創為原則。 3、初賽每區評選A、B組各3~5隊晉級全區決賽。 (五)更多詳細資料請參閱「2022新住民教育揚才計畫─第七屆新住民舞蹈比賽」比賽辦法。 三、旨揭舞蹈比賽依中央流行疫情指揮中心「COVID-19(武漢肺炎)因應指引:公眾集會」及本部相關規範辦理。 四、隨文檢附海報及比賽辦法暨報名簡章,若有任何疑問,請逕洽承辦人金小姐,電話02-2796-2666轉1114。 - 2022新住民教育揚才計畫─第七屆新住民舞蹈比賽辦法.pdf - 2022新住民教育揚才計畫─第七屆新住民舞蹈比賽宣傳電子檔.png