荊山文化.創意傳承 Jing Shan Culture.Creative Heritage
Artist Xia Jing Shan, born in 1927, has been devoted all his life to passing on Chinese culture and artworks of calligraphy and paintings. During the process of art creation and in the practice of Buddhism, he realized that Buddhist painting is not only an art form but also a spiritual cleansing, which enables people in modern times to reflect and relax. Therefore, Mr. Xia determined to publish a collection of his paintings to benefit human beings.
Artist Xia Jing Shan often says, “Treat all men as equal, and rationality matters the most.” Xia integrated all his experiences and understandings of life into each piece of artwork. And his peaceful state of mind is shown through the work pieces. Viewers can be endowed with courage and tranquility through reading these soul words, and ultimately getting rid of afflictive emotions.
Based on Xia Jing Shan’s “2017 selected artworks”, Participants can Combine the art works of Master Xia AND the idea hidden behind the works, which are“philanthropic concepts” and “life philosophy.” Combine “culture” and “creativity” to stimulate more arts that concerned with humanity in social contexts.
※請至此網址下載以下精選畫作: http://gofile.me/31iCA/B277KGSNn
Please download the selected artworks below by :
- 山水人物類別 Landscapes & People Category
桃李夜宴圖 Preface to Night Banquet under Peach and Plum Blossoms
- 觀音類別 Avalokitesvara
大慈觀世音菩薩 Avalokitesvara
- 佛菩薩類別 Buddha
大慈觀世音菩薩 Avalokitesvara
- 羅漢達摩類別 Arhats & Bodhidharma
達摩 Bodhidharma
- 鍾馗類別 Zhong Kui
賞花鐘馗 Flower Viewing Zhong Kui
- 書法藝術類別 Calligraphy Art
書法文化篇 Calligraphy : Culture
平面設計組Graphic Design Category
Works or applied designs by means of illustrations, books, printings, package designs and other visual arts; the works can combine images, symbols or scripts and be expressed in a variety of ways. Media and method are not limited. The works can be a computer graphics or a hand creation; either a single image and a series of works are welcomed.
禮品設計組Gift Design Category
Gift design works can be any daily necessities, such as stationery, toys, ornaments, lamps, storages, dolls, furniture, bedding, accessories, etc. Material is not limited. Works should be a combinable single or a series of sets and can be mass- produced.
數位動畫組Digital Animation Category
2D or 3D digital animation or digital effects works created by means of digital creations. Works combine scripts, sounds, images, animations or other possible elements that show art creativities or industry potentials are welcomed.
*Each participant / team can submit works to multiple categories and is also allowed to submit multiple works in the same category.
- 不限同國籍之個人或團體皆可參加,年齡限制為18-35歲。
- 以團隊方式報名之參賽者:報名時需以報名者為團隊代表人,當主辦單位發送通知及獎金發放時,均以此人為送達代收者。團體報名人數每組限制為2-5位。
- 未滿20歲之參賽者,須由其法定代理人同意並親自簽名,並附上參賽者及其法定代理人之身份證明文件影本,否則視為未完成報名程序。(請繳交附件四:未滿20歲參賽同意書)
- No limitation on nationality. Interested groups or individual are welcomed. Age limitation is between 18 to 35 years old.
- For group participants, the person applying for the competition should be the representative. Organizer will send notificfications and prize money to this person. And each team should be 2-5 members.
- Participant under 20 years of age has to obtain the consent and signature of his/her legal representative. Meanwhile, to attach the ID photocopies of both the participant and his/her legal representative. Otherwise, the application is deemed as unfinished. (Please submit Annex IV)
Free of charge.
項目 EVENT | 時間 DATE |
初選收件 Preliminary selection works submission |
2017/6/5 (Mon.) – 2017/9/1 (Fri.) 17:00止,Taiwan time (GMT+08:00) |
初選 Preliminary selection |
九月中旬 Mid Sep, 2017 |
入圍名單公告並通知第二階段交件 Shortlist announced and submission of works for the second stage |
九月中旬 Mid Sep, 2017 |
入圍者第二階段繳件截止日 Deadline of submission of works for the second stage |
相關訊息將與入圍名單一併公告 Related info will be announced with the shortlist |
決選 Final Selection |
十月中旬 Mid Oct, 2017 |
成果發表會暨頒獎典禮 Results presentation and award ceremony |
十一至十二月 Nov. to Dec, 2017 |
展覽 Award Exhibition |
十一至十二月 Nov. to Dec, 2017 |
※ 主辦單位保留活動變動之權利,實際日期將以網站上公佈為準。
The organizer reserves the right to make alterations, the actual date above will be announced on the official website.
(一)初選送件Preliminary Selection works Submission
- 請至官方網站www.jingshanaward.com線上註冊。
Please register at our official website: www.jingshanaward.com. - 以個人帳號登入,逐一登錄您的作品,並取得每一件作品之作品序號。
Sign in with individual account; upload your works one by one and obtain a serial number of each work.- (1)平面設計 Graphic Design Category:
包含作品說明海報與作品數位檔案共7張以內(3-5MB,JPG檔,72dpi)、所有設計者之清晰半身照片(3-5MB,JPG檔,72dpi)。【Upload the files】
Including work description e-poster and works pictures ( no more than 7; 3-5MB, jpg file, 72dpi)and clear half-length photos of all designers ( 3-5MB, jpg file, 72dpi). - (2)禮品設計 Product Design Category:
包括作品說明海報與禮品設計照數位檔案共7張以內(3-5MB,JPG 檔,72dpi)、所有設計者之清晰半身照片(3-5MB,JPG檔,72dpi)。【Upload the files】
Including work description e-poster and product pictures ( no more than 7; 3-5MB, jpg file, 72dpi) and clear halflength photos of all designers (3-5MB, jpg file, 72dpi). - (3)數位動畫 Digital Animation Category:
包括作品正片(10分鐘以內, MOV/MP4檔)、作品宣傳圖7張以內(3-5MB,JPG檔,72dpi)、所有設計者之清晰半身照片(3-5MB,JPG檔,72dpi)。【Upload the files】
Including the full-length film (within 10 minutes, MOV/MP4 file), advertising posters (no more than 7; 3-5MB, jpg file, 72dpi) and clear half-length photos of all designers (3-5MB, jpg file, 72dpi).※ 作品正片請上傳至YouTube,狀態選擇「非公開」,並將影片連結貼至網站上的新增作品頁面之影片上傳欄位。
Please upload the full – length film to youtube and choose “unlisted”. Then paste the link to film-uploading field on works adding page.
- (1)平面設計 Graphic Design Category:
- 報名完成報名截止日前,參賽者可利用個人帳號密碼登入,進行新增作品上傳、修改作品資料、修改個人資料等動作。
Before entry deadline, you can sign in with your account and password to upload your works or to modify the works and your personal info.
(二)決選送件Final Selection works Submission
1.下載以下文件Download the following documents
- 「參賽及著作授權同意書」
- 「專利申請全讓渡證明書」
- 「未滿20歲參賽同意書」(如參賽者未滿20歲需填寫)
- 「參賽團體成員名單與授權同意書」
- “Consent and Copyright License Agreement”
- “Patent Assignment”
- “Consent Letter for Participants under 20 years of age”
(For participants who are under 20 years old) - “List of Group Members and License Agreement”
2.上傳決選參賽文件Upload finalist entry documents
- (1)「身分證明文件」掃描檔(所有創作者皆需具備證明文件)
- (2)填妥並簽名的掃描檔:
- -「參賽聲明同意書及著作授權同意書」同意書」
- -「專利申請全讓渡證明書」
- -「未滿20歲參賽同意書」(如參賽者未滿20歲需填寫)
- -「參賽團體成員名單與授權同意書」
- (1)Scan files of participants’ ID certification.
(all creators need to have certified documents) - (2)Scan the following files and upload.
(files need to be filled in and signed)- -“Consent Letter and Copyright License Agreement”
- -“Patent Assignment”
- -“Consent Letter for Participants under 20 years of age”
(For participants who are under 20 years old) - -“List of Group Members and License Agreement”
Fill in a form for each work. If it’s a group registration, choose one person to fill in the forms.
3.繳交項目Work submission
(1)「平面設計類入圍者」請繳交以下項目 For “Graphic Design” finalists, please submit the following items:
- 作品檔案(若若為手繪作品請先自行數位化):
以五張為限,每張限3-10MB內的JPG檔案格式,300dpi,CMYK模式。 - 決選簡報:
內容需含:作品名稱、設計者、設計概念說明、作品特色功能、量產分析(平面設計組免量產分析,但請提交建議開發商品項之打稿)等有助於決選評審審察之資料,請以pdf格式繳交。 - 直式A2(42×59.4cm)大小,彩色說明海報3張。(依附件六之格式排版):
文字內容為中英文雙語,須包含作品名稱與創作理念;手繪作品請加註原作尺寸與媒材工具。 - 若為團體報名, 請上傳團隊介紹(50字內)
【Works output】
Please submit the output of description poster, size: A2, (42*59.4cm). No more than 3 pieces of posters for a work. The output has to follow the format regulated by the organizer (refer to Annex VI). For hand drawing works, please note the original size, medium and tool. The description e-poster has to be written in bilingual form (Chinese and English).
【Upload the files】
- Work files (please digitize first for hand drawn works):
Limited five pictures in JPG format of the work, each picture should be 3-10MB, 300dpi, CMYK mode. - Final selection:
Please submit a PDF file that includes the following contents: Title of work, designer(s), concept description, features of the work, mass production analysis (for graphic designs, please submit a draft proposing product development instead), and other introductions that are helpful for judges when reviewing the final entries. - 3 A2 posters in color version which should follow with the attachment six“Reference for Mounted Board”:
Description should be bilingual and with title and concept of the work. For hand drawn works, please annotate the original work size and medium / tool. - For group participants, please upload the introduction of your group. (in 50 words)
(2)「禮品設計類入圍者」請繳交以下項目 For “Product Design” finalists, please submit the following items:
- 可表達禮品外觀與材質、結構、比例、大小之圖片,如比例圖、立體圖、三積圖等等。以五張為限,每張限3-10MB內的JPG檔案格式,300dpi,CMYK模式。
- 決選簡報:
內容需含:作品名稱、設計者、設計概念說明、作品特色功能、量產分析(平面設計組免量產分析,但請提交建議開發商品項之打稿)等有助於決選評審審察之資料,請以pdf格式繳交。 - 直式A2(42×59.4cm)大小,彩色說明海報3張。(依附件六之格式排版):
文字內容為中英文雙語,須包含作品名稱與創作理念 - 若為團體報名, 請上傳團隊介紹(50字內)。
【Works output】
Please submit the output of description poster, size: A2, (42*59.4cm). No more than 3 pieces of posters for a work. The output has to follow the format regulated by the organizer (refer to Annex VI). The description e-poster has to be written in bilingual form (Chinese and English).
【Upload the files】
- Pictures clearly display the appearance, material, structure, proportion and size of the gift design, with proportion/scale, three-dimensional views, etc.
Limited five pictures in JPG format of the work, each picture should be 3-10MB, 300dpi, CMYK mode. - Final selection:
Please submit a PDF file that includes the following contents: Title of work, designer(s), concept description, features of the work, mass production analysis (for graphic designs, please submit a draft proposing product development instead), and other introductions that are helpful for judges when reviewing the final entries. - 3 A2 posters in color version which should follow with the attachment six“Reference for Mounted Board”:
Description should be bilingual and with title and concept of the work. - For group participants, please upload the introduction of your group. (in 50 words)
(3)「數位動畫類入圍者」請繳交以下項目 For “Digital Animation” finalists, please submit the following items:
每件作品至多3張,並依主辦單位提供之格式排版輸出 (附件六)。海報內容說明文字必須以中英文雙語說明。
- 動畫精華片段30-60秒以及10分鐘內正片。
精華片為30MB,正片為100MB內的MOV/MP4檔案。 - 動畫精彩重點截圖
以五張為限,每張限5-10MB內的JPG檔案格式,300dpi, CMYK模式。 - 決選簡報:
內容需含:作品名稱、設計者、設計概念說明、作品特色功能、量產分析(平面設計組免量產分析,但請提交建議開發商品項之打稿)等有助於決選評審察之資料,請以pdf格式繳交。 - 直式A2(42×59.4cm)大小,彩色說明海報3張。(依附件六之格式排版):
文字內容為中英文雙語,須包含作品名稱與創作理念。 - 若為團體報名, 請上傳團隊介紹(50字內)。
【Works output】
Please submit the output of description poster, size: A2, (42*59.4cm). No more than 3 pieces of posters for a work. The output has to follow the format regulated by the organizer (refer to Annex VI). The description e-poster has to be written in bilingual form (Chinese and English).
【Upload the files】
- Clip film trailer for 30-60s, and a full film less than 10mins.
Clip film trailer <30MB, and a full film <100MB. The videos should be in MOV/MP4 format. - Screenshots of your work
Limited five pictures in JPG format of the work, each picture should be 5-10MB, 300dpi, CMYK mode. - Final selection:
Please submit a PDF file that includes the following contents: Title of work, designer(s), concept description, features of the work, mass production analysis (for graphic designs, please submit a draft proposing product development instead), and other introductions that are helpful for judges when reviewing the final entries. - 3 A2 posters in color version which should follow with the attachment six“Reference for Mounted Board”:
Description should be bilingual and with title and concept of the work. - For group participants, please upload the introduction of your group. (in 50 words)
(三)作品上傳與寄送資訊Uploading and sending
※作品上傳網址Upload the works at : www.jingshanaward.com
※作品輸出寄送地址Send the work output to the following address:
收件人 & 地址
財團法人夏荊山文化藝術基金會『荊山經典 文創藝術獎』執行小組
10596 台北市松山區民生東路三段131號3樓303室
Receiver & Address
Organizing Committee of “Jing Shan Classic, Cultural and Creative Arts Awards, Xia Jing Shan Cultural and Arts Foundation”
Room 303, 3F, No. 131, Sec. 3, Minshen E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 10596
The works of finalists shall not be modified randomly, only fine-tuning, less than 10% of the work, is allowed.
The shortlist result will be posted on our official website (www.jingshanaward.com) and Facebook page (www.facebook.com/xjsacf/).
Winners must attend the award ceremony in person. In case of absence, 10% of the monetary prize will be deducted.
- 參賽者需確保參賽作品為其原創、擁有所有權、未曾在國內外競賽入選及得獎並未違反著作權,若違反此條款,獲獎作品如涉及抄襲,或經檢舉發現並查證屬實為其他活動競賽中得獎作品者,主辦單位保有取消得獎或入選資格、追回獎金、獎盃及證書等之權利。若造成第三者之權益損失,參賽者/團隊應自負法律責任。
All participants must confirm that any work submitted to the competition is their own original work, that they have the ownership of the work, that their work has not received prizes or been selected for inclusion in any prior competition, and that the work does not violate any copyright. If the winning work is reported or informed to be unoriginal or plagiarized work, once confirmed the organizer reserves the right to rescind a winner’ s prize and claim restitution of the monetary award in addition to the return of the trophy and certificate of award. The participants / group participants shall assume legal liability without objection if causing losses of a third party.
- 為比賽所需與活動推廣等目的,執行單位須蒐集參賽者之個人資料,參賽者可選擇是否同意執行單位於前述目的必要範圍內,蒐集、處理及利用個資。
For the purposes of competition management and promotion, the organizers shall collect the personal information of all participants. Participants may freely decide whether to agree to the collection, processing, and use of their personal information for the aforementioned purposes.
- 報名文件及送審影像資料做為執行單位研究記錄用,恕不退還。
The registration documents and photographic materials submitted shall be retained by the organizer for research and recording purposes; they are not to be returned.
- 評審及展示期間不得要求退還、移動或替換入選作品;參賽作品於評審結果公布前不得參與其他競賽或展覽。
No request of return, removal, or replacement of any selected work is allowed during the process of review and exhibition. The entry may not be resubmitted to any other competition or exhibition before the results are announced.
- 參賽者需提供其創作之詳細資料,作為日後公開報導與展示之用,並同意不收取任何版權費用。
Participants have to provide detailed information of their creation for the purpose of public reports and exhibition in the future and participants have to agree not to claim any copyright fee.
- 凡報名送件參賽者,視為同意遵循本簡章各項規範。
All participants who complete delivery of the works will be regarded as consenting to the rules of this registration form utterly.
- 參賽者之報名行為,視同賦予本館限於展覽及相關配合活動必要範圍內之無償使用許可,授權項目包括得對得獎及入選作品進行展示、攝影、複製、翻譯、出版品、紀念品之製作及販售、宣傳等。
By submitting the entry form, a participant shall be deemed as having given consent to authorize the foundation to use his or her work without any reimbursement within the scope required for exhibition and relevant activities. The scope of authorization includes exhibition, photography, replication, and translation of the award-winning and selected works, creation and sale of the publication and souvenirs, and promotional activities.
- 參賽者需自行負責作品於繳交初選及決選資料之運送過程的防護措施,若在過程中有任何損毀,將不列入評選作業,主辦單位不負任何責任。
Participants have to use protective packaging materials while delivering the documents of preselection and final selection. If the documents are damaged during the process, the entries cannot be evaluated. Organizer is not responsible for any damage.
- 參賽作品與文件須於規定期限前送達主辦單位指定收件處(以郵戳為憑),決選作品將由財團法人夏荊山文化藝術基金會收藏,均不退件。若繳交參賽作品不齊全,或不符規定者,主辦單位有權不予收件,亦無退回義務。
Entries must be delivered to the designated recipient address by the deadline(Postmark serves as a proof). The final selection works will be stored by the organizer and will not be returned. The organizer has the right to refuse the entries and withhold the entries if they are incomplete or do not comply with regulations.
- 參賽作品報名表(附件一) 需正確黏貼於裱版後,請特別注意多件作品裱版與報名表的正確黏貼,如錯誤請自行負責,主辦單位亦有權不予收件或取消資格。
The application form (Annex I) has to be attached to the mounted board correctly. Please pay more attention when attaching multiple application forms. Participants are responsible for the errors. The organizer has the right to refuse or disqualify the entries.
- 獲獎者應親自至活動現場領獎;若未到場之獲獎者獎項價值以原先公布之90% 支付。
Winners must participate the award ceremony in person in order to receive the award. In case of absence, 10% of the prize money will be deducted.
- 主辦單位對投件作品均有攝影與公開展示權,得運用投件作品之說明文字與照片,作為展覽、宣傳及出版用途。得奬者須配合進行作品後續產製手冊之撰寫,無故違反規定者,主辦單位得追回頒發之獎金,不得異議。
The organizer has the right to take photographs and publicly displays the submitted works, description and photos for the purpose of exhibition, promotion and publication. Winners have to cooperate with following writing of manual. In case of violation, the organizer can take back the prize money already presented and no objection accepted.
- 參賽者同意所有獲獎作品著作權、商標、專利權及其他財產權皆授權給財團法人夏荊山文化藝術基金會(以下簡稱本會),並同意對本會及本會所授權之人,不行使著作人格權且不主張任何其他權利;本會有無償重製、公開使用與量產等相關權利,不另支付日後使用酬勞或權利金。設計師若有任何損及作品,或未告知主辦單位而將設計相關權利讓與第三者之情事,主辦單位有權取消其獲獎資格,追回頒發之獎金與獎狀並保留法律追訴權。
Participants grant to assign the copyright, trademark, patent right and other intellectual rights to the Foundation. Participants agree not to claim moral right or any other rights on the Foundation and the persons authorized by the Foundation. The Foundation has the right of free remake, public usage, mass production and related rights without paying premium fees or royalties. If a designer put the works into disrepute or transfers related intellectual rights to a third party, the organizer has the right to disqualify the winning title and take back the prize money and certificate already presented, and reserve the right to take legal action.
- 獲獎所得獎金須依照中華民國所得稅法規定,預扣10%所得稅。外籍人士獲獎之扣繳稅率則以20%計算。
Award winners will be taxed 10% income tax in according to the Tax Law of Taiwan. Foreign award winners will be taxed 20% income tax.
- 財團法人夏荊山文化藝術基金會保留所有比賽辦法之異動權利,若有任何異動,以本競賽活動官方網站、粉絲團最新公告為準,不另行通知。
The Foundation reserve the right to change the regulations of the award. If there are any changes, please refer to the event’s official website and Facebook page. The organizer will not send further notices.
- 2020第四屆「荊山經典・文創藝術獎」2020第四屆「荊山經典・文創藝術獎」 結合夏荊山藝術家的書畫作品或其背後蘊含的慈善理念與人生哲理為發想,連結文化與創意,激發更多深度關注社會人文之作品。依據2020年度精選畫作為元素,進行發想創作,共分「平面設計組」、「禮品設計組」、「影像創作組」三組進行競賽。 初審收件:2020年4月1日至8月31日下午5時止(GMT+8)。
- 2019第三屆「荊山經典・文創藝術獎」財團法人夏荊山文化藝術基金會創辦人夏荊山,畢生致力於書畫藝術之創作與傳承,祈願能將畢生所學回饋社會,為文化紮根,提攜新一代文化工作者。特舉辦 2019第三屆「荊山經典・文創藝術獎」 ,矢志創立跨領域、跨國際藝文交流平台,結合傳統文化精髓,激發更多新銳創作與設計。 初審收件 : 2019年4月1日至8月30日下午5時止(EST)
- 2018荊山經典文創藝術獎參賽主題 THEME 夏學精神.創意傳承 Xia’s Spirit in Creation 藝術家夏荊山畢生致力於書畫藝術的創作與傳承,並積極推展公益事業,透過美學...
- 荊山經典文創藝術獎荊山文化.創意傳承 Jing Shan Culture.Creative Heritage 夏荊山藝術家生於1927年,畢生致力於中華文化、書畫藝術的創作與傳承。 在其創作及修...