香港工程師學會攝影比賽 The HKIE Photo Competition
Submission Deadline: 21 February 2020
截止報名日期順延至2020年5月15日 (原截止日期為2020年2月21日)
Submission Deadline extended to 15 May 2020 (Original submission deadline was 21 February 2020)
主題 Theme
「攝 • 望 • 工程」
“The Engineer’s Vision”
目的 Objectives
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) is organising The HKIE Photo Competition for the public and HKIE members, with an aim to showcase the presence of engineering works in people’s daily living and the engineering achievements through the lenses of participants. We hope that the Competition could facilitate better understanding of the work and nature of the engineering profession, and highlight their value and contributions to the community.
參賽組別 Categories
(a) 公開組:參賽者為公眾
(b) 會員組:參賽者為香港工程師學會會員
(a) Public Category: Open to all members of the public
(b) HKIE Member Category: Open to all HKIE members
Remarks: HKIE members can participate in both categories, but should not submit the same photo(s) to both categories.
評審準則 Judging Criteria
參賽作品應展示工程學和工程師如何有助社會發展及有利於香港及市民的福祉,並應符合比賽的主題「攝 • 望 • 工程」,例如:
(a) 宏偉的工程項目;
(b) 觀看工程或建築專業的有趣角度;
(c) 特別的工程運作過程;
(d) 工程從業員的汗水和微笑; 或
(e) 良好的工程習慣。
(a) 附合比賽主題/有效向公眾推廣工程;
(b) 構圖;
(c) 創意; 及
(d) 攝影技術。
Entries should demonstrate how engineering and engineers benefit the development of society and the well-being of the people in Hong Kong and community. The entries should reflect the theme of the Competition, “The Engineer’s Vision”, for example:
(a) Marvelous engineering works;
(b) Creative angle in viewing of the engineering or construction professions;
(c) Eye-catching engineering operations;
(d) Sweat and smiles of engineering practitioners; and
(e) Good engineering practices.
The Panel of Judges will comprise independent reputable photography experts and representatives from the HKIE, with the following selection criteria:
(a) Relevance to the theme of the competition/ effectiveness in promoting engineering to the general public;
(b) Composition;
(c) Creativity; and
(d) Photographic technique.
比賽日程表 Competition Schedule
2020年2月21日 | 截止報名日期(郵寄作品以郵戳為準) |
2020年3月 | 於學會網頁公布結果 |
2020年4月17日 | 頒獎典禮 |
2020年第二季度 | 得獎作品展覽 |
21 February 2020 | Submission deadline (Postal submissions must be postmarked on or before 21 February 2020) |
March 2020 | Announcement of results on the HKIE website |
17 April 2020 | Prize presentation |
Second quarter of 2020 | Exhibition |
報名方式 Application Procedures
Application Form and competition details can be downloaded via
獎項 Awards and Prizes
獎項 Awards | 名額 Quota | 獎品 Prize |
金獎 Gold Award |
每組1名 1 in each Group |
獎盃、獎狀及港幣10,000元 A trophy, certificate and a cash prize of HK$10,000 |
銀獎 Silver Award |
每組1名 1 in each Group |
獎盃、獎狀及港幣7,000元 A trophy, certificate and a cash prize of HK$7,000 |
銅獎 Bronze Award |
每組1名 1 in each Group |
獎盃、獎狀及港幣5,000元 A trophy, certificate and a cash prize of HK$5,000 |
優異獎 Certificate of Merit |
每組最多10名 Up to 10 in each Group |
獎狀及港幣1,000元 Each with a Certificate and a cash prize of HK$1,000 |
每位參賽者只能於每個組別中獲得上述其中一項獎項。獲獎作品將於2020年第二季度作出展覽 (日期及地點待定)及刊登於香港工程師學會資訊平台。
Each entrant may only win one of the above awards in each category.
The award-winning photos from both categories will be displayed at the exhibition(s) in the second quarter of 2020 (date(s) and location(s) to be confirmed), and published in the HKIE communication platforms.
備註 Remarks
The organiser reserves the right to revise the above schedule.
查詢 Enquiries
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Corporate Communications Section
查詢 General:2895 4446
電郵 Email︰
- 香港工程師學會攝影比賽 The HKIE Photo Competition
截止報名日期順延至2020年5月15日 (原截止日期為2020年2月21日) - 香港工程師學會攝影比賽 The HKIE Photo Competition EDM