1. Participants successfully sign up this competition will also become fans and users of LYNK&CO website and Pioneer products.
2、參賽者知悉且同意,所有獲獎作品除著作權下署名權外的全部知識產權( 包含但不限於專利權、著作權等 )將轉讓至主辦方或其關聯企業,參賽者需協助進行相關權利轉讓和保護事宜。
2. Participants understand and agree that the intellectual property of all award-winning works, except the signing right under copyright, including but not limiting to patent right and copyright, etc., should be transferred to the organizer( s ) or its affiliated enterprise( s ). Participants should assist on conduct of relevant right transfer and protection.
3. Participants understand and agree that the organizer( s ) and undertaker( s ) are entitled to reproduce, exhibit, report, propagandize and apply all works participated in marketing activities without paying any expense to their authors.
( 1 )參賽者是該作品的唯一作者;
( 2 )參賽作品為參賽者的原創作品,如主辦方或其關聯企業因使用參賽作品而侵犯任何第三方權利,由此產生的所有責任及造成損失由參賽者承擔;
( 3 )參賽者從未以任何方式轉讓任何作品權利或自行使用或允許任何第三方以任何方式使用該作品。
4. Participants present and warrant that:
( 1 ) The participant is the sole author of the works and never has published the works in any form;
( 2 ) The works participated is the original works of the participant. In event of application of the works participated by the organizer ( s ) or its affiliated enterprise ( s ) infringes the right of any third party, all responsibilities and losses incurred should be assumed by the participant;
( 3 ) The participant has never transferred any works right in any way or self-used or allowed any third party to use the works in any way.