

 總獎金: 35000(HKD)

最高獎金: 3000(HKD)

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2021-03-31

主辦單位: 李錦記家族基金

主辦單位電話: +852-37412620(陳小姐)


主題:家家作樂 代代有愛
Theme: Loving Family

比賽簡介: Introduction:

一個和諧家庭需要由互相關愛、用心聆聽、優質相聚時間和肯定言語等元素組成。由李錦記家族基金主辦,陸續出版有限公司協辦的《家家作樂 代代有愛 歌唱比賽 2021》,以個人或家庭作單位重新演繹在過往比賽所創作的得獎歌曲,發揮音樂超越言語的功能。當派對加上音樂就會變得熱鬧,那麼當家庭遇上音樂呢?答案是更多的愛、更多的快樂。平日對著家人總會有些說話難以啟齒,藉著唱歌表達心聲,傳遞快樂、拉近人與人之間的關係,讓家庭關係更融洽。


A harmonious family needs to be composed of elements such as caring, active listening, spending quality time together and words of affirmation. Loving Family Singing Contest 2021 hosted by Lee Kum Kee Family Foundation and co-hosted by Under Production Ltd, to re-interpret award-winning songs created in past competitions by individuals or family groups. Parties become lively if music is added, how about if families filled with music? It brings more love and happiness. It is sometimes difficult for us to express ourselves to family members, let’s try to do it through the songs, the lyrics convey happiness messages and the melody brings closer and harmonious relationships in the family.

比賽詳情: Contest guidelines:

1. 填妥網上申請表格。
2. 參加者可同時參與「代代有愛流行曲組」及「代代有愛兒歌組」。
3. 參賽歌曲須為「家家作樂 代代有愛」音樂庫內的創作流行曲或兒歌,例如:家傳愛心湯、心結、代代有愛、家 有愛等等。
4. 所有參賽歌曲均可在「家家作樂 代代有愛」網頁 ( www.lovingfamilysongs.com ) 的音樂庫下載。
5. 參加者/團隊必須以「無伴唱」歌曲版本參賽。
6. 參加者/團隊須把參賽錄影影片上傳至雲端或dropbox,並於網上參加表格填妥影片連結,即完成報名。
7. 「最受歡迎大獎」公眾投票亦會於四月中旬在Loving Family MUSIC Facebook專頁進行,結果會於四月下旬公佈。

1. Complete the Online Entry Form.
2. There is no restriction on entry both ‘Loving Family Pop Song Group’ and ‘ Loving Family Children Song Group’.
3. All entries MUST use those Pop songs or Children songs provided in Loving Family website’s song library, e.g. 家傳愛心湯、心結、代代有愛、家 有愛 etc.
4. All the songs can be downloaded at Loving Family website’s song library ( www.lovingfamilysongs.com ).
5. All entries MUST use MMO version to participate.
6. Submit the video audition by uploading it to google drive or dropbox and fill in the video URL on Online Entry Form.
7. ‘Voter’s Favorite Song Award’ online voting period will be conducted on ‘Loving Family MUSIC’ Facebook page in mid-April. Results will be announced in late April.


個人/家庭 ( 須要由兩名或以上有親屬關係的家庭成員組成 ) 名義參加


Individual / Family ( Group must be composed with 2 or more family members )

比賽分以下兩個組別: Two Categories:

A. 代代有愛流行曲組 A. Loving Family Pop Song Group

參賽歌曲下載連結 MMO download URL
– Volume 1: https://www.lovingfamilysongs.com/volume1
– Volume 2: https://www.lovingfamilysongs.com/volume2

B. 代代有愛兒歌組 B. Loving Family Children Song Group

參賽歌曲下載連結 MMO download URL
– Volume 3: https://www.lovingfamilysongs.com/volume3
– Volume 4: https://www.lovingfamilysongs.com/volume4

參賽影片標準如下: Submit the entry which include:

A. 每位參賽者/各隊隊員均需入鏡。
B. 影片需實時錄影,影像與聲音必須同步,禁止對嘴或情境寫意式拍攝。
C. 單一固定鏡位橫向拍攝,一鏡到底,不可剪接。
D. 禁止對人聲進行音準、節拍後製。
E. 參賽者須露臉且不得遮擋臉部( 如口罩 ),使用樂器設備需在畫面內。
F. 參賽影片顯示格式須為1080解像度的畫面、歌聲及音質應清晰。
G.參賽者請在「家家作樂 代代有愛」網頁音樂庫內自選一首曲目參加比賽。

A. Each contestant/group member needs to show up in the video.
B. Video should be live recorded, movement and voice should be synchronized.
C. Video must be filmed in longitudinal camera/phone setting. Post-editing is not allowed.
D. Sound effects and beat post-editing is not allowed.
E. All contestants who participate in the singing part should not be on masks and have to show facial expressions and mouth movements.
F. Video recording has to be in 1080p resolution with clear voice and sound.
G. Only song selected from Loving Family Song Library is considered as a valid entry.

評審準則: Adjudication Criteria:

a. 歌唱技巧 40%;b. 情感表達 30%;c. 台風及造型 10%;d. 整體表現 20%

a. 歌唱技巧 20%;b. 情感表達 30%;c. 台風及造型 20%;d. 整體表現 30%

a. 歌唱技巧 10%;b. 感染力 30%;c. 台風及造型 20%;d. 家庭融洽度 40%

Loving Family Pop Song Group
a. Singing Skills 40%; b. Vocal Expression 30% ; c. Stage Presence 10% ; d. Overall Performance 20%

Loving Family Children Song Group
a. Singing Skills 20%; b. Vocal Expression 30%;c. Stage Presence 20%; d.Overall Performance 30%

Family Harmony Award
a. Singing Skills 10%; b. Audience Impact 30%; C. Stage Presence 20%; d. Family Harmony 40%


2021年3月31日( 晚上11時59分 )
* Entry deadline is at 11:59 pm, 31 March 2021 ( HKT, UTC+8 ).

每組( 代代有愛流行曲組/代代有愛兒歌組 )得獎名額及獎品:

Awards and Prizes of each group ( Loving Family Pop Song Group/ Loving Family Children Song Group ):

金獎( 一名 ):港幣$3,000元
銀獎( 一名 ):港幣$1,500元
銅獎( 一名 ):港幣$1,000元
最受歡迎大獎( 一名 ):港幣$1,000元
和諧家庭大獎( 一名 ):港幣$1,000元 * ( 須以家庭組別名義參加 )
入圍獎 ( 十名 ):港幣$1,000元

Gold Award ( 1 Awardee ) : HKD $3,000
Silver Award ( 1 Awardee ): HKD $1,500
Bronze Award ( 1 Awardee ): HKD $1,000
Voter’s Favorite Song Award ( 1 Awardee ): HKD $ 1,000
Family Harmony Award ( 1 Awardee ): HKD $1,000 *( Must be Family Group Entry )
Finalist Award ( 10 Awardees ): HKD $1,000

詳情及查詢 Contact us:

電話 Tel:37412620 ( 陳小姐 ) ( Ms Chan )
電郵 Email :info@underproductionhk.com
網站 Website: https://www.lovingfamilysongs.com/




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1 Response

  1. Cara表示:

    你好!我們的比賽發佈了得獎名單,想看看可不可以於平臺網站上公佈。比賽: 家家作樂 代代有愛 歌唱比賽2021


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