Due to overwhelming request, now the application deadline is extended to Sept 30th, 2021!
第四屆 HKGNA 國際音樂比賽現正接受報名!
過往幾屆的 HKGNA音樂比賽冠軍得獎者均分別於 2010、2015及 2017 年前往紐約卡內基音樂廳作首演。我們上屆的比賽的大獎得獎者於 2017 年在全院滿座的卡內基音樂廳演出,該音樂會是為慶祝香港特別行政區回歸 20 週年,並得到香港駐紐約經濟貿易辦事處支持。
本會除了歡迎本地參賽者參與實體比賽,亦首次接受海外參賽者以網上形式進行比賽。得獎者將會獲得由Yang Won Sun Foundation冠名贊助的現金獎。香港的得獎者更會獲得到海外演出的機會,而國際得獎者則獲得來香港首演的機會。
香港青年音樂家的決賽日期為 2021 年 11 月 24 日 於 青年廣場 Y 綜藝館舉行,而國際青年音樂家及國際少年音樂家的網上決賽日期為 2021 年 11 月 30 日。
比賽現已接受報名,截止日期為 2021 年 9月 30 日。
Preliminary 初賽
Upload Video onto Youtube or Google Drive on or before September 30, 2021
於 2021 年 9月30日前把影片上載至Youtube 或 Google Drive
Semi-Final Round 準決賽: Announcement onOctober 15, 2021 名單將於2021 年 10月15 日公布
Hong Kong Young Artists: Live audition on October 25 (Piano), October 26 (Strings/ Chamber Music) at MHK Music
International Young Artists: Virtual Competition November 11, 2021
國際青年音樂家:2021年11月11日 網上比賽
Final 決賽
Hong Kong Young Artists: November 24, 2021 | Y Theatre, Youth Square at the HKGNA Music Festival 2021
香港青年音樂家: 2021 年 11 月 24日 | 青年廣場Y綜藝館, 為HKGNA音樂節2021其中一個活動
International Young Artists: November 30, 2021 | Virtual Competition
國際青年音樂家:2021年 11 月 30 日 | 網上比賽
- Piano solo 鋼琴獨奏
- Strings solo (Violin/Viola/Cello) 弦樂獨奏(小提琴/中提琴/大提琴)
- Chamber Music minimum 3 persons per group
Piano – trio/quartet/quintet
Strings – trio/quartet/quintet, up to octet
室樂: 每組不少於3位參賽者
鋼琴 — 三重奏/四重奏/五重奏
弦樂 — 三重奏/四重奏/五重奏,八重奏為上限
Contestants are welcome to join more than one category
Ages 年齡組別
(as of Sept 1, 2021) (至2021年9月1日)
Junior Division 少兒組:
- Age 12 & below 12 歲或以下
- Piano: Single work of recital repertoire, at the applicant’s discretion
鋼琴:單首獨奏曲目 - Strings: Single work of concerto or recital repertoire, at the applicant’s discretion
弦樂:單首協奏曲或獨奏曲目 - Preliminary Audition 初賽: maximum 10 minutes 不多於 10 分鐘
- Semi-final 準決賽: minimum 10 minutes 不少於 10 分鐘
- Final 決賽: maximum around 15 minutes 約不多於 15 分鐘
Senior Division 少年組:
- Age 13 -17 (must be in Hong Kong secondary/ high school) 13 至 17 歲 (需於香港就讀中學)
- Piano: Two contrasting works of recital repertoire, at the applicant’s discretion
鋼琴:兩首風格不同的獨奏曲目 - Strings: Two contrasting works of concerto or recital repertoire, at the applicant’s discretion
弦樂:兩首風格不同的協奏曲或獨奏曲目 - Preliminary Audition 初賽: minimum 10 minutes 不少於 10分鐘
- Semi-final 準決賽: minimum 10 minutes 不少於10分鐘
- Final 決賽: maximum around 15-20 minutes 約不多於 15 -20分鐘
Chamber Music Division 室樂組:
- Age 25 & below 25 歲或以下
- Chamber Music: Two contrasting works of chamber music repertoire, at the applicants’ discretion
室樂:兩首風格不同的室樂曲目 - Preliminary Audition 初賽: maximum 15 minutes 不多於 15 分鐘
- Semi-final 準決賽: minimum 15 minutes 不少於 15 分鐘
- Final 決賽: less than 30 minutes 不多於 30 分鐘
Young Artist Division 新晉藝術家組:
- Age 18 – 25 18-25 歲
- Piano: Three contrasting works of recital repertoire, at the applicant’s discretion
鋼琴:三首不同風格的獨奏曲目 - Strings: Three contrasting works of concerto or recital repertoire, at the applicant’s discretion
弦樂:三首不同風格的協奏曲或獨奏曲目 - Preliminary Audition 初賽: maximum 15 minutes 不多於 15 分鐘
- Semi-final 準決賽: minimum 15 minutes 不少於 15 分鐘
- Final 決賽: less than 30 minutes 不多於 30 分鐘
Jury Special Prize Division 評審特別大獎組:
- Age 25 & below 25 歲或以下
- Hong Kong Residents only 只限於香港居民
- HKGNA is committed to serving our next generation of young artists including those with disadvantaged circumstances and those that need special attention and nurturing. Therefore, a special prize will be awarded at the Jury’s discretion to a contestant who demonstrates musical talent and financial need.
香港新世代藝術協會本計畫以慈善為本,致力發掘藝術才華,評審將對局限於經濟狀況之參賽者提供特別獎項。 - In addition to the regular requirements, the contestant must write a statement limited to 100 words on why he or she should be considered for this special prize. The contestant (or parent(s) if below 18) must submit a recent Hong Kong Tax Return as proof of income to demonstrate financial need. No application fee required.
- Piano: Two contrasting works of recital repertoire, at the applicant’s discretion
鋼琴:兩首風格不同的獨奏曲目 - Strings: Two contrasting works of concerto or recital repertoire, at the applicant’s discretion
弦樂:兩首風格不同的協奏曲或獨奏曲目 - Preliminary Audition 初賽: minimum 10 minutes 不少於 10 分鐘
- Semi-final 準決賽: minimum 10 minutes 不少於 10 分鐘
- Final 決賽: less than 30 minutes 不多於 30 分鐘
- Piano solo
- Strings solo (Violin/Viola/Cello)
Contestants are welcome to join more than one category
International Young Artists
Age 18 – 25 (as of Sept 1, 2021)
- Preliminary audition: maximum 15 minutes
Piano: Two contrasting works of recital repertoire, at the applicant’s discretion
Strings: Two contrasting works of concerto or recital repertoire, at the applicant’s discretion
- Semi-final: minimum 15 minutes
- Final:maximum 30-40 minutes
Piano: Three contrasting works of recital repertoire, at the applicant’s discretion
Strings: Three contrasting works of concerto or recital repertoire, at the applicant’s discretion
International Junior Young Artists
Age 17 & below (as of Sept 1, 2021)
- Preliminary audition: maximum 10 minutes
Piano: Single work of recital repertoire, at the applicant’s discretion
Strings: Single work of concerto or recital repertoire, at the applicant’s discretion - Semi-final: minimum 10 minutes
- Final: maximum 30 minutes
Piano: Two contrasting works of recital repertoire, at the applicant’s discretion
Strings: Two contrasting works of concerto or recital repertoire, at the applicant’s discretion
The application is now open and will close on September 30, 2021. HKGNA reserves the right to extend the closing date.
- Please read the Submission Requirements carefully before you submit the application.
- Please send the completed and signed application form along with the Submission Requirements to infohkgna@gmail.comOR by post to HKGNA/ MHK Music,Unit 1203, 12/F, M Place, 54 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong
Subject/ Attn:HKGNA Music Competition 2021 Application [Your last name, Your first name] - We will confirm receipt of your application form within 5 working days by email.
- To avoid double application, please send only one official application form via a single method*# (email/online/post).
*For Chamber Music Division application, please have ONE representative to submit all the documents and payment.
#If you are applying for more than one instrument/category, please submit another form.
Application Fee for each category 每項比賽類別報名費 (non-refundable 恕不退款):
- Piano/ Strings: HK$400 (per Hong Kong Young Artist) | US$50 (per International Young Artist)
- Chamber Music: HK$200 (per Hong Kong Young Artist)
(except for Jury Special Prize Division, please refer to Audition Repertoire Requirements)
Methods of payment: 付款方法:
- Bank Transfer* 銀行過數
Hong Kong Generation Next Arts Limited 香港新世代藝術協會有限公司
HSBC Bank Acc. No. 匯豐銀行帳號 : 848 648028 838
BANK CODE 銀行號碼 : 004
ADDRESS 地址 : 1 Queen’s Road Central,Hong Kong
SWIFT CODE 國際匯款代碼 : HSBC HKH HHKH - Crossed Cheques 劃線支票 (for Hong Kong Young Artists only)
payable to “Hong Kong Generation Next Arts Ltd” 抬頭請註明 “香港新世代藝術協會有限公司”
Please mail the cheque to 請把支票寄到
HKGNA/ MHK Music, Unit 1203, 12/F, M Place, 54 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong
香港新世代藝術協會/香港名師音樂,香港黃竹坑道 54號 M Place 12樓 1203室
To help us identify the bank transfer, please ensure your bank quotes details of Payment (your name and contact number) 為方便確認付款,請於支票背後寫上閣下姓名及聯絡號碼 - Paypal* (for International Young Artists only)
Click the link below to proceed.
*Please send us (infohkgna@gmail.com) the receipt together with your application for our confirmation. If you are applying online, please upload it to the Google form when apply..
Grand Prize 大獎 – Yang Won Sun Foundation Prize
Judges will select one Grand Prize Winner from First Prize Winners from all categories!
Overseas performance opportunities including concerts in Seoul, Korea and Rising Stars Concert at the HKGNA Music Festival 2022
海外音樂會演出機會 (韓國首爾)及 HKGNA 音樂節 2022 的新星音樂會
Junior Division 少兒組:
- First Prize 冠軍 – Trophy 獎盃 + Performance at HKGNA Music Festival & Winner’s Concert 於HKGNA音樂節及得獎者音樂會演出
- Second Prize 亞軍 – Medal 獎牌
- Third Prize 季軍 – Medal 獎牌
Senior Division 少年組:
- First Prize 冠軍 – HK$3,000 + Performance at HKGNA Music Festival & Winner’s Concert 於HKGNA音樂節及得獎者音樂會演出
- Second Prize 亞軍 – HK$2,000
- Third Prize 季軍 – HK$1,000
Young Artist Division 新晉藝術家組
- First Prize 冠軍 – HK$8,000 + Performance at HKGNA Music Festival & Winner’s Concert 於HKGNA音樂節及得獎者音樂會演出
- Second Prize 亞軍 – HK$4,000
- Third Prize 季軍 – HK$2,000
Chamber Music Division 室樂組
- First Prize 冠軍 – HK$10,000 + Performance at HKGNA Music Festival & Winner’s Concert 於HKGNA音樂節及得獎者音樂會演出
- Second Prize 亞軍 – HK$5,000
- Third Prize 季軍 – HK$2,000
Special Prize for Strings in Junior & Senior Division 少兒及少年組弦樂特別獎
Jury will select one winner to attend the Opus 1 Summerfest 2022 at HK Golf & Tennis Academy under full scholarship.
評判會從中選出一位得獎者,給予全數獎學金,參加在香港高爾夫球及網球學院舉行的 2022 Opus 1 Summerfest
Jury Special Prize 評審特別大獎 :HK$8,000 + Performance at HKGNA Music Festival & Winner’s Concert 於HKGNA音樂節及得獎者音樂會演出
Grand Prize – Yang Won Sun Foundation Prize
Hong Kong Debut concert at the HKGNA Music Festival + Hotel accommodations during the stay of the concert period+ Round trip tickets from the origin of artist to Hong Kong
International Young Artists (Age 18- 25)
- Grand Prize* Hong Kong Debut concert at the HKGNA Music Festival + Hotel accommodations during the stay of the concert period + Round trip tickets from the origin of artist to Hong Kong
- First Prize – US$1000
- Second Prize – US$500
- Third Prize – US$250
*Judges will select one Grand Prize Winner from the International Young Artist First Prize winners
**First, Second, Third Prizes will be awarded in each instrument.
International Junior Young Artists (Age 17 & below)
- First Prize – US$500 + Invitation to Perform at HKGNA Music Festival & Winner’s Concert
- Second Prize – Second Prize Winner Certificate + Invitation to Perform at HKGNA Music Festival & Winner’s Concert
- Third Prize – Third Prize Winner Certificate + Invitation to Perform at HKGNA Music Festival & Winner’s Concert
*First, Second, Third Prizes will be awarded in each instrument.
HKGNA Fellowship Award* HKGNA夥伴計畫*
Young Artist Division Semi-Finalists and Finalists who qualify for HKGNA’s Fellowship program will be invited to join in upcoming concert events and masterclasses. Artists who join the Fellowship Program will be given special consideration for concert opportunities such as the opportunity to perform at Carnegie Hall.
新晉藝術家組之準決賽及決賽選手如符合 HKGNA 夥伴計畫資格 ,將獲邀請參加未來之音樂會及大師班活動,或有機會獲得音樂會演出機會,包括在卡內基音樂廳登台演出機會。
*The HKGNA Fellowship program facilitates the development of young performing artists and gives them the opportunity and challenge to assist economically disadvantaged youth with music development and mentorship. Working with community organizations or directly with youth, Fellows participate in youth outreach activities specific to the needs of young kids who have a genuine passion for music and in turn develop leadership and mentoring skills. These’ activities have included hands on engagement and interaction with underprivileged youth in teaching instrumental lessons, performing together on stage, and leading or participating in music educational development programs.
Other Awards 其他獎項
- All semi-finalists will receive the Certificate of Excellence and complimentary tickets to HKGNA Music Festival 2021 events. 所有準決賽者將獲頒發優異證書以及HKGNA音樂節2021贈票。
- All prize winners will have the opportunity to participate in HKGNA Masterclasses and perform in HKGNA upcoming concert events. 所有獲獎者將獲機會參加 HKGNA 大師班及其他 HKGNA 音樂活動。
- Selected applicants who didn’t pass the semi-final, but shows great promises and potential will also receive Honorable Mention Certificate and receive complimentary tickets to HKGNA Music Festival 2021. 俱有潛力而沒能進入決賽者,HKGNA 將頒發提名特別獎以及獲得HKGNA音樂節2021贈票。
- Decisions of competition Jury are final.獲獎以評審決定為準。
- All awards and prizes will be awarded unless there is an insufficient number of eligible participants in a particular category or the Jury determines that the quality of the competitor’s performance does not warrant a prize/award. If there is a tie for a Prize or Award, the prize will be shared equally between the winners. 所有獎項將按照規定頒發,除非有個別組別參賽者不足,或評審決定個別參賽者的表現不足以獲獎。如出現和賽結果,獎金將由獲獎者均分。
香港新世代藝術協會(HKGNA)是香港註冊慈善團體,創立於 2009 年,目標是啟發並培育下一代青年的藝術成就,為其提供表演機會,助其個人發展,通過藝術表演推動其人生的轉變。
香港黃竹坑道54號M Place 12樓 1203室
(852) 6083 2560