2021 Taiwan 顯微攝影競賽
由元利儀器主辦、國立清華大學腦科學研究中心協辦的「2021 Taiwan 顯微攝影競賽」,於7月10日開始徵件。顯微攝影在科學發展的重要時刻扮演著舉足輕重的角色,元利儀器盼能透過競賽發掘科學之美、用影像說出屬於你的科學故事。
本次競賽分為「攝影類組」與「3D後製類組」,每個組別將評選出金獎、銀獎各一名,以及不分組優選共四名。金獎得主可獲得獎牌一枚、Olympus 立體顯微鏡 SZ61 /SZ51一台與獎金五萬元;銀獎得主可獲得獎牌一枚與獎金三萬元;優選可獲得獎狀一張與獎金一萬元。
Exploring the beauty under microscope the line between art and science is blurring
捕捉微觀世界的精彩時刻 2021 Taiwan 顯微攝影競賽,旨在發掘科學之美,並推廣顯微攝影技術。元利儀器為Olympus台灣總代理,半世紀來除了提供全台各機構不可或缺的顯微設備,也致力於推動在地顯微技術交流。 透過顯微攝影,能夠展現物質的細微面貌,並捕捉生命多變且秀麗的姿態。 你也著迷於微觀世界的奧秘嗎?7/10起開始徵件,讓你的影像說一個精彩的科學故事!
Ready to share your artistic eye-view of the Micro World? Submit now to win a prize of a customized microscope and NTD 50,000 with 2021 Taiwan Microscope Image Contest!
比賽獎項 Prizes
One (1) Gold Medal Award for each category: Medel, Olympus SZ51 (specially-made) and NT$50,000
One (1) Silver Medal Award for each category: Medel and NT$30,000
Total Four (4) Merit Award for all categories: Certificate and NT$10,000 for each
比賽分組 Categories
Optical Image/ 3D Post-processing
參賽資格 Qualifications for Participation
Digital images for the contest shall be taken by adults (over 18 years old) based in Taiwan (including Taiwanese citizens and foreigners staying in Taiwan) by using optical or confocal microscope (without brand limitation).
投稿方式 Submission Guideline
Each participant shall submit no more than three (3) Images by using one (1) account (National ID number/ Passport number) for his/her participation in the Contest by the deadline for submission.
作品規範 Image Guidelines
Images shall be taken by optical or confocal microscope (without brand limitation), but SEM images are not included.
Images shall be submitted in PNG or JPEG format.
The maximum size of each image in both categories shall be 10MB. The winners are bound to provide high quality images (over 300DPI) for exhibition use within the prescribed time limit, or it shall be deemed to be a voluntary abandonment of the prize/award.
Please refer to “Terms and Conditions for Taiwan Microscope Image Contest” for details and further information.
Terms and Conditions for Taiwan Microscope Image Contest (2021)
Taiwan顯微攝影競賽(下稱「本競賽」)由元利儀器股份有限公司主辦(下稱「主辦單位」)。於參加本競賽前,請詳加閱讀以下之約定條款(下稱「本條款」),一旦將參賽作品提交予主辦單位,即受本條款所拘束。 Please read carefully the terms and conditions (“Terms”) for Taiwan Microscope Image Contest (“Contest”) held by YuanLi Instrument Co., Ltd. (“Organizer”) before participating in the Contest. By summitting Images to Organizer, you agree to be bound by the Terms.
第一條 參賽期間
Article 1 Contest Period
The Contest will commence on July 10, 2021 and end on October 10, 2021 (“Contest Period”).
第二條 提交參賽作品的基本規範
- 參加本競賽之參賽者(下稱「參賽者」)須提交參賽者本人使用光學顯微鏡或共軛焦系統所拍攝之數位檔案照片(下稱「參賽作品」)。
- 每位參賽者最多可提交3件參賽作品。參賽者只能使用一個帳號(中華民國身分證字號/外國護照號碼)參賽,不得另以不同之姓名及帳號參加比賽。每個帳號須一次將最多3件參賽作品上傳完成。
- 本競賽分為2種類組,參賽作品於投搞時須選擇參加之競賽類組。參賽作品應符合各類組之收件規格,各類組之收件規格以本競賽網站上之資訊為準(https://olympusomic.tw/contest/)。
- 參賽者應提供參賽作品之主題與完整說明。
- 參賽者應提供正確之個人資料。主辦單位將以此資料為準,通知各參賽者本競賽後續之相關資訊及得獎資格。
- 參賽作品若經後製,評審團得全權判斷該參賽作品所採用的後製方法是否可接受,後製之定義與說明以本競賽網站之說明為準(https://olympusomic.tw/contest/)。參賽者應尊重評審團之決定,對於評審結果不得異議。為確保本競賽之水準,參賽作品未達評審團共同認定之標準者,獎項得以從缺。
- 參賽作品不得違反善良風俗。
- 參賽作品應為「未經公開發表」之作品。所謂「公開發表」係指:平面出版、公開展覽、攝影比賽得獎。至於無償發表於個人部落格、個人網站、個人Facebook臉書或其他社群網站帳號,或學會團體內部非營利刊物之作品,非屬前開定義之公開發表。
Article 2 Basic Submissions Guidelines for the Images
- Participant in the Contest (“Participant”) shall submit digital images (“Image”) taken by him/herself by using optic microscope or confocal microscope.
- Each Participant shall submit no more than three (3) Images. Furthermore, Participant shall only use one (1) account (National ID number/ Passport number) for his/her participation in the Contest and shall not submit Image with any name or account else. Participant shall upload all three (3) Images at one time.
- The Contest is divided into two (2) separate categories. Participant shall choose one (1) category for each Image. Image shall meet technical specifications as set out on the Contest website (https://olympusomic.tw/contest/).
- Participant is required to provide a title and complete description of each Image.
- Participant shall register correct and accurate personal information. Organizer will send information or notices of award/prize of the Contest to Participant according to such personal information.
- Should any submitted Image be edited or post-processed, the jury has full power and authority to determine whether such editing or post-processing is acceptable. The definition and explanation of Image post-processing are outlined as set out on the Contest website (https://olympusomic.tw/contest/). Participant shall obey and respect the decision made by the jury and Participant has no right to raise an objection. To ensure the quality of the Contest, the jury may decide not to select any Image as winner if there is no qualified Image.
- Image shall not violate public order and morals.
- Image shall not have been published previously in any other publication or exhibition and shall not have won prizes in other image contest. Aforementioned publication does not include images being gratuitously published in personal blog, personal website, personal Facebook or other social media accounts, or internal non-profit publications within an academy or group.
第三條 參賽者之聲明與保證
- 參賽者擁有參賽作品之完整著作權以及智慧財產權利。
- 參賽者提交之參賽作品無違反任何法律、命令,亦無侵害他人著作權、營業秘密、智慧財產權、隱私權、財產權或其他個人權利之情事。
- 參賽者不可有抄襲、重製、冒名、拷貝、格放之行為。
Article 3 Participant’s Representations and Warranties
By submitting Image to Organizer for Contest, each Participant confirms and warrants that:
- Participant owns the full copyright and all intellectual property rights of each Image.
- Image contains no content that violates any law, regulation or order or infringes on copyright, trade secret, intellectual property rights, privacy rights, or other property or personal rights of any third party.
- plagiarism, reproduction, impersonation, copying and cropping are not allowed.
第四條 參賽作品授權
Article 4 License of Image
By submitting Image to Organizer, Participant grants Organizer a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable and sub-licensable license to use the copyrights and all rights of the Image (including but not limited to reproduce, adapt, compile, publicly broadcast, publicly (re)transmit, publicly display, distribute, rent, etc.) in any form, medium or technology, whether it be on website, for screen wallpaper, for physical or online exhibition, publication, advertisement, album, calendar, poster or for any other use desired by Organizer.
第五條 參賽作品違反本條款或法令規定時之處理
- 凡參加比賽,視為參賽者認同並接受本條款。違反者,主辦單位得取消該獎項。參賽者涉及侵害他人著作權者,由參賽者自行負責,與主辦單位無關。
- 如參賽者及參賽作品有違反本條款、著作權法或相關法令之疑慮,參賽者應配合主辦單位要求進行內部調查及對外澄清(包括但不限於說明作品創作過程、提供參賽作品之原始檔案或來源素材等)。
- 若有第三人因參賽作品向主辦單位求償,參賽者應賠償主辦單位因此所受支出之損失與費用(含律師費、訴訟費、對第三人的損害賠償等)。縱參賽者自動放棄參賽資格者,亦同。
- 若於公佈得獎名單後,主辦單位發現參賽作品有違反本條款或相關法令者,主辦單位得取消得獎資格並要求返還獎品。
Article 5 Breach of Terms or Violation of Laws
- It is deemed that Participant fully understands and totally agrees the Terms once he submits Image to Organizer. If Participant violates the copyright law, Organizer may disqualify the winner and cancel the prize, and Participant shall be responsible for any resulting loss.
- In the event that a breach of Terms, infringement of copyright, violation of any law, regulation or order might occur, Participant shall cooperate with Organizer’s investigations and clarification process (including but not limited to clarifying how Image have been taken, providing original file or raw materials of Image, etc.).
- In the event of a claim arising out of Image, Participant shall indemnify Organizer and hold Organizer harmless against any claims, damages and expenses (including but not limited to attorney fees, court fees, compensations, and liabilities). This article shall apply even if Participant withdraws from the Contest.
- In the event that Organizer finds a breach of Terms or violation of laws after the award of prizes, Organizer may disqualify the winners and request him/her to return of the award and prize.
第六條 所得稅
本競賽獎項屬於競技、競賽及機會中獎之獎金或給與,得獎人應依所得稅法規定扣稅,獎項價值超過新臺幣20,000元以上,得獎人須按中獎價值預先扣繳10%機會中獎所得稅(不足 1 元部分,則四捨五入至元),並於領取獎品時繳交身份證影本正反面。假如得獎人不屬於法律所規範的我國境內居住人條件(年度在台居留未滿183天), 無論中獎金額或獎品價值多寡,扣繳義務人應在給付獎金或獎品時,按中獎價值預先扣繳20%稅款,於10日內檢附簽收之領據、護照、居留證及入境紀錄資料影本。無論扣繳與否,均需列入得獎人當年度之個人機會中獎所得,並由主辦單位開立扣繳憑單予得獎人。詳細規定,請參閱財政部稅務入口網。如不願意配合上述程序者,則視為自動放棄得獎資格。
Article 6 Income Tax
The nature of the Contest prize/award is a “taxable income from contests and games and from prizes/awards won by chance” pursuant to Income Tax Act. Should the prize/award values over NT$20,000, the winner shall withhold 10% income tax in accordance with the prize value (rounded to the nearest integer). The winner shall provide National ID photo copy when receiving the prize. If the winner is a Non-resident individual who resides in Taiwan for less than 183 days in a calendar year, such winner shall withhold 20% income tax in accordance with the prize/award value and provide photo copy of receipt, passport, resident certificate and certificate of entry to Taiwan. The Contest prize/award shall be included in the taxable income for the current year regardless of withholding, and Organizer will issue a withholding statement to the winner. Please refer to www.etax.nat.gov.twfor further details. Should the winner not cooperate with Organizer in aforementioned process, it shall be deemed that the winner has voluntarily abandoned the prize/award.
第七條 免責聲明
- 本競賽之參賽者同意對於任何因參加本競賽,及因接受、使用、誤用或持有比賽所得獎品,而衍生之任何權利主張、損失與傷害,均同意釋出、放棄、豁免主辦單位與其合作夥伴、附屬單位、子公司、廣告代理商、代理人、及其員工、經理人、董事和代表人所負之責任,並使之不因任何權利主張、損失與傷害而受有任何損害。
- 主辦單位不為以下情形承擔責任:
- 任何人為操作或檔案傳送時造成的錯誤、干擾、資料刪除或遺失、瑕疵或延遲;
- 線路故障;
- 參賽作品或報名資料遭竊、遭毀損、遭竄改或遭到未經授權的存取。
- 主辦單位也不對任何電話網路或線路、電腦網路系統、伺服器與提供商、電腦設備及軟體的問題或技術故障情形負責。
- 主辦單位不因任何因網路或網站技術或連線、人為操作失誤,或以上多個因素綜合而導致之電子郵件訊息延遲收發狀況負責,包括因參與本競賽而上傳、或下載本競賽相關文件所生或與之有關而對參賽者本人與相關人士之電腦設備所造成之損害。
Article 7 Disclaimer
- Participant agrees to waive, release, and discharge Organizer and its business partner, affiliate, subsidiary, advertising agency, agent, employee, manager, director or representative from any and all claims for damages and/or liability caused arising out of or in connection with Contest and relevant activities, and/or with receiving, using, misusing, and possessing the Contest prize/award.
- Organizer disclaims any liability caused by:
- any error, electronic interference, loss or delete of data, defect or delay due to human factor or during transmission of files;
- circuit failure;
- Image or/and personal information being stolen, damaged, tampered or unauthorized accessed.
- Organizer disclaims liability caused by problems or malfunction relating to, or in any way connected with telephone circuits, computer system, server, service provider, computer equipment and software.
- Organizer is not responsible for and excludes all liability for delay of sending and receiving E-mails arising out of or in connection with internet problems, malfunction of website and its connection, human negligence or any combination of aforementioned factors, as well as any damage to the computers and equipment of the Participant and relevant persons arising out of or in connection with uploading or downloading relevant documents for the Contest.
第八條 其他事項
- 於主辦單位公布本競賽之得獎人後,得獎人不得要求取消得獎資格。
- 本競賽之獎品以公佈於網站上之資訊為準(https://olympusomic.tw/contest/)。本競賽之獎品不得交易、轉換為其他物品或折換現金。若主辦單位無法提供原定獎品,主辦單位得頒發其他等值獎品予得獎人。得獎者同意主辦單位對得獎人所領取獎品造成之損害概不負責。
- 主辦單位保留隨時解釋、變更及補充本條款之權利。若無法進行本競賽,主辦單位有權決定終止、變更或暫停本競賽。
- 本條款之中英文版本如有歧異,概以中文版本為準。
Article 8 Miscellaneous
- After the announcement of the Contest winner, such winner has no right to request Organizer to cancel the award.
- The Contest prize is as set out on the Contest website (https://olympusomic.tw/contest/). The prize is neither transferable nor exchangeable and cannot be taken as cash. If Organizer is unable to provide a stated prize, Organizer reserves the right to award a substitute prize of equal value. Winners agree that Organizer is not responsible for any loss caused by prize itself or the use of prize.
- Organizer reserves the right to interpret, modify and supplement the Terms at any time. If the Contest cannot be held, Organizer reserves the right to cancel, modify or suspend the Contest.
- In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of the Terms, the Chinese version shall prevail.
If you need any further information, please contact us at olympusomic@yuanyu.tw
Taiwan 顯微攝影競賽相關競賽:
- 2023 Taiwan 顯微攝影競賽2023 Taiwan 顯微攝影競賽 競賽將自2023年5月22日開始至9月17日結束 金獎 所有參賽作品選出一名,將獲頒獎牌乙面、Olympus CX23顯微鏡乙台、獎金五萬元新台幣 所有參賽作品選出一名,將獲頒獎牌乙面、獎金三萬元新台幣 題材不限,任何靜態顯微攝影作品皆可投稿
- 2021 Taiwan 顯微攝影競賽2021 Taiwan 顯微攝影競賽 徵件期間為即日起至2021年10月10日止。 競賽分為「攝影類組」與「3D後製類組」 金獎得主可獲得獎牌一枚、Olympus 立體顯微鏡 SZ61 /SZ51一台與獎金五萬元;銀獎得主可獲得獎牌一枚與獎金三萬元;優選可獲得獎狀一張與獎金一萬元。
- 2022第二屆 Taiwan 顯微攝影競賽2022第二屆 Taiwan 顯微攝影競賽 金獎: 所有參賽作品選出一名,將獲頒獎牌乙面、Olympus CX23顯微鏡乙台、獎金五萬元新台幣。 銀獎: 所有參賽作品選出一名,將獲頒獎牌乙面、獎金三萬元新台幣。 優選: 所有參賽作品選出八名,將獲頒獎狀乙只、獎金一萬元新台幣。
- 2021 Taiwan 顯微攝影競賽【元利儀器】 由元利儀器主辦、國立清華大學腦科學研究中心協辦的「2021 Taiwan 顯微攝影競賽」,於7月10日開始徵件。顯微攝影在科學發展的重要時刻扮演著舉足輕重的角色,元利儀器盼能透過競賽發掘科學之美、用影像說出屬於你的科學故事。 本次競賽分為「攝影類組」與「3D後製類組」,每個組別將評選出金獎、銀獎各一名,以及不分組優選共四名。金獎得主可獲得獎牌一枚、Olympus 立體顯微鏡 SZ61 /SZ51一台與獎金五萬元;銀獎得主可獲得獎牌一枚與獎金三萬元;優選可獲得獎狀一張與獎金一萬元。 元利儀器邀請各界對顯微攝影有興趣之人士共襄盛舉,一齊透過顯微影像分享科學之美、推廣顯微技術交流,徵件期間為即日起至2021年10月10日止。 了解更多: 2021 Taiwan 顯微攝影競賽 https://olympusomic.tw/ #元利儀器 #YUANLI #OLYMPUS #顯微攝影競賽 #立體顯微鏡 #科學之美 #攝影類組 #3D後製類組 #國立清華大學腦科學研究中心
- 2021 Taiwan顯微攝影競賽比賽獎項 Prizes 工作區域 1 金獎 (攝影類組、3D後製類組各1名) 獎牌、Olympus實體顯微鏡 乙台(特製品)、獎金5萬元。 One (1) Gold Medal Award for each category: Medel, Olympus SZ51 (specially-made) and NT$50,000 工作區域 2 銀獎 (攝影類組、3D後製類組各1名) 獎牌、獎金3萬元。 One (1) Silver Medal Award for each category: Medel and NT$30,000 工作區域 3 優選 (不分組共4位) 獎狀、獎金1萬元。 Total Four (4) Merit Award for all categories: Certificate and NT$10,000 for each
- 2021 Taiwan 顯微攝影競賽Exploring the beauty under microscope the line between art and science is blurring 顯微影像不只乘載著科學意義,同時表現了令人屏息的絢麗,拓展了我們觀看世界的角度。 捕捉微觀世界的精彩時刻 捕捉微觀世界的精彩時刻 2021 Taiwan 顯微攝影競賽,旨在發掘科學之美,並推廣顯微攝影技術。元利儀器為Olympus台灣總代理,半世紀來除了提供全台各機構不可或缺的顯微設備,也致力於推動在地顯微技術交流。 透過顯微攝影,能夠展現物質的細微面貌,並捕捉生命多變且秀麗的姿態。 你也著迷於微觀世界的奧秘嗎?7/10起開始徵件,讓你的影像說一個精彩的科學故事! Ready to share your artistic eye-view of the Micro World? Submit now to win a prize of a customized microscope and NTD 50,000 with 2021 Taiwan Microscope Image Contest!