2021 World Report Award

2021 World Report Award

 總獎金: 11000(EUR)

最高獎金: 2000(EUR)

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2021-05-17

主辦單位: Fotografico

主辦單位電話: Gruppo Fotografico Progetto Immagine



此競賽是由義大利的FEP( Festival of Ethical Photography )倫理攝影節所舉辦的競賽之一。此競賽期盼來自各國的參賽者能以攝影作為新型的社會參與活動,因此此競賽內容著重於人們與當地文化的故事、個人或群體的日常生活故事等等。而得獎者的作品將會在義大利的倫理攝影節中展覽。

2021 World Report Award


新聞報導組( 大師獎、最佳焦點獎、未來淺力獎 ): 新聞報導20至30張圖片

* 最佳焦點獎僅提供2021/04/01前未曾參加過世界新聞攝影、普立茲獎、全球報導攝影大賽、 W. Eugene Smith Grant 人文主義攝影獎、POYi年度照片等競賽參賽者參加

學生組: 新聞報導20至30張圖片 ( 報名者須為就讀攝影系所的學生或在2020年1月畢業於攝影系所之學生 )

短篇故事組: 新聞報導5至10張圖片

單一照片組: 獨立一組照片


新聞報導組大師獎: 皆有展覽作品之機會。第一名-3,000 € 及Fujifilm X-pro3相機, 第二名-1,000 €, 第三名-1,000 €

  • 新聞報導組最佳焦點獎( 一名 ): 2,000 €及展覽作品之機會
  • 新聞報導組未來淺力獎( 一名 ): 2,000 €及展覽作品之機會
  • 學生組( 一名 ): Fujifilm X-T4相機及展覽作品之機會
  • 短篇故事組( 一名 ): 1,500 €及展覽作品之機會
  • 單一照片組( 一名 ): 500 €



  • 新聞報導組: 第一件30 €,繳交兩件以上作品第二件( 含以上 )每件15€
  • 學生組: 第一件 10 €,繳交兩件以上作品第二件( 含以上 )每件5€
  • 短篇故事組: 第一件10 €,繳交兩件以上作品第二件( 含以上 )每件5€
  • 單一照片組: 第一件10 € ,繳交兩件以上作品第二件( 含以上 )每件5€



  • 任何國籍參賽者皆可參加
  • 各競賽類別對於參賽者的條件限制皆不同,請詳閱各類別規定
  • 須以個人參賽,不接受組隊參賽




  • 繳交作品於2021/05/17歐洲時間( CET )18:00截止
  • 2021/06/18前須完成驗證程序
  • 2021/07/05將會公告部分得獎名單
  • 2021/08/30將會官方公告完整得獎名單




Picter平台連結: https://app.picter.com/signup






  • May 17th, 2021: Submission deadline.
  • June 28th, 2021: Deadline to send the original files to the jury in order to complete the verification process.
    The selected photographers will receive a specific request by email.
  • July 5th, 2021: Official announcement of the 10 finalists in every category and of the 30 finalists of the Single Shot Award
    ( to be published on the website of the Festival of Ethical Photography )
  • August 30th, 2021: Official announcement of the winners in every category
    ( to be published on the website of the Festival of Ethical Photography )


The Festival of Ethical Photography is pleased to present the eleventh edition of the World.Report Award.

The maturity and experience gained over ten years of an international competition, alongside dozens of judges from all over the world represent an incredible heritage as well as a challenge to continually improve.

Every year the contest creates a fresco that tells the stories of our Planet, its great changes and its intimate and personal relationships connecting human beings.

A collective narrative unfolds each year out of the trust and commitment that the world of photography offers alongside our continued promise to try our best to support the international photojournalism community.

The Festival of Ethical Photography of Lodi was created and is managed purely on a voluntary basis. Its purpose is to bring the general public close to ethically significant content using photography as a means of communication and knowledge, analysing different nuances of the delicate relationship between ethics, communication and photography.

The Festival has come to the attention of the public thanks to the quality of its exhibitions and the participation of internationally known photographers present in previous editions. The Festival wants to be at the service of photojournalism, of the kind of photography that tells stories, that makes you think and that is increasingly more difficult to experience in the media.

The World.Report Award aims at a new form of social commitment through photography. The award is open to both professional and amateur photographers from all over the world.

The award will give attention to works focusing on people and their social or cultural stories; public or private, minor or crucial, major human tragedies or smaller daily life stories, changes and immutability.

The main focus of the evaluation of the reportages will be the story that the project tells through compelling images submitted.

The awards are intended to economically support photographers who are actively engaged in this sector of photography.

We are pleased to introduce a new category: FUTURE GENERATIONS AWARD.

The projects submitted to this section will be evaluated by the organizational committee of the Festival for a possible exhibition in what will become the themed area of the Festival for the 2021 edition.


  • 11,000 euros in cash prize
  • 5,000 worth of Fujifilm photography professional equipment
  • The Spotlight photographers meet the Masters’ online lecture
  • Printing of the exhibits
  • Exhibit during the Festival of Ethical Photography in the World.Report Award area of the Festival
  • Travel and accommodation expenses to travel to Lodi, Italy in the month of October
  • Exposure in Italy and abroad through the Traveling Festival exhibit project for 3 years
  • International press exposure
  • Visibility with industry professionals
  • Publication in the annual Festival catalogue for the 2021 edition
  • The Festival commits to giving visibility for a year to all the future projects and publications of the winning photographers within our communication channels
  • All shortlisted photographers will be featured in the permanent online gallery on our site




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