2022 21st Andreu World International Design Contest

2022 21st Andreu World International Design Contest

 總獎金: 6000(EUR)

最高獎金: 4000(EUR)

報名時間: 即日起 ~ 2022-12-02

主辦單位: Andreu World

主辦單位電話: +34-961-80-57-00



A sustainable design of a seat and/or table.

2022 21th Andreu World International Design Contest


The category of seats includes: chairs, armchairs, lounge chairs, stools, benches and sofas.

The category of tables includes: meeting and conference tables, center or auxiliary.


The use of sustainable materials such as the following will be assessed:

-Wood: wood is the most ecological, biodegradable, natural, recyclable material that generates the lowest environmental impact with a carbon footprint lower than any other material.

Therefore, Andreu World manufactures its products with 100% sustainable wood with FSC® certification from forests controlled by a custody protocol that includes planting, logging and drying.

-Innovative and sustainable materials: the use of materials from sustainable sources or that promote the circularity, eco-design or recyclability of the product will be assessed.

-Other materials: laminates, glass, metals, aluminum, thermopolymer and natural stones.

Environmental assessment criteria

The design must consider the entire product lifecycle with a clear focus on the responsible use and selection of materials, as well as their subsequent use to ensure high durability and longevity.

Material selection

-Use of renewable, recycled and/or low impact material.

-Optimized use of materials.


-Low impact processes (low emissions and energyconsumption).

-Low ratio of waste through production.

-Durability, reparability and restoration capacity.


-Potential for reuse and recyclability of materials.

-Product circularity.

Social and cultural assessment criteria

The approach should focus on a design that aspires to the durability and resilience and long-term desirability of the furniture.

The proposals may also be related to the promotion of universal accessibility, cultural enrichment and the application of design to improve the well-being of people in the environments they inhabit.


The competition is open both to design students and to professionals, without age limit.


To compete, a sustainable seat and/or table design must be presented that meets all the specifications that Andreu World presents in the product briefing, solving its technical and formal problems in the terms indicated for its production in series.

Conditions and briefing

Students or design professionals interested in participating can consult the Conditions and the Briefing via the “Talent | Design contest | Legal rules” menu.


Following registration, a personal file is created for each contestant. This file serves to identify the Contestant in the Contest Website during this year’s Competition and future editions.

Participants may only register themselves via the registration form available in our website. Participants may register only once. Registration is not transferable.

New participants may register by completing the form available via the “Access” menu in the website. Following registration, participants will be sent an email with a link to validate the registration.

Once registered, participants can identify themselves in the website using their personal password in order to consult and modify their personal data in the “Edit your data” section within the “Personal data” menu.


Participants may complete the Registration process for the Andreu World International Design Contest once they have obtained a participant number. Once you have identified yourself in the website, you can consult and request your participant numbers (for example: 2022-1) in the Participant numbers section within the Inscription menu.

Each participant must request a participant number for each project presented. You can request as many participant numbers as are necessary.

Participant numbers

Any designs which are not accompanied by the corresponding participant number as issued via the Andreu World, website will be excluded from the Andreu World International Design Contest.

Any designs which are received accompanied by numbers which are not present in the Andreu World’s database will also be excluded.

The inclusion of any personal information in the documentation submitted during the competition will also be reason for exclusion.

All material submitted must be identified with the assigned participant numbers.

  • Models
  • Technical report
  • Packaging
  • Other material relevant to the project.


The following material must be submitted by each participant:

– A prototype of the proposed piece (scale 1:5).

– Technical report of the project as complete as possible. It can include: plans, diagrams, sketches, renders, images of the piece, or video presentation.

The technical report will be sent by email to contest@andreuworld.com indicating in the subject the participant number.

To facilitate the sending of the technical memory, which may include video, the use of digital platforms that allow data transfer such as Wetransfer, OneDrive, Google Drive or similar is allowed.

A particular consideration will be given to innovative contributions (based on a feasibility study), which help to increase the product quality. The following factors will be analyzed:

– Production costs.

– Compliance with the intended functions.

– Ergonomics.

Designs must be submitted in such a manner as to facilitate their mechanized mass production. All products must be original, i.e., they must not reflect previous designs.

Video Presentation

The presentation of a creative video explaining the project and/or showing the details and model of the design will be evaluated.

The maximum video duration will be 2 minutes and should be created in widescreen format with a minimum resolution of 1080p (1920×1080) and maximum resolution of 2160p (3840×2160).

File size cannot exceed 1 Gb.

Any video file format is allowed.

The video must be sent by email along with the technical report.

Any video file format is allowed.


The model must sent to by post or messenger service, or by delivering the project by hand to our offices, before 2nd December 2022..

Andreu World

C/ Los Sauces, 7 Urb. Olimar

46370 Chiva – Valencia Spain

T. +34 96 180 57 00

or P.O. Box Nº 127,

C.P. 46370 Chiva

Valencia Spain

T. +34 96 180 57 00

Projects sent from the United States of America can be sent to the following address before 11th November 2022.

Andreu World America

Attn: 2017 Design Contest

222 Merchandise Mart

Ste 10-132

Chicago, Illinois 60654

T. +1 312 464 09 00

Cost of Shipping / Returning

Each participant assumes responsibility for the costs of sending their projects and presentations.

To avoid the cost of the shipment through customs,it must be taken into account that the greater the commercial value of the project, the more expensive the cost of transport will be.

For shipments and international collections of models, some courier companies require the participant have a customer number to pay for the shipping and return of their entries.

Andreu World will not manage and will not pay for the costs arising from the transport, taxes, customs fees, etc.


The following prizes:

  • 1st prize of 4000 euros
  • 2nd prize of 2000 euros
  • 3 special mentions

Will be awarded by a jury composed of professionals from different sectors: Design, Industry, Media and other fields related to creative activities.


The awards ceremony will be held on December 2022.

Contest results

The awards may be declared vacant upon the decision of the majority (half plus one) of the members of the Professional Jury.

The winners will be notified of the results of the contest after the signing of the minutes from the jury.


All projects submitted and which comply with the criteria that Andreu World subsequently considers appropriate for production will remain the property of Andreu World, who will compensate the designers with appropriate royal-ties according to the company’s internal standard.

Andreu World will also retain possession of the projects submitted by the winners of the first and second prizes, and in relation to which Andreu World assumes no commitment for the production of the same.

With the submission of the designs to the competition, participants guarantee that they will not provide materials that infringe on any intellectual property or third-party rights, so that to release absolutely Andreu World of all liability for breach of any rule or infraction of the third-party rights on the part of the participants, assuming the obligation to keep Andreu World free of all responsibility in such as case.

Participants in the contest cede to Andreu World the exploitation rights of the images submitted, including the rights to use, disseminate, distribute, exhibit, use in public communications, release, reproduce on the internet or any other audiovisual media, display or exhibition, of the designs submitted.

Responsibility of the designer

The designers of the works submitted will be responsible for any claims made in relation to the authorship of the designs and possible cases of plagiarism related to the same.

Video intellectual property

Videos submitted by participants will be free from agreements, contracts, licenses, liens or encumbrances, and will not be registered in collective management organizations (national or international) rights.

Andreu World will not be responsible if the participants are not the authors and incorporate works of others.

The videos will not infringe intellectual property rights and/or industrial property of third parties, unless they are in public domain and exonerate Andreu World, in the event of claims by third parties for violations of these rights.

Andreu World will be authorized, without any consideration, exclusively and with capacity of transfer to third parties, its synchronization, reproduction, public communication, transformation and distribution for any format and onli- ne and offline support.

Transport incidents

Andreu World assumes no responsibility for any delays or losses related to the projects sent, nor to the condition of the same following the treatment received during transportation.

Return of projects

The projects submitted may be collected by their authors starting February 1st, 2023 to February 28th, 2023 at the facilities of Andreu World, S.L. (address(s) below).

Andreu World

C/ Los Sauces, 7 Urb. Olimar

46370 Chiva, Valencia


or P.O. Box Nº 127,

C.P. 46370 Chiva,

Valencia Spain

T. +34 96 180 57 00

For this, participants must provide notification at least working three days in advance so that Andreu World can pack the items for transportation.

Each participant will be responsible for the management of and costs of shipment/return of their project(s) submitted such as transportation, insurance, taxes, customs, freight, etc.

Andreu World cannot accept advance payment by the contestants for the costs arising from the return of the project. It will be the contestant who must manage the collection by courier with minimum notice of three working days to prepare the shipment. Nor will Andreu World be able to handle postage due.

Once the deadline has passed without the collection of projects, it will be understood that the contestant waives rights to recover them, and Andreu World may proceed with them as they see fit.

Modification of the rules

Andreu World reserves the right to modify any point of the rules such as the dates and place of the award ceremony or the collection of the models for the Andreu World International Design Contest.

Andreu World shall communicate the new date and location of the awards ceremony to the media and contestants as quickly as possible so that proper arrangements may be made.

Acceptance of the rules

Participation in the Andreu World International Design Contest implies full acceptance of these conditions.

A breach of any of these conditions by a participant will give rise to the exclusion of the corresponding design from the Andreu World International Design Contest. Conditions deposited with a notary.

2022 21st Andreu World International Design Contest

2022 21st Andreu World International Design Contest


安德魯國際設計大賽 Andreu World International Design Contest相關競賽


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