

23rd Andreu World International Design Contest 第23屆安德魯世界國際設計大賽


23rd Andreu World International Design Contest 第23屆安德魯世界國際設計大賽

Special edition Circular Design Challenge. Design of a seat and/or table made for the circular economy.
特別版圓形設計挑戰賽。 為循環經濟設計的座椅和/或桌子。

The category of seats includes: chairs, armchairs, lounge chairs, stools, benches and sofas.
The category of tables includes: meeting and conference, dining, coffee, center or auxiliary tables.


The competition is open both to design students and to professionals, without age limit.

Deadline:November 29, 2024
Following registration, a personal file is created for each contestant. This file serves to identify the Contestant in the Contest Website during this year’s Competition and future editions.
Registration can only be made through the registration form on the Contest website. Registration is unique and personal.
In the case of a contestant participating through a school, the name of the school and the name of the associated tutor must be specified.
In the "Register" menu of the website, new participants can register by filling in the form and clicking on "Send", after which they will receive an e-mail with a link to validate the registration
Once registered, participants will be able to identify themselves with their personal password on the website, to consult and modify their personal information in the Personal Data section of the "Register" menu.
Each contestant's data will only be processed internally, will not be shared with third parties and will only be used for Andreu World communications
註冊後,將為每位參賽者建立個人檔案。 該文件用於在今年的比賽和未來的比賽中識別比賽網站上的參賽者。

註冊只能透過競賽網站上的註冊表進行。 註冊是獨一無二的、個人化的。



The following material must be submitted by each participant:
– A prototype of the proposed piece (scale 1:5).
– Technical report of the project as complete as possible. It can include: plans, diagrams, sketches, renders, images of the piece, or video presentation.
The technical report will be sent by email to contest@andreuworld.com indicating in the subject the participant number.
To facilitate the sending of the technical memory, which may include video, the use of digital platforms that allow data transfer such as Wetransfer, OneDrive, Google Drive or similar is allowed.
A particular consideration will be given to innovative contributions (based on a feasibility study), which help to increase the product quality. The following factors will be analyzed:
– Production costs.
– Compliance with the intended functions.
– Ergonomics.
– Sustainability (carbon footprint data, recyclability, new recycled and recyclable materials)
The designs must be presented in such a way that they can be produced in a mechanized and mass-produced manner.
The product must be original and unpublished, i.e., its design must not have been made before.

– 擬議作品的原型(比例 1:5)。

– 專案的技術報告盡可能完整。 它可以包括:計劃、圖表、草圖、渲染圖、作品圖像或視訊演示。


為了促進技術記憶(可能包括視訊)的發送,允許使用允許資料傳輸的數位平台,例如 Wetransfer、OneDrive、Google Drive 或類似平台。

將特別考慮有助於提高產品品質的創新貢獻(基於可行性研究)。 將分析以下因素:

– 生產成本。

– 符合預期功能。

– 人體工學。

– 永續性(碳足跡數據、可回收性、新的回收和可回收材料)


The presentation of a creative video explaining the project and/or showing the details and model of the design will be evaluated.
The maximum video duration will be 2 minutes and should be created in widescreen format with a minimum resolution of 1080p (1920×1080) and maximum resolution of 2160p (3840×2160).
File size cannot exceed 1 Gb.
Any video file format is allowed.
The video must be sent by email along with the technical report.
Any video file format is allowed.

影片長度最長為 2 分鐘,並應以寬螢幕格式創建,最小解析度為 1080p (1920×1080),最大解析度為 2160p (3840×2160)。

檔案大小不能超過 1 Gb。




The following prizes:
– 1st prize of 20,000 euros
– 3 special mentions
These are to be awarded by the Jury made up of professionals from different fields: Design, Industry, Media and other fields related to creative activities.
If the project is presented under the tutoring of a teacher from an official educational center, the prize will be divided equally between the tutor of the project (10.000€) and the student who carries it out (10.000€). The tutor is responsible for communicating to the school the prize won and to act according to the legal and established rules of the school.
In the participant's registration, both the designer and his or her tutor must be included in this case.

– 頭獎 20,000 歐元
– 3個特別提及

如果該計畫是在官方教育中心教師的輔導下進行的,則獎金將在該計畫的導師(10.000歐元)和執行該計畫的學生(10.000歐元)之間平分。 導師負責向學校通報獲獎情況,並依照學校的法律和既定規則行事。


主辦單位:Andreu World
聯絡人:Andreu World
聯絡電話:+34 961 80 57 00
比賽網站 : https://andreuworld.com/en/talent/design-contest

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